MrBeast for President

MrBeast for President

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “MrBeast for President”.
Mr Beast released a video where he paid for a thousand blind people to receive cataract surgery, and a lot of people are big: mad um, okay. So, let’s unpack that yeah, this kind of philanthropic, slash giveaway content is fairly typical for Mr Beast and the surgeries were done in partnership with C International uh. Mr BEAST’s rationale for it can be found in a tweet that was posted the same day um. Actually, you know what let’s do the criticisms first, so one this is the monetization of people’s suffering. The charity contributes resources to helping people mean, meaning not all of the money that made. This happen is from Mr Beast, and the additional attention will lead to Future profits from him. Okay, number two is that people who can’t afford surgery shouldn’t have to wait for random acts of kindness from a wealthy celebrity to fix basic problems, and this Applause and focus on individual charity distracts from the structural changes that need to happen and number three criticism was: It’S kind of cringe yo, some viewers reported feeling deeply uncomfortable with the General Dynamic of a rich dude, making a video of person after person being desperately grateful to him um. Now, let’s go back to so. In this case, this is someone that I actually do know.

MrBeast for President

Personally, it’s not like we’ve uh spent, you know many many many, you know months together, working side by side or you know in the fields you know harvesting, wheat or whatever he’s making videos about these days. I don’t know I could. I could see him doing like. I I spent I spent 30 days.

MrBeast for President

You know harvesting wheat in a field like who knows if he could make it entertaining. Do you deny it? I probably could okay, so the point is, but this is an individual that I actually know um and so first of all are the defenses. So I already said this, but this kind of philanthropic’s laugh giveaway content is pretty on brand for him pretty typical and his rationale can be found in a tweet posted the same day, and this is what he said. I don’t understand why curable blindness is a thing. Why don’t government step in and help even if you’re thinking purely from a financial standpoint, it’s hard to see how they don’t Roi on taxes from people being able to work again, um? That is one of the most uh. How do I put this? I, like Jimmy a lot he’s, I think, he’s pretty transparent that his you know.

MrBeast for President

His main goal is to be the biggest YouTuber ever. I don’t think he shies away from that, and I I don’t think he I don’t think he hides from the fact that um, you know a lot of what he does is in service of that goal right, not even Heights. He he promotes that he has no issue. However, something that you guys have got to understand about him is that a he’s super super young and has basically lived in a bubble. Creating YouTube comment, content for like his entire adult life and two is that I think the YouTube content aside and wanting to be the biggest YouTuber and whatever else aside, I think he genuinely has a good heart – and, what’s really interesting to me, is this: tweet is Either engineered to be as viral as possible, which is a is an option um. You know he certainly could do it.

If there’s anyone who I could look at and say you know yeah that probably those words in that order is probably whatever would perform the absolute best uh he could. He could do that. I wouldn’t yeah, I believe it um, but I want to believe it’s something else.

I want to believe it’s an Awakening where he is figuring out that for him to actually make a difference in the world, he needs to promote societal change. Structural change, rather than just making charity porn, which is, which is what some people described the curing blindness video as, however, I think that he’s going to encounter well as he’s already encountering, but I think that if he actually goes down this path of hey, this is Just kind of Common Sense from us from a from a common good standpoint, we should all work together to cure this very curable illness, so that this person can can even just purely from a financial standpoint. Uh, you know, contribute more to our nation’s GDP.

Right like we should just all do this. I think that, particularly in the nation where he lives, he’s going to he’s going to run into a lot of uh pushback yeah a lot of resistance. And it’s baffling to me because I already live in a country where this surgery is just fine, that you just get it um and do you get it tomorrow, not necessarily? Okay, it’s a triage system. If something more urgent comes along, you will probably get bumped and we often have shortages shortages, but that’s a I mean, that’s a long conversation.

Part of our shortages are because we have a significant brain drain down to the for-profit medical system down in the states where doctors can make way more money at predatory hospitals than they could up here. So that’s a whole. That’S a whole can of worms we’re not going to bother trying to unpack today our system’s not perfect, but like much like, I think Jimmy is trying to get across here shouldn’t we all be trying um. The timing is really interesting. I don’t know if you saw this, but the U.S House of Representatives uh passed a motion which is kind of meaningless. It’S just posturing, but past emotion, denouncing socialism, I’m not convinced that most of the people who voted on it actually understand what it is.

For starters. Um because, like basically that’s that’s like this tweet in a nutshell, it’s like hey, wouldn’t it be better for the common good if we just like cured curable blindness so that like people could get back to work like doesn’t that seem like a positive thing? Um, I don’t know man I Jimmy for president. I I think that he should set his sights higher than being the biggest YouTuber. I think, if there’s anyone that has the Charisma and has just enough of a no-nonsense common sense approach that he could actually disrupt it. This this broken system he’s too young. Do you have to like put your business on hold or anything? Well, apparently, not yeah. I mean that was the norm. Yeah we experienced that that was yeah.

That was, you could just keep making YouTube videos. So I doubt that would fly. I mean from my understanding it off White House grounds without the Secret Service, stopping him actual real Edition, no joke. I would watch the sh yeah.

I mean it would be huge reviews, it’d be massive reviews yeah, so I mean okay, look, we’ve got people talking in the chat right like he would get, he would get stopped by the swamp. The opposition would stop him. He’D get monster votes. That’S the thing! That’S the thing is no matter free, Beast burger with every vote, no matter who you are, I think that you know whatever your political leanings are. You could probably use a dose of common sense. You know, I think that on both sides of the political Spectrum, we could all use a little bit more common sense and Jimmy’s. Not perfect. I’M not perfect nobody’s perfect.

So I’m not saying he’d fix everything. He’D be perfect, perfect president. Nothing like that, but I think overall his heart’s in the right place and uh. You know my worthless endorsement as a Canadian being what it is.

I uh I I support Jimmy for our president. That’S that’s it! That’S all! I have to say about that wow. How old do you have to be to be president 45? I think 35 yeah so he’s not even eligible for, but that’s the thing he’s got 10 years he’s got 10 years for the dumpster fire to get more dumpster fiery for the polarization to exhaust everyone and for him to come in and say I have a better Way, what about just positivity, what about just trying to help people, what about seeing problems and going? Why isn’t this fixed? How is this still a problem? That’S the right attitude and that’s what has made him successful so far, so all he has to do is hold on to that for 11, more years 21 more years, whatever it is. Apparently it’s 35.. There you go um he’s not 14., so yeah, what whatever, whatever the works, whatever it works out to you he’s just got ta he’s just got ta keep grounded, which is tough. I mean he’s going to be the first billionaire YouTuber mark my words yeah, but I don’t think he’s going anywhere like anywhere as in a way. I mean that’s what he tells me, but I have told him on multiple occasions. Everyone wears out, it’s tiring.

You haven’t yet you got real close. You know, I’ve been close yeah, but you also like Can’t Stop yeah. I feel like he has the same type of mentality.

Yeah we’re a lot of like he’s just way better than me. Yeah – and I just have a tech Obsession – I was gon na say he picked like YouTube as his thing in general. I didn’t pick Tech picked me yeah yeah. I don’t. I don’t make the rules.

I I was lucky enough that Tech – I I kind of jumped onto it at a time when it was exploding into the mainstream, like the fact that most people care about a phone at all. Like I’m thinking about when I was a kid people didn’t care about what phone are you kidding me like the thing that you like dial like this with the rotary like come on right, so I just happened to be passionate about tech and Tech happened to be At an inflection point, where it completely took over our lives and I’ve ridden that wave yeah .