Do We Take Them Back?

Do We Take Them Back?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Do We Take Them Back?”.
Anchor you want to talk about anchor yeah all right because I’m still mad. Let’S talk about anchor you’re coloring, the people’s perspective perception you got to. Let them decide for themselves no yeah, I’m pissed off too, but like they can. They can have the right opinion. Okay and I’m the one with the ego, I’m the one with the problem, I think that’s still true. Anyways since whistleblowers revealed serious security flaws. Last November, journalists have been demanding answers after a long series of fibs, inaccuracies and omissions.

Anchor has finally acknowledged that the footage on yuffie security cameras was not, as they claimed natively end-to-end encrypted. It wasn’t no way, no amazing. They now claim that they have addressed the issue with the yuffie web portal, that made unencrypted camera, live streams accessible without authentication and will be updating every yuffie camera to default end-to-end encryption via webrtc, but they state that only one device, the video doorbell dual was sending And storing information on yuffie’s cloud without user initiation, which is too much matter exactly yeah one is too many when you say it doesn’t happen at all, but carry on we’re both Mr LaFreniere, both interjecting to say the same things like hold on a minute that that’s Irrelevant uh, according to their statement, this was a copy of a setup image for facial recognition in case the user added an additional device or replace their existing device. I don’t care they admired that this was not in line with their local storage Mission and the process has been removed.

They stress that no facial recognition data was included and that they have no access to users footage while using local storage and no access to users. Biometric data whatsoever sure yeah see that’s the problem. Is this isn’t about how the hardware works or what the policy is or it’s about? Do I believe you at all yeah go on. Yeah anchor has apologized for poor communication, good uh and confirmed plans to create a bug Bounty program. Okay, now tell me something: did you read the statement, the statement yeah that anchor released? Oh, no, okay, then I’m ahead of you.

Do We Take Them Back?

I read the statement. I didn’t just read the comments on it, but I did read those as well. Are you going over it now? It’S specifically explicitly is not an apology, I’m not surprised because that’s what they did last time too it, but they actually, I read the last one.

No, it’s bizarre like they go out of their way to say this is not an apology. We will apologize later, so I okay, if I were to take if I were to take super weird like if I were to take the statement at face value. Okay, it seems like they want to get all their ducks in a row and provide the whole story alongside a heartfelt apology.

Do We Take Them Back?

Just but, from my point of view, it looks like legal butt covering that’s. The only reason that I can see from a corporate standpoint not to apologize, because an apology is an implicit admission of guilt of wrongdoing, not as much in Canada, which is why we say sorry a lot if they apologize they’re, basically saying we did something wrong, whereas If they don’t apologize, if they specifically say we’re, not apologizing, but we’ll apologize later, once we’ve got everything figured out, they’re, basically just stalling Depot 839 and Philip plane chat said. This is not an apology. It’S just a tribute which is a very good reference. Um I approved this tribute yeah. I that sucks that sucks a lot. I at this point like we’re gon na get I’m gon na skip the last couple notes we’re gon na go right into the discussion question.

Do We Take Them Back?

What will anchor need to do in order for the community at large to accept their apology? Can we ever trust them again? What a massive like brutalizing leadership change like, I can’t imagine the the the thing that steered this ship so far. I would ever trust again. Yeah yeah, I mean, I think, that’s uh, but then here’s the thing if they told you that everyone responsible has been asked, would you even believe them like that? The problem is not even that they lied. That’S part of the problem. That’S the problem is that they lied and lied again and lied about lying and lied some more and then. Finally, when they have something they would apologize, they said we’re sorry that you’re upset we’ll apologize once we’re sure if we did anything wrong and what it was, and that will happen later about you. Don’T when you do something? Okay, imagine this when you do you do the wrong.

Sorry, I need to. I need to take stock of what exactly I need to review the footage that happened there. Yeah I need to. I need.

I’M gon na have to check the I’m gon na, have to read the comments and see if people think that I was in the wrong or your arm shouldn’t have been there I’ll get back to you later, with an apology, elbow gate too. What is that? That’S? That’S stupid, yeah. If you actually own that you did something wrong. You apologize right away. You don’t wait um, so I don’t think there’s much else to say here I mean I we can put up a poll if you really want but like realistically, I can tell you from my point of view. We are not taking anchor back as a sponsor as a business collaborator.

It’S not happening, and I I don’t know if this is true, but I’m going to assume it was true. There was probably an opportunity for that to happen. Well, yeah, of course the ship is sailed.

Well, yeah the ship sailed the second that the security researcher said hey guys this and they didn’t immediately go holy. Crap, we’re gon na fix this sorry, massive oversight, big patch yeah yeah. Even if that was a lie, it would have been the correct lie. I won’t say anything is the right lie because there’s no right lie, but there is a correct lie, but they couldn’t even play the game.

Yeah yeah yeah. They couldn’t even pretend they’re. Just like nope nope, what, if you don’t want to be associated with the CCP? Don’T act like them because, like that, that’s that’s the reality right, fair enough, like from from a certain point of view. Yes, okay, every Chinese Corporation has has some uh pressure on them from the CCP, but that doesn’t mean you have to actually behave just like them when you’re caught lying.

You just lie more like I don’t get it so like something in the water and like Russia, China region, like just I mean not that frankly, um Western leadership lies that much less I mean that’s politicians or less at all. To be completely honest, I guess it’s just it’s like the bald-faceness of it. You know like they’re, not even they’re, not even giving me any respect whatsoever. They’Re going.

I didn’t do that right. You can’t prove I did it yeah. I mean like at least at least give me something plausible. Like I’m I’m sorry, I have a rare condition that caused causes, muscle muscle spasms, yeah yeah, it’s it’s like it’s like Tourette’s, but for physical violence like I just you know. Isn’T that a thing? Actually? No. I mean, I doubt so extreme that you would like hit people um, but like it’s, I don’t know at least make up something plausible.

You know help me out here. .