Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴BIGGEST FIRESTICK ISSUE FINALLY FIXED !”.
Now, if you are a fire, stick or fight TV user or really any of the Amazon devices, including the JVC TVs, you must have noticed that for some reason, every time your device starts or just periodically on your device, it seems like you, have a new notification. Now go to the notification, I click on that and it says music, but I’m not running any music application or really any application, because, even when I restart my device, this comes up straight away. Lots of you did message me about this issue. I just didn’t get a chance to look into this problem until today, but I do now have an easy fix that you can apply with one click which will fix this issue across all of your Amazon devices. Now to apply the fix. If you open up the tduk unified toolbox, let’s click on that. I will go into this in just a second, but just to show you how easy the fix is.


You want to now scroll down these Amazon processes, keep scrolling down and you’re looking for the process called com, dot, Amazon, dot device cell service. So this is actually a process to use for the recommendation engine, but it also seems to cause this bug with the incorrect music notifications. So all you need to do is just press the select button we can see that’s now ticked. If I now go to the top or you can just press the right on the directional pad, this will take you straight to the top, and we can now see that the play button is highlighted. I can now press the select button, one click, and this is basically saying that we are now disabling, that service, which is causing that incorrect notification to appear that’s now done. I can now press the back button.


Let’S now go over to settings good notifications, and just like that guys, we now have no more annoying incorrect notifications on our Amazon device. So, and the key thing is even if I now restart my device by pressing the plane, select buttons together for eight seconds or maybe six seconds, that will then restart my device and the reason why that was the key issue. Is people notice that, even if they manually disable the notification or dismiss it the next time, the device would restart that annoying notification would then once again come back, but we can see in my device without any editing I’ve now just rebooted my fight TV Cube, we’ll Give that a second I’ll then select my profile I’ll go over to the settings and we’ll see if this actually has fixed the problem or not, because again the real issue was when you restarted your device.


I click on my profile. I now give it a few seconds to load up in the background before I go over to the settings. If I now click on notifications time for a drum roll, is this going to work or not one click, and we have no notifications. So let me now show you how you can get this tduk unified toolbox on all of your devices. Let’S now press the home key: let’s go over to settings, go to Mifi TV click on developer options and where it says, install unknown, apps just make sure downloader is set to on, and this just means that we can download applications through downloader and install them.

Let’S now press the home key and let’s now open up downloader inside downloader, we can type in a direct code which will take us to the page which has the unified toolbox. So, let’s type in the code, 295-427 and click on go and just while you’re waiting guys if you do want to see more tips and tricks more tutorials, more streaming, applications for all of your Amazon and Android TV devices. Then please do take a moment to hit that like button and make sure you are subscribed for all future updates. Let’S scroll down, I mean this would be an update video in itself.

Just talking about the Diplo toolbox, I mean Amazon have made so many changes since I made the original toolbox lots of things that we could previously disable like the ability to block updates the ability to disable your home screen launcher or the stock launcher. All of that has been blocked now by Amazon, but this, for example, we can still use so if we scroll down, but there are still many processes that, if you want to, you, can still disable on your device just to free up that memory and also reduce Things running in the background: keep scrolling down. Are you looking for a single link to the unified toolbox? So, let’s click on that and you’re looking for this green download button, so click on that install that onto your device and before you open up the toolbox, just make sure that you do have ADB. Debugging enabled so back into my fight TV developer options and we can see on my device. Adb, debugging is on once we’ve confirmed that let’s now press the home key and we can now start up the tduk unified deploy toolbox. So, let’s press the select button on that now, for example, we can see many of these processes that are running in the background and, if you want to, you can potentially disable them by pressing the select button on them.

Now they want to go through a big list now of the processes, because I’ve covered this before in older videos, but for a super quick test. For example, if I turn off this IMDb TV, let’s click on that. That’S now ticked. If I now press the right on the directional pad just looking it quickly to the Top, If I press the select button that should now have disabled IMDb TV, which in fact is Amazon free V, if I now press the home button, I’m not sure if this Is still going to work, but let’s just try if I now find Freeview in the list. Let’S click on that. Let’S click on open.

We can see it doesn’t open. So let’s try that one more time because we disable that background process that freebie needs. That means this application can now no longer run on my device, so we have less things running in the background we have more memory available, which in turn means we should have a much faster running Amazon device. Let’S now press the home button, so you can see guys very, very easy to use.

You can do everything with one click: let’s go down so for the people interested in just fixing the music notification again. The process that you want to disable is this one here. So com.amazon device cell service – and you know that a process is disabled, is when it has a tick. So if I press the back button to exit from the application, when I now go back in anything, that’s ticked now, it means that it’s still disabled, so scrolling down.

We can see the first thing: that’s ticked is IMDb TV, which is freebie and keep going down, and the other thing that’s ticked, which is disabled, is the device cell service which fixes that notification bug now for a super quick test. If I want to enable Freeview again because let’s say I want to start using the application, let’s go back to the top. Let’S now tick this so again, when things are unticked, it means they’re enabled, but you have to tick it. You have to go to the top or just press the right on the directional pad and you want to press select on the play button there, and this basically applies the change. So, let’s press the select button, so in theory now the Freeview process should be enabled. I can now press the home button and if I now want to start Freeview again just to show you how easy it is to disable and enable processes, I can click on that and this time we go straight into the application. So super easy to use.

You can now quickly disable or enable processes that you’re not using anymore, but the main part of this video was how we can easily fix this notification thing across all of their devices and before you go guys. Let me just share a super quick, very special offer from ipvanish, where you can get complete protection for unlimited devices. Your phones, Your Fire, Sticks your Android TVs, Windows, PCS, every device covered at maximum speed change. Your IP address, access, geolocked content, hide your online activity. All of that for just over three dollars a month. I definitely think it’s worthwhile checking out. So if you are interested, do have a look in the video description and the printed comment to take advantage of this special offer, which is just for the next one or two weeks so really appreciate your support. Do leave me a comment below if you found the fix for that notification, useful and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon, thanks .