Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Don’t hire people”.
This is from Austin Luke Linus in an earlier show. You said sometimes, as you scale up in a business, you have to become less efficient. Can you give some examples of that? Oh sure I mean yeah. The easiest example of that is, I brought in Luke to write scripts right so so now we went from okay, let’s ignore Ed, who edited videos and Yvonne who did all the accounting and stuff. So let’s go back to the original four-person team, but let’s pretend it was only two: let’s pretend it was just me and Luke.
If it’s me when I want to write a script, All I Do Is Write the script and that takes let’s say four hours. Okay, now I brought in Luke we have double the number of hours, so cool we’re gon na get two scripts every four hours, but a script still takes four hours and when it’s done now, I have to review it, which takes maybe 30 minutes. So my time certainly got more, you know sometimes longer uh, so my time certainly got more efficient, but overall it took more hours to deliver a finished product and you basically take that multiply it times. However, many levels of management add the game of telephone that exists for every different team and individual that’s involved in providing feedback on whatever it is, and you go from. You know a public communication from me back in the day being like something on Reddit hit uh to six seven.
Eight people are involved to make sure that I don’t put my foot in my mouth about a warranty or something like that right. There’S a lot there’s also like team coordination. You can’t all be running around with chickens like chickens with your head cut off, so you start needing to have meetings and then yep.
Okay, you try to control that. So you start building processes to make it. So you don’t have to have that meeting okay, but that takes time and and now you have to train people because you’re trying to bring on Junior people.
But that takes more time and no just every added person, every single one. Every additional person that you bring on reduces efficiency almost across the board by I sum them out. It might be really small, but it’s some amount and hopefully that added person adds more than the efficiency that they take away from the rest of the team. But that equation is always happening. That’S why small teams are good. So that’s why small teams get a lot done. Yeah, yeah yep, because you have you have less reporting to deal with.
You have less extra documentation. Yes, even on a small team, even a team of one, you should be making some amount of documentation but you’re going to be making more. If you’re on a big team, absolutely um yeah, it’s just it is what it is, and it’s frustrating but there’s nothing.
You can do about it, it’s just going to be that way. Yeah and like in theory, you know Luke’s script that he spent four hours on would be absolutely perfect and I wouldn’t need to review it because he did it as well as me, but no offense, but I’m a much better writer than Luke and the standards for The channel sorry, the standards for the channel aren’t going to change. It has to be to my standard, so I have to look at it and that’s going to be a consistent problem.
If you’re in a field that I will call Artisan, create creative yeah yeah, if you’re, if you’re, in a creative line of work, because you’re going to have a way that you like things as well and there’s pretty much. No way that the person that you hire is gon na make things exactly in the way that you like them, yeah and also aside from preference. I am just a better writer than you, yeah he’s a writer, it’s true, I really didn’t. I hired him to be a camera operator yeah, which you’re even worse.
At about writing that works great yeah right. You, who you hire, people who are better at things than you Luke is a much better manager of development than I am I have no. I have no idea where to even start, but then the inefficiency goes the other way, because now Luke has to explain to me what the crap it is that he does in a weekly float plane digest document that he creates, because otherwise I and the rest of The executives have no idea what each other are doing and in a meeting where I’m able to provide any feedback and ask questions it’s inefficient, but I don’t see another way to do it.
I think it’s. Ah, it’s inefficient and it is efficient because it’s an efficient solution to a problem, but it’s a problem. That’S created, inefficiency, yeah. This is great uh. Best line of the land show actually goes to a prime, not to you.
Uh Luke wrote a great fantasy of a resume. That’S true your resume. It was complete. Don’T do this to me by the way I’ve caught people doing this.
This is not a suggestion, but I definitely lied through my teeth. On my resume yeah I had. I had never filmed you’re not running for office. Anything that resume would have been really good at U.S.
Has a representative George. I if I I told you in the first interview, though right, I think so, I’m pretty sure and then you’re like okay, we’ll just film. This thing and the camera that you gave me couldn’t even Zoom, so I was like nice, easy mode kind of cheating because, like all of my friends to comment bomb, the video really positively I’ve told you this part too yeah. I don’t know it just makes me cringe every time.
Let’S go getting it done. Don’T do that yeah, um! .