Does Linus ever stop working?

Does Linus ever stop working?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Does Linus ever stop working?”.
Next up: okay, we’re on the oh God, uh we’re in the same sort of vein on this uh. This is from Anonymous on average. How many hours a week, do you guys work and how does it compare to the average hours of the rest of your staff too many, and I hope more then um. I have better balance these days, but the lines between work and not work for me are extraordinarily blurry. Theoretically, I take every Monday off, but I think all right.

Does Linus ever stop working?

You know for a fact that I do plenty of work on Mondays um and it’s often not even subtle, like he’s like filming at his house, with a film crew. Ah he’s just not at work he’s at home, filming with a film crew, um yeah. I mean that, doesn’t we try not to do that anymore than we absolutely have to like? I I am setting aside time, like I’m scheduling time for things that yeah, but you also try not to like stay after wancho and film videos yeah more than you absolutely have to or push when show back because of filming videos more than you absolutely have to. But that happens every single week.

Well, okay, but the point is that um, yeah and so okay, a lot of what I do is also I don’t know if it’s work or not, but I like it, never really turns off so like on a Saturday. I’M sitting checking analytics and reading comments on the video that released that day, like I never I shouldn’t say never, but almost never like, maybe one out of a hundred. I don’t check Community sentiment when we release a video, so I’m working every single day. From that point of view, but it’s not like work work.

It’S like I mean I was going to say it’s time. I wouldn’t have spent doing anything else anyway, but that’s probably because it’s so ingrained in me that if I have a moment of downtime, I should be looking at Channel analytics and reading comments. I don’t know, am I addicted. Is it work, I’m not sure somewhere in between? Probably, I think you ask pretty much any like social media personality and they’re.

They probably are wired pretty much the same way because I Don’t Think You’d Survive otherwise. Yeah I’ve had a lot of Team expansion over the last little while so there’s just been a lot of stuff to do and like it’s, it’s fine, I’m not complaining about it. I don’t even think I’ve mentioned it to align as much um Nokia. 11. 19..

Does Linus ever stop working?

This is work revolves around YouTube. So technically him recording in his house is still work. No, that’s not technically.

Does Linus ever stop working?

That just is work yeah! That’S that’s my point. My point is that it’s no different, it’s just at home. No, no, that just is work. That’S not that’s not technically anything, there’s no gray area there, um, but yeah.

I don’t know okay. I know I do know some people on my staff work more than they should, though, I’ve had more than a few conversations telling people to stop crunching um yeah, and I never told them to Crunch in the first place. Yeah they’re, just like passionate people that care a lot which is cool yeah but yeah. My favorite is yelling at people to fill out their time sheets properly. It’S like it actually cannot work for no pay, mine’s filled out right now. Yeah you you! Actually.

I shouldn’t have to fill one out. I still I will die on that Hill. That’S ridiculous! That’S absolutely ridiculous makes no sense in his complete BS. I work way more than that many hours so like hold on a second here hold on. Oh no! I I just I I thought I thought um to give about it that I had in here, but it’s just. If I have to tell the time she should have to fill out a time sheet. That’S what I’m saying I do fill out a time sheet. Why? I just delegate it foreign fair enough I’ll.

Take that I’ll. Take that wow all right. That’S a that’s! A Next Level move! You have much to learn.

Still yeah, don’t learn from life. You can’t do that. Oh, my goodness, wow okay, moving on okay, this one’s from Brian Linus.

I didn’t realize that you were a Star Wars. Expanded universe, fan it’s typing in one number a day. It is ridiculous salary and I had to fill in a time sheet.

It literally doesn’t make any sense. Okay, yeah agreed that part’s also like. Actually it’s actually wrong, how we do it just not allowed over time? Why are we doing this? You bookmark it. You set an alarm.

It takes less than 30 seconds. I still did it every day, I’m not I’m not. I still don’t think he should do, but the fact that it’s delegated is great. Why don’t you just fill it in the same for like the next six months and then, if anything, changes because they’re gon na see it ahead of time? They’Ll know that you did that what’s wrong with that, it’s not the day. Oh man, so look uh.

The current system is designed to ensure that everyone gets paid fairly for their time. I don’t think that’s how salary works like legitimately uh. I don’t know how your stuff works.

I I know how like everyone, who’s hourly. I know how everyone really works. Yeah yeah. I really should have to fill the timesheet for sure, and I I don’t I don’t know, I don’t know what the deal is and I honestly I haven’t really looked it up, so I could be wrong. I have no idea, but I’m pretty sure we have an actual HR person now, so I’m pretty sure we’ve like looked it up. It’S honestly.

It would take more time to have the discussion with them about it than it would be for me to fill up the sheet, which is why I haven’t done it yet so deal with it yeah. Apparently they check once a week to make sure that you are a keeping up and B, not filling it out ahead. Yeah, that’s awesome, yeah! That’S why you can’t fill it out.

I knew that bit but like it, it created enormous problems when people were filling them out ahead or when they were falling behind, because then accounting has to waste a whole bunch of time having stupid conversations, they don’t have to have like hey. No, you actually weren’t there that day. Can you please go fix that like no? No, no, no, no! No! No! No! They have better things to do with their lives than chase down people’s inability to track their own schedules.

They actually have a lot to do. We actually have a very complicated accounting situation because of floodplain and create a warehouse and receiving all of our not all of our money, but a lot of our money for different things from foreign currencies and, like it’s a very complicated job for an organization our size. Our accounting is ridiculous.

Like we’ve gone to not small accounting firms and gone hey, can we just? Can we just offload this to you and they’ve been like no for real and it’s like Fair yeah? I don’t. Even I don’t even blame them like the the fact that we have Yvonne to to to to help create systems and to build our accounting department and to basically learn from scratch. How to uh? How to how to CFO like a a very complicated company is a miracle, so I want to flow plane. Chats just said you guys just reminded me to fill up my timesheets and I I didn’t even marry her for her math skills, though it is why I started dating her. Is it I don’t think I knew that well, it was kind of how it wasn’t how we met, but it was how we, like you know, got close. Was she was tutoring me in math? Okay, I didn’t know that so she, like totally accidentally, was spending a lot of time with me, even though she knew I had a girlfriend.

So I always joke about how she stole me, which she hates like if you want to bother Yvonne at LTX, ask her to tell the story of how she stole me. Don’T warn her about it. Don’T like don’t like blow her up right now. Just just wait! Wait until LTX show up at LTX, be like hey. Can you tell me the story because she won’t watch wind shows. You won’t see this okay, we can keep this our little secret.

Tell me the story of how you stole Linus she’ll. She will just feel like. I feel like you’re being mean right now: it’s hilarious you’re setting her up to not enjoy LTX, though no no she’ll she’ll enjoy it mean she’ll she’ll enjoy it I’ll enjoy it. However much she enjoys it, I will enjoy it more. Oh, my goodness. That is not always worth it.

Oh it’ll be worth it trust me. What you should do is not ask her that, but just tell her that line has said that no that’s not going to be as much fun, it’ll be funnier. The other way trust me. Okay, moving on .