Microsoft Woke your Xbox

Microsoft Woke your Xbox

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Microsoft Woke your Xbox”.
Public backlash against Microsoft for reducing Gamers power bills – okay, okay, yeah yeah – this is great okay. I will talk you through this. No, no! No! I don’t give her to read it. Okay, Microsoft issued a recent press release announcing a new, optional shutdown mode as an alternative to the previous sleep mode. So sleep, I think, we’re all pretty familiar with the concept right.

The device goes into a very, very low power state, but is still on effectively. There’S still juices flowing through the Silicon, okay um, but the benefit is that it wakes up really fast, like you need to play some Call of Duty. Now I mean it is nice yeah, it’s great sleep is good. I love sleep, yeah love who needs sleep yep.

Microsoft Woke your Xbox

Well, you’re, never gon na get it who needs sleep. Tell me what’s that for that Barenaked, Ladies anyway, the point is uh politicians and media figures decried the move as an attack on gaming, with one Fox News segment describing Microsoft’s change to the Xbox’s power settings. As a conspiracy targeting children, this is this is, despite only 20 of us, Gamers being under the age of 18, and despite that, being a phenomenally L take representative, Troy Nels. I don’t know how to pronounce this: an elected official, okay, I told the new writer not to editorialize, but this is really funny representative, Troy, Nels, an elected official and adult man tweeted.

Microsoft Woke your Xbox

They want to take your guns, they want to take your gas stoves and now they want to take your Xbox what’s next. I love that sorry, that’s a that’s a good line that that editorialization gets a thumbs up Fox, likewise published an article subtitled, woke Brigade. I wish this was fake, but no, I am actually on woke Brigade is after video games.

Microsoft Woke your Xbox

So is this how they branded it? Because I don’t understand having the option to shut down being a bad thing, like I genuinely being as open to other ideas as possible. Alternative ideas. Yes go ahead, I don’t get it. It’S just an option to shut down. It’S not mandatory right.

It’S an option. You can still sleep it right. Am I missing? Something? Is anything actually changing? They just have another button right. They have.

One more button. Did anything else change. They are automatically applying the new mode, but you can go back to the old mode.

Oh so it goes into so so shutdown mode takes about 15 seconds to turn on so right. Now. Yes, if I press the button on my controller – and I say like Xbox turn off in the past, it would have gone to sleep and now it shuts down. Yes, if I say Xbox go to sleep, does it go to sleep uh? Well, yeah! You just change it to go to sleep mode, but I have to go into a menu that does yeah, which you’re a slack jawed drooling gamer, so you probably can’t handle. I I don’t get it, I don’t get it. I don’t understand it’s an option. I wish this was fake um. I don’t get it Rick Devos, a political commentator and owner of the Orlando Magic said just another small marker on the shoot.

We are zooming down where every functionality, experience and general service level degradation is celebrated as a great and glorious victory for the Planet, slash, Justice, Etc. I don’t think it’s a great and glorious Victory. I think it’s an option. Would they would they do uh? Do you think they would have gotten less flame if they didn’t make it the new default? No, I don’t know hard to say hard to say uh.

This is great um alongside Fox’s article uh, which is apparently playing media. In the background, thank you very much. I will navigate away from that site now.

Um Fox included helpful uh, a Boomer’s guide to what an Xbox is imagery um, a Microsoft Xbox controller is seen at the Electronic Entertainment Expo or E3 in Los Angeles June 17, 2015. Xbox has remained one of the chief major video game, console companies alongside PlayStation and Nintendo um, actually it would be um Xbox. Microsoft has remained one of the chief uh video game, console companies alongside Sony and Nintendo, but good try. I mean I’m being pedantic but, like frankly, you’re asking no yeah Master Chief, the protagonist of the HALO Series in the Xbox series X. The HALO Series is one of the main intellectual properties associated with the Xbox brand, if not it’s flagship, cool uh. So our our writer, who I told not to editorialize too much um called these figure one and two local Boomer – explains what an Xbox is. Okay again, I I think I do I I’ve been. I’Ve talked against a lot of the editorialization. I think again, this one’s actually probably pretty fair. If you have to explain to someone what an Xbox is. Oh you’re, gon na sound like a boomer. This is great um, so the the shutdown or sleep options have always been there. All they did was change the default one, and the idea is that it’s it’s only okay. So here it’s it’s not a lot of power.

When it’s sleeping, I think it works out too. It’S like okay. What is it gon na do the default, though you press the button yeah? Is that the only case because I feel like if you voice control – and you tell it to sleep – it’s gon na sleep and if you voice control and you tell it to shut off it’s going to shut off, I don’t Xbox, neither of us Xbox yeah. Neither of us know yeah, let us know I’d at least know what it is: Master Chief Xbox.

No, it’s Halo, intellectual properties, um anywho! It’S it’s not a lot of power. It’S I think. It’S like a watt and a half or something like it’s a very it’s.

A very small amount, but on average Microsoft, expects this to save Gamers about a dollar a month on their power bill, and when you factor in that, there are literally millions of these machines sitting idle. It’S actually a substantial savings, yeah um, and you would think in a place where not that long ago there were like rolling blackouts like in large regions of the country, because of like a power crisis. Um that any sort of effort to save power would be would be welcomed, and you would think that um, if a concern would be the you know, strain on the grid of things like electric car charging and that being a good reason to um. You know keep using fossil fuels for to power vehicles um you. You would think that if, if that’s a legitimate concern for you that any effort to save power would be welcome, but I just um so apparently apparently they’re mad because of how it was worded carbon aware um yeah.

It was advertised as like a carbon aware, update, but imagine getting hung up on like words. Imagine that, like I don’t get it, I still don’t get it just because, like it’s an option and you can change it, I apparently they’re also upset about the whole slippery slope thing, but again it’s an option and you can change it. I have like the exact opposite anger with the switch. I hate that the switch doesn’t be turned off yeah, it’s so annoying.

This is a battery powered device. I want it to work the next time. I pick it up the next time. I pick it up.

Might not be for like a week. I don’t want it to go to sleep. I want it to shut down. It doesn’t take that long to turn on just like come.

You know what takes a long time with the switch initial charging before you can use it. Yeah, if it’s dead, it’s gon na stay dead for like a really long time before it. Allow you to turn it on. That’S super annoying. I want it to shut down.

That’S not because of power. Consumption reasons, that’s because I want it to work the next time. I pick it up that actually annoys me a lot. This is very confusing to me. You can’t voice control. An Xbox series is that what the new one’s called just Series yeah, it’s really stupid, Microsoft’s naming scheme for Xbox is actually the worst thing. You can definitely power off the switch Yeah, but you have to like hold press the power button for a while and then navigate to it. Just pressing the button doesn’t power it off and I don’t think you can change a setting to make that happen. Maybe you can, I don’t know it’s just annoying you mad bro.

I just don’t get it, I’m more confused than Matt, I’m far more confused than Matt. I don’t think I’m mad at all. I think looking at it from the outside. It’S just funny like seeing them talk about like this is the Halo and stuff is just entertaining um, but I I don’t get why you’d be upset, because it is so easy to change back. I can totally understand like hey. Okay, every day you come home from work you play an hour of Xbox or something and you’ve only got your fixed amount of time, because that’s when, like the kids come home or something and now you have to do whatever – and you don’t want to wait – that Extra amount of time you want to turn it on.

You want to work. Okay, sure just have it go to sleep every time who cares? It costs you a dollar a month. Okay, really I mean I’m, I’m mostly just kind of riling you up right now. So the the problem is just in the way that it was messaged as being green and eco-friendly and carbon carbon content. I still don’t get why they care and all that kind of well, because because for a certain group of people, the the burning of fossil fuels and the emissions that we put into the environment are a non-issue and a fabrication that are scaremongering. I saw a really interesting clip of someone, someone asking Greta toomberg’s thundberg tunberg.

I can’t remember the point is uh. You know asking her a really uncomfortable question uh, which was it was something along the lines of it’s unseasonably warm here in Davos, so where’s your climate crisis. Now it’s like are you? Actually? I can’t and she laughed and they’re like yeah. She had no response.

No her, she had a response. Her response was you’re, a Flippin idiot um, and you are undeserving of actual words that that was the response. You just didn’t understand it because you’re a flipping idiot. My thing is: if, if you believe all that just why do you care like? Why do you it’s just an Xbox like yeah, but like now it takes 15 seconds to turn on like? If, if you don’t, if I change that one second and realistic, let’s flip the story, can you figure out how to change that setting yeah no, but that you can but damn? Oh, my gosh uh. If we flip this around and Microsoft is like, you know what? Let’S Pump It we’re all tired of boot times right boot time, suck we’re changing the default behavior from sleep. I understand that’s not what it is, we’re changing the default or sorry we’re changing the default behavior from turning off to sleep yeah, because you know what it’s worth it you send. The extra bucks screw the power grid. Nobody cares screw them. All. Sleep is great.

More power no boot times, I don’t care, because I can still change the setting right like. Why does it matter? I can change the setting anytime. You want I’m gon na, be like that’s weird and then change the setting. If I want it to shut off which, if I own an Xbox, I would want it to shut off because I’m probably not going to use it.

That often, but I mean I do own an Xbox wow, I forgot. I don’t use it that often I’m happy. It’S off, but if I used it every day and there’s been times like I played Halo, I played a ton of Halo 2. If I was playing Halo 2 as much as I did back then maybe I’d want it to sleep.

I was a kid at that time. Maybe my dad wants it to turn off. I don’t know, but like it’s an option, I don’t care what the company thinks. Why would I care what the company thinks? What if they take away your sleep later slippery slope, then they’re jerks, and then you can buy a PlayStation yeah like honestly, the consumer chooses at the end of the day, but then again the consumer chooses unwisely a lot all the time micro transactions. Let’S talk about that, I don’t want to talk about microtransactions. This is really great, though dark 24 on float plane every time a user saves power on Xbox. I have to leave on another light to combat the saving. Now, what okay? I can’t plug any more lights.

I’M out of Lights now I’m dark 24 and I don’t have any lights. I’M gon na be like 24. pretty bright. I yeah I just don’t because it’s entirely in your control.

I just don’t understand why people care this feels like it’s the outrageous it feels like they didn’t have anything to care about that day. Yes, I’m agreeing with you, so they so they just threw it this because there’s nothing else to throw at which is just like. That’S whatever I just, I think you will be a happier and more fulfilled person. If you care about things that matter and I’m not saying that the things that matter you have to agree with me on, maybe we’re at odds as long as you think it matters. It’S fine. I had the power consumption numbers wrong.

Series consumes 11 to 13 Watts according to the catalier in twitch chat in standby mode and 0.5 watts in off mode. So it’s like 10 watts. It’S like something yeah! So about about a buck a month, apparently cool .