Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “We Bricked Our PCs…”.
Speaking of cases, let’s talk about the challenge, updates, yeah sure. Should we start with Arc, you really want to oh yeah sure I’ve got some things to say. That’S why I really want to talk about it. I’Ve got one thing to say: I would like to apologize to everyone for my unprofessionalism in the arc part 3, video of part two and a half took your card out early whatever it was uh.
No, no, not that at all. I didn’t realize that I do this, but I was apparently mouthing along to the script. While you were talking, so we tried a really different format for that video. I yeah a prime messaged me he’s like yo uh. Can you not do that? I was talking about it’s kind of it’s like feeding a baby like these are the words please say them totally subconscious um, but we took a bit of a different approach to that video, because what I wanted was for it to have kind of a conversational format, But I also wanted it to have the structure of of a hosted written, delivered video so that it would be nice and tight and to the point I want it to be genuine and conversational, but not wancho, yes, but have a bit of like a Rancho Vibe And and people picked it up, but one of the side effects was that, yes, it was nearly fully scripted.
We ad-libbed a little bit just to kind of you know, keep the energy up, so it wasn’t just taking turns yeah yeah yeah reading. That was that was your line, but anyway, if I’d mouth it maybe yeah, I was gon na, say: yeah yeah, yeah, yeah um, and I I was I was actually I was really. I was really proud of it, like with notes from Luke. I wrote the vast majority of it for both of our parts, trying to kind of you know, get his voice and also make sure that I was including all of his points um, but but keeping the the structure of the video as tight as a fully scripted.
Video uh, but I screwed up sitting there reading the script along with you when I’m supposed to be just you know, supposedly listening to new words, I’ve never seen or heard of before that are coming out of you and paying attention anywho uh. What had you wanted? Oh, you are doing it. I don’t think I would have noticed if you’ve been mentioned it – and I bet you that’s going true for a bunch of people so now, like tons of people are gon na watch this and just see you need it, because it’s not like you’re, not like fully Enunciating, but it is moving a little bit.
You want to just show the people sure yes, we’re on your screen. Let’S see you can see it it’s minor, but you can see it. I’M gon na go full screen one sec cringe here.
I think I got ta. Go back, wait! Wait there. You can see it it’s minor minor, but he’s doing it right after this.
If I remember correctly, yeah right here hold on hold on okay one. Second, I got ta go back. Yeah go back, go back! It’S really! It’S really minor! That’S funny worst, the worst thing ever, a bunch of people in chat, yeah Ken confirmed, didn’t see it initially yeah. I think most people wouldn’t have noticed. I want this to be very clear. Just because something is scripted doesn’t mean it’s not our genuine thoughts.
I took all the notes that Luke provided me. I took all of my notes. It’S just a way to, and this is something you’ve definitely heard me talk about.
Even if not the ever YouTube video is a reaction. Video you know talk. I give a lot of talks during like script, reviews and and meetings with the writers uh, but you’ve definitely heard me give the the don’t waste the audience’s time talk like density density density density. We were going to script it it like it should have been scripted, but we were just trying as a conclusion video to something like this. It makes sense for it to be more conversational, yes, but it also needed to be scripted, and so what I thought about was just having like headers and then points that we wanted to make sure we hit, but that wouldn’t have achieved the density that I wanted To turn into something that’s way too long, because you don’t know when to end it well, I do it had to be scripted yeah. I can there’s certain things: there’s certain if you you’re not the reason when she was three and a half hours.
If you want proof of this, go you’re gon na have to dig but go back and find the Oculus gets bought out by Facebook. Wen show [ Laughter, ] literally like an hour, I mean you ended up being right about basically everything which was kind of which is neat sad, but well yeah. I got so much Flack too people hated me for it because they’re like no like they said this. Wasn’T gon na happen, I’m like yeah sure, whatever yeah, because it’s like common lukew how things go? I’Ve been calling AI stuff very accurately.
I know right like very accurate yeah like even when I’m like, I don’t know, I’m probably wrong, but I’m pretty sure it’s gon na go exactly this way and then it totally does open AI announcing the chat premium was like whoa like the day after he’s, like Yeah it’ll be like that, or I really hope it’s like that on land shows like professional, yeah, yeah, all right, yeah, you, you got it, you know. What’S up so is there anything else to say about the arc? No, no! I don’t really have anything else to say either yeah. No, I mean it. I kind of I mean that’s the point of scripting. It is that I was able to sit there for four hours, take everything and put it into a nice little package.
The most interesting thing to me was that we both had the reaction that, after week, like two or three yeah, we just sort of forgot about it, but yeah that was that was very interesting to me, but yeah, okay, new one AMD challenge, Radeon challenge. My computer was fully bricked after swapping, but not because of AMD. Maybe I believe that my BIOS was corrupted, oh and it took a total of between Jake and me, probably about three and a half hours of troubleshooting to get my system back to a bootable State.
Whoa – and there were some compromises – oh wow, were you: were you planning to top that uh? Maybe oh, no! Okay! So there’s going to be some spoilers here guys if you don’t like spoilers but realistically you’re watching win sure you love spoilers uh. We do have the AMD Radeon challenge coming yeah, we uh, I Luke and we added Jake this time all upgraded to the Radeon 7900 XTX, which actually, I think for all of us, is a substantial performance upgrade massive upgrade. I mean I went from a 30 90, which is a pretty darn good card, but I’ll tell you playing Halo, infinite. Tell me how to actually yeah it’s fast.
I think I’ll feel it she’s fast, quite a bit because I went from Titan RTX, which is still cooking. It’S a good car totally solid, but you know I’m not maxing the capability of my monitor in every game that I’m playing no you’re, not yeah, yeah um. So first thing you open the box and just whoa.
This thing is enormous. Um I’ve never had a card that I was putting in my own system that came with a stand. Uh, he didn’t get a reference card by the way.
Oh, you got a reference card. Uh well, someone ended up with a reference card. Oh okay sounds good um. It didn’t fit it’s not in my system. Oh, it doesn’t fit cool. So someone had the infinite wisdom to like force me to upgrade to water cooling uh, because he knows that I don’t like it.
So he gave me a water cooling required motherboard. Oh yeah. I remember that was cool. That’S a good motherboard! It is yeah that ASRock x570 aqua. I came up with a joke before the show and I wasn’t sure if I was going to say it or not, but I think I’m gon na.
I think I’m gon na say it. But my joke was it’s like giving Greta thundberg a Bugatti, but I don’t want it uh anyway: laughs, okay, sorry, um, so yeah it didn’t fit and the reason why it doesn’t fit is because the reservoir is sitting right. There yeah and the case is pretty small.
So there’s like not really another now place to put the reservoir nice, so I like actually don’t know what to do I’ll figure, something out. I’M gon na figure it out this weekend. But, like I don’t know so, wait you you.
You are not gaming on it. No, yet, ah it’s not in there all right. I have to redo the whole water, cooling, Loop, nice or something for an air cooled card. Yeah nice, yeah, nice. So like nice. Ah, I don’t know because, like I told man, we used one pre-existing hole and then we drilled another hole for mounting the reservoir yeah.
So there’s potential that I just crank it to the roof and the reservoir like touches the top of the case cool, and maybe it clears that way, but then there’s a tubing run. That’S like really tight. That goes right across there.
The best part is the GPU. Is not a gift, so he has to go back to his RTX Titan after so it’s not like he can just you know, take it out of the loop yeah yeah, it’s pretty funny. It’S terrible yeah! You see I Riser and prop the card upside.
The K outside the case – oh that’s, horrible, spoiler alert. You might see some other solutions, kind of like that. Oh my goodness, I would really love to not redo my water cooling Loop. So if I can find any other solution, I’m pretty much down nice. .