They “upgraded” the WORST PC…


Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “They “upgraded” the WORST PC…”.
A few years ago we took a look at the worst new PC. You could get an HP All-in-One that was slow, ugly and terrible. Fast forward to 2021 and they upgraded it with a flippy, webcam and fixed none of the other issues. But I’m happy to say that our hopes and prayers have finally been answered because …

( upbeat quirky music, ), There’s an all-new model.. Does it fix things? I sure hope so Now, when I first started working on this video, this was 500 bucks, a very reasonable upgrade.. Then I went to Best Buy and actually purchased it.

It was $ 600, which makes it little bit more sus. But let’s take a look to see.. It’S 2023, it’s finally, the year that our terrible PC dreams have been replaced with nightmares because I’m tired of buying these things., I mean sorry if it’s finally gotten better Yaayy.

So the thing is, I understand why people buy All-in-Ones right If you’re buying a PC. You generally have a couple of options.. You can get yourself a desktop which is going to always give you more power for the money..

The problem, though, is that not everyone wants to have a big tower, even a small tower, that they need to hide underneath their desk or whatever the case is. An All-in-One. Even with this, even though, like the spec is terrible, it’s a nice-looking system..

You could easily put this somewhere.. I mean I’ve seen these in, like restaurants and stuff to run DoorDash or whatever. Like the idea is solid, but I’m hopeful that HP have heard my prayers and have … ( euphoric music ), Look black now. Oh..


First off we have our accessories, which I’m sure are going to be wonderful.. Oh, are you It’s not accessory it’s power, cable., I’m not gon na say this is strike one. This is strike like 0.5.. Why do desktops need laptop power supplies? I just put your.

Could you just not just like do that To give HP some credit ,’cause? I feel like I’m being a little mean today, this foam was incredibly nice.. I can do it. ( quirky, jazz, music ). I can take a nap like this.. We do have what looks to be our keyboard and mouse.. I guess this is technically one of the advantages of buying a system like this is that you do get everything you need.

You’ve obviously got the display. You’Ve got your mouse and keyboard, so it is quite literally plug and play.. It’S wired. ( Austin chuckles ). It definitely needs like an updated version of that keyboard because they have made that keyboard for the past 30 years and haven’t changed a thing on it.. No, no, no, it’s got the newer Windows.


See it’s the square Windows key and not like you know the remember when the Windows logo went from being this to being like this, and everyone was like “, Whoa, graphic design”. It’S really the riveting content. You’Ve come to subscribe to the website, for I know. It’s still really light..


It is still really really light.. So this, my friends, is the answer to our prayers. [ Matt ]. Are you really praying for this thing? ( Austin, chuckles ).

I’M praying to not have to look at it: anymore. (, Austin, chuckles ). You say that yet you know next year, when this comes out again we’re first in line baby I’ve already pre-ordered the 2024 model. [ Josh ], Oh God., So … Ahh.. It looks what the hell happened to the front: Yeah.

Oh.. I think it’ll come out right, ( upbeat rock music, ) Yeah yeah yeah, that’s fine, okay., Mild panic attack that our screen was massively scratched.. There is a USB port and an AUX jack on the side.. That was not there before.

Oh., So we’re getting pretty. Oh, they took one off the back. Oh., So they just moved it.

They just moved it.. I guess that’s an upgrade All right. Let’S put these side by side.: Let’s see what we got., So they didn’t really change.

Anything. (, Austin, chuckles ). It still has four USB ports, except they just moved one of the USBs to the side.. They removed the headphone jack and moved it to the side, but it’s got a gigabit ethernet and HDMI.. Does it still have the poppy webcam thing, ( upbeat hip-hop, music, ) There we oh.

( webcam clicks ), [, Matt ]. That sounds incredibly cheap.. The biggest difference on the outside, besides the color, is the fact that this is now 23.8 inches as opposed to 21.5.. It’S a whole 2.3 inches larger. [ Josh ]. That can be the difference. Man.

Could be, quite literally a tripling of I mean a significant difference in size. ( Austin clears throat, ) [ Matt ], I’m enjoying this Best Buy listing because it says “ Total number of USB ports, four. Total number of USB 2.0 ports.

Two. Total number of USB 3.0 ports three.”, That’s just not true. Correct., Two USB 2.0, one USB 3.0 and then a second USB 3.0. [ Josh ]. These thoughts and prayers are going really well so far Austin.. Well. I came into this with a lot of enthusiasm because look I’ve done videos on these before and the problem with this, and its earlier version was the horrible specs..

This thing will take 10 seconds to load This should be a lot faster., It’s got Ryzen. It’S got, Radeon, graphics. Do you see It’s got their brand? It’S just Radeon.. Don’T worry, don’t ask questions about what kind of Radeon.

It’s a Radeon and that’s all you need.. A few months ago, I tried Huel and was pleasantly surprised., So when they reached out to sponsor a video, it was an absolute no-brainer., Look sometimes you’re on the go, and you need to get something to eat.. However, the options are usually not going to be healthy and certainly not going to be cheap, which is where Huel Black Edition comes in..

Not only is this quick to make, but importantly, it is plant-based and nutritionally complete. Using Huel’s convenient shaker. All it takes is some water and a few seconds of shaking., So there are a number of different flavors, including unflavored, which is not a flavor.. This is the banana which …

( Austin sniffs bag ), It’s like subtle banana, but it’s like I whisper. The word banana carefully in your ear. Banana. At an unfortunately regular basis.

I skip meals because I’m busy and I just don’t get around to it or, what’s even worse, I’ll – eat something which is truly terrible for me.. But this is much easier. ( bright, upbeat, music, ) Mm. You know what That’s very banana-y, but in a really good way..

If you’d like to experience the nutritionally complete life, definitely be sure to go check out Huel at the link in the description and huge. Thank you to Huel for sponsoring this video.. This has a Ryzen 3.

3250U.. Now that’s a few generations behind, but Ryzen is better than Celeron.. I can tell you without any shadow of a doubt..

I wasn’t familiar with the Ryzen 3. 3250U.. It’S a good processor! Don’T worry about it., It’s better..

It is a also dual core. I didn’t even know they made dual core Ryzen ( upbeat quirky, music ). They do..

It says here that U It’s hyper threading. in the 3250U stands for unusable. (, Austin, chuckles ). Yes, it still might be dual core, but two Ryzen cores are so much better than what’s in that.. Like I guarantee you, this thing will run rings around it., I’m reading- Ooh, All good., That’s bright. Doesn’t actually have good viewing angles, but when you’re looking at it straight on that, actually is pretty bright.

[ Computer Assistant ] Turn on narrator by pressing Windows. Control., Not bad speakers.. Now I’m gon na plug this in via ethernet., I’m gon na give it the best possible shot of not being terrible.. I will say, though, immediately just in the Windows set up. This is so much faster.. You know what’s funny, I actually kind of think that this looks cheaper.. I actually think the white looks clean and like kind of modern., The black, already kind of looks a little ( plastic scratches ) like it’s just the cheapy cheapy plastic.. I don’t like that. Our wheel is dropping frames., It’s usually not a good sign. Okay..

Look! It’S Windows set up. Okay, Let’s not get too impatient. ( upbeat, hip-hop, music, ) It’ll be done any minute. Now.! Oh “! Do you wan na use your face to sign in ?”? Okay? Let’S do it: let’s do it. Wow, Look at the quality of that webcam.

Wow! That’S so many qualities., I’m just gon na get close.! Oh oh. Oh.. It didn’t ask you like to turn your head or any that was …

(, Austin, chuckles ). It didn’t even bother. It was just like (, Josh, laughs, ) “, We good just go.”. So after giving our system a little while to do some updates download some games, let’s take a closer look.. The first test is Cinebench.. Now, I’m not gon na get into a bunch of benchmarks or anything like that..

The most important thing is just to have a little bit of a frame of reference for how performant this is compared to this. Again keep in mind. This is about $ 400.. This one was $ 500..

I bought it for $ 600. Now it’s on sale for like $ 530, so $ 500 $ 600. Okay, So just keep that in mind. First thing with Cinebench, we have a score of 679 for single core 1793 for multi-core.

I’ll. Just mention I’ve run this twice on this system.. It took 45 minutes to run the first time and it is well. This did two loops, and this is still not done with the first one., But what’s interesting about this is that this is still only a dual-core Ryzen processor.

One of my biggest questions here and we’re gon na play some games and do some silly stuff. But one of my biggest questions with this is: does the extra performance make it powerful enough to be used for regular use, or is it just still going to be too slow Because being three times faster than the world’s crappiest PC is not exactly something to be All that proud of when my smartphone is probably more powerful than either of these. ( Austin chuckles, ), [, Matt, ], Combined. Yeah.

It’S not good. It’S not good.! I would love to show you some crispy HD gaming capture from this device. However, I’m gon na leave every little tiny bit of computing performance for playing the game and not trying to record it. So just imagine it looking good. You just have to stare at the screen., So I’m gon na start out with “ CS GO”, a game which is very, very easy to run..

I think we can get 30 FPS.. I don’t think that’s unreasonable. Uh-oh.! I see nine FPS right, now.

(, bright, bouncy, music, ) Cool. Oh, what the! Why am I at 18 FPS, I’m in medium settings? I can’t play in medium [, Matt ], Your teammates, really like you right, now., I’m not in the game. Yet it’s fine.. I think I changed it fast enough right No. Did I just crash it [ Matt ], You just crashed it.. I was just trying to say nice things.

I was trying to … ( Matt laughs ). How is it What HP stop doing this to me? Look. I understand that this is not a gaming computer.. I get that.. People are not buying this to be a gaming PC, but like I’m not asking a lot., Do you remember when Jay and I did that video where we got it, was like an old single-core system and we got “ CS GO” running.

It was like from like 2006 or something. Like this is a very easy game to play. ( screen swoops ). Oh, my God, is it working. I will be shocked if “ CS GO” doesn’t run and “ Forza” does.

[ Matt ] We’ve been waiting here for about 19 minutes and we are at 1 % Austin. Is it finally done [ Matt ]? It’S ready! It’S ready. This is …

(, Austin, chuckles ). I what ( Austin chuckles ) [ Matt ]. This is giving me’90s flashbacks.. Okay, okay, we’re gon na stop we’re gon na stop..

I should have done “ Minesweeper”. I think it would be able to load “, Minesweeper” and “ Solitaire”. I think that’s about the extent of the gaming I can pull off on this thing..

I’M gon na turn settings down to the basic, simple, absolute lowest., ( bright, cheerful, music ): Oh 27, FPS 27 FPS, 27 FPS. So this looks like a PS2 game now.. Who should buy this ( censored? ) man [, Matt ].

You You’ve bought not one, not two, but somewhere around. Here is a third one that you have bought.. So one of the big things I wan na learn here.

How is this to actually use? This is unusably slow, but with a Ryzen 3. I bet you can like watch 4K YouTube open up a couple tabs at once. [ Matt ], But this is a 1080 screen..

Why would you do that? Hey Matt? Have you ever heard of bitrate No. More is better. Oh.

Okay.. Let’S see if 1080p wants to play, back. Hello, my friends and welcome to This Is.

CES, no problem., Let’s try to crank it up to 4K. Some wackiness., No problem.. This gets a huge thumbs up on that front and because it does have HDMI, you could theoretically plug this into an external monitor. If you wanted to do a dual-screen setup. Now for context on how much faster this is for regular use. ,’Cause again, I don’t want this to be like a video where I’m just like clowning on this thing for being too slow to play, games or something. We’ve tried the game on this.. You can check out that video.. It struggled to play like “ Crysis” from 2007..

So I’m gon na load up the channel on both these systems side by side, and you can see how much faster or not. It is okay, Ready. Three two one. ( keyboard taps ) Done-ish., We’re back at it: again., Okay And A PS5 in an actual car. On a done, That’s a big difference right And I think that’s actually, probably one of the best demos of the difference between these two systems is that this actually is usably usable., Like it’s not horrifically slow.. Now I will say, though, if we ignore this. For a moment, because we all know this is literally the worst new PC, you can buy. Like. Let’S just close this up., We don’t have to look at this anymore., I’m still struggling a little bit with who this is for..

If you bought a desktop – and you paired it with a display, you’re gon na get more performance. If you buy a laptop and pair it with a display, you’re gon na get more performance.. If this was 400 bucks, I’d be like “, I kind of get it.” At $ 600 or even $ 500 or $ 530. It’S not a good value, but I would say it is at least usable..

At least it is like the bare minimum to consider buying. Like an actual Windows, PC. ( broadcast bleeps ) HP. If you made it to this point in the video. Thank you very much.. Just come in close.

Can you-. How close Can you just literally make the okay that’s a little too close. Uh-oh.? Can you literally just make this PC and just gim me like? Oh, I don’t know a slightly better chip. Give me like a quad core Ryzen.. That’S it! This thing is totally fine other than the abysmally slow chip..

I mean. I think you should make the stand black to match the system, but that’s fine! That’S fine right! That’S all this needs is a little bit more performance because this is still not enough.. It’S …, (, Austin, sighs, ), Oh also USB-C.

That’d, be great.. Can I like go make a video on like a good PC again Like I miss? Is there like a 4090 around here or something ( mischievous, music, ) .