2023 TVs vs 2022 TVs: Worth an upgrade??

2023 TVs vs 2022 TVs: Worth an upgrade??

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “2023 TVs vs 2022 TVs: Worth an upgrade??”.
Thank you to Tony’s for sponsoring a portion of this video go to Best, Buy or go to bestbuy.com and look at the different TV sets and all the different technology they have there and I’m gon na wager that most people could not make sense of just the Mess of acronyms that are just spewed at your face, I think it’s intentionally confusing. It’S like buying a mattress, there’s 14 000 different models, and I think this year things are going to get a bit more simpler when it comes to TVs, CES, just wrapped, which means we saw all the new tech and then you sent it ultimately should come out. This year last year was all about, I think, new technology, you know we saw mini, LED micro, LED structures, kind of make its way to actual products this year. I think it’s about refining that technology making some of it more affordable, making some things a bit larger and if you’re looking to get a TV this year, this video bookmark it come back to it, hopefully help make sense, not only of the technologies that came out, But also, hopefully, help you pick a set because foreign, so last year, like the biggest baddest consumer Tech that came out was Cutie, Olin uh and if you had a stack of cash burning, a hole in your pocket. This is probably the tech for you.

It was the best TV tech for 2022 and for 2023, it’s bigger better, like literally uh in size, features and price, so Samsung and Sony are the biggest players released right now. The only players kind of in this space, if you didn’t know qdolette, is more or less successor, traditional OLED in a ton of ways same things, you love about OLED with perfect black slim design, incredible detail except cutie OLED gave us a brighter OLED, and not just The whites, but also the vibrancy of the colors as well. It’S like, like the perfect combination of TV tech, and this was supposed to be like the shaboodle uh of TVs and there’s one thing holding it back no size. The max of these sets was 65 inches, but this year, Samsung and actually Samsung alone.

2023 TVs vs 2022 TVs: Worth an upgrade??

As of this filming, giving consumers what they want by offering a cutie OLED set up to now 77 inches, so the absurdly long and weirdly named s95c cutie OLED. I was gon na come in 55, 65 and 77 inches promises to be brighter and more vibrant than last year’s. It also has a slightly new design, with better integrated, sound system in the rear and, finally, a Samsung’s one connect box that sort of houses. All the TV’s connections really nicely Samsung’s, also offering the s90c cutioled that’s only going to come in 55 and 65 inches, but the design is basically the same as 2022 model.

2023 TVs vs 2022 TVs: Worth an upgrade??

It won’t have the nicer sound system and one connect box set. The higher f95c version will have Sony had a gigantic Presence at CES. They had a whole Wing that was just Sony stuff. They even announced a car, but TVs were oddly missing from CES this year and they did not show off their newest cutie OLED. But I would have saved to assume that larger cutie Outlet sets will be coming from Sony in the not too distant future. So regular won is still a thing and a very good thing, and still improving so LG showed their updated G3, which was kind of Bittersweet.

2023 TVs vs 2022 TVs: Worth an upgrade??

For me, I bought the G2, have it on my wall at home, and I love it. I knew a new one was coming, but still seeing it made. My old sets seemed a little bit obsolete in my heart uh. The G3 promises to be brighter and better than last year, so pretty excited to test it out for myself.

But how about micro LED you’re gon na start to come down to sort of normal human prices, so Samsung is going to offer micro LED sets ranging from 50 inches all the way up to 140 inches, and these sets promise to be the brightest sets. You can buy a well over cutie, OLED and mini LED micro, LED is basically a combination of the best features of qdo wood, the color vibrancy and perfect black levels, plus the whiteness of mini, LED sets. Well, I’ve heard for years that micro LED will eventually replace OLED and cutie OLED as just the ultimate TV tech, if you’re interested in sort of testing one of these out in the studio and using it because eventually get to a point where things are just too Bright and just hurt your eyes and things start to get washed out, but the tech does seem absolutely amazing and I imagine 10 niche years it’s going to be sort of the go-to for TV tech, but we’re still not there yet so made it ironic to take A break talking about screens talk about the problem with screens, especially as like a parent kids are on screens all the time.

There’S not much use of technology. That sort of can educate and be engaging that doesn’t have them sort of staring at a glass display. Tony’S is trying to change that.

What they’re offering is one of the most Innovative, probably cool parent Tech that I have ever seen. So they have this little box. It’S called a Tony box and they have characters that you can buy. They’Re Tony characters and you put it right on top and you get interactive experience about that character. If it’s a Disney character, you know, Belle will sing You songs. If it’s a literary character, they will tell your child’s stories and the way the kid can interact with it.

It can be cuddled, it can be thrown, it can be dropped, it can smack the side and go to the next chapter to fast forward. They just have to sort of turn it on its side. They don’t Tony’s characters. We can record your own message to your kids if you’re traveling your way, and they just want to hear your voice. So those are all awesome for like daytime. They have what they’re calling like sleepy friends that will tell your kids bedtime stories, they’ll sing lullabies.

They have one that’s a night light that can be controlled even without the Tony box, there’s just something for sort of every phase of your kid’s life and they range for all ages too. They don’t. If you get a Tony box, when your kid is little, it can work all the way up until they are older from Sesame Street and Disney all the way up to National Geographic. I mean just I mean you can see my kids playing with it, and this was not something I set up at all. This is just them interacting and playing with it.

If you are a parent – or you know, parents, and you want to give – I think, a really awesome gift check out, tonys.com or probably information down below foreign sets are awesome. Cutie OLED W OLED uh, even micro, LED, is incredible, but those sets, I think, are for a smaller subset of people. A lot of people are upgrading their stats like they’re getting their first 4K set.

They want something new want something better, don’t care about, nits, don’t care about technology, just want it to look good in mini LED, I think, is where a lot of them are going to go. So I think this is the year that mini LED starts to flex uh and shine. So last year, uh qled was refusing to die kind of hanging around as the best most affordable options for the average TV buyer, but I think mini LED sort of come into more homes this year than any other kind of TV in 2023, even towards the end Of last year, actually, we saw mini LED set start to come way down in price, especially from Brands like TCL and LG. The one brand that surprised me was that the CES actually Hisense Hisense, is just one brand.

That’S coming out with really affordable, mini, LED Tech. Unexpect tcl’s prices to come down as well an LG to release some more affordable options here so for Hisense there mini LED ux line. Looked pretty good on Hisense is hoping to bring that to the US in 2023. Now, since granted, I saw it at the show floor with dim lighting and relatively controlled environment, so don’t know how it’s gon na look in actual, Like Houses. Tcl is also looking to sort of repeat the popular mini, LED line. The new naming scheme they’re abandoning the numbered series like six Series last year and going with letters instead, so here’s how it works, tcl’s, new qm8 mini LED uh, will come in varying sizes. I’Ll go all the way up to an insanely large 98 inches TV will also have a subwoofer built into the set, of course, TCL and Hisense are obviously not the only Brands coming out with mini, LED TVs this year. I think just about every brand out.

There is either offering a new mini LED set or at least sort of stepping into the TV tech this year, so these TVs are going to get more affordable, very bright offer a really incredible image. Like I mentioned earlier, the tech is getting more refined and advancer, newer, AI processors being put into these things, to give better brightness control local dimming scene detection. I can really see mini LED being on a lot of people’s wish lists this year. Qled and led sets are still around and they’re still coming out in 2023 and also they’re, certainly at the lower end of the quality of sets. If you are looking at a qled or LED, this is probably the year to do it. It doesn’t seem like brands.

Are putting much more r d dollars into advancing this technology? It seems like this is as far as that Tech is going to be taken, but if you can swing a little bit more, I still think mini LED is the better buy. That was a lot of TVs. The the high end is getting higher end and larger uh. The middle end is getting better and more affordable and the lower end started to get really good. That’S kind of like the smartphone World, whatever set you’re looking to get in 2023, you have a lot of options to consider from a lot of Brands, the more choices you have ultimately the better. Hopefully, this video company makes sense of just all the options out there.

Either way, though, happy viewing .