AMD’s Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO Delivers Peak Power And Performance

AMD’s Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO Delivers Peak Power And Performance

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AMD’s Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO Delivers Peak Power And Performance”.
Something that me and my family love to do is at the end of the movies. We watch all the credits and I said yep, that’s my customer and that’s my customer. This wouldn’t have been able to be made without threadripper Pro processors, I’m Andy Parma. I have the pleasure of leading amd’s MNC workstation CPU business, so one of the really unique things about AMD Infinity architecture is: it enables Graphics, Centric workloads to run faster. You can get up to 43 percent higher graphics performance with an AMD threadripper Pro processor for many workstation buyers.

That graphics card is going to be the single most expensive component in their workstation, and it’s absolutely critical to get the maximum possible performance out of that graphics card, but the real magic is. It helps our customers stay in their creative flow, so whether that is an artist an architect, an engineer. A software developer, threadripper Pro delivers up to 95 percent higher performance than competing solutions that allows our customers to go from application to application without thinking about their workstation. Without thinking about their hardware and really lets them spend their time and their energy and what they’re trying to create as much as we’ve done over the last two years with thread Pro, the future is still brighter, not just from amd’s technology, but really the most important Thing is what our customers do with amd’s technology is something that is really exciting.

AMD’s Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO Delivers Peak Power And Performance

For me. .