A Porsche you still can’t afford

A Porsche you still can’t afford

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “A Porsche you still can’t afford”.
How much are you willing to pay for something to be Porsche designed? Well, we’ve got the pd32m, which is really by aegon by AOC, but it’s got the Porsche logo on it. It’S a mini, LED 4K, 32 inch, 144 Hertz, refresh rate display, seems pretty good, but you know we won’t know until we turn it on. I like their packaging. It’S robust! This might be one of those ones where it’s worth it to open the bottom too. It’S so tightly packed that there’s like a vacuum: seal – oh my God, okay you’re, paying three or four hundred dollars for packaging.

I guess I will say this is probably not the most eco-friendly packaging, but some of the nicest and most robust packaging I’ve seen for a monitor if they’re not going with something more eco-friendly, like paper cardboard, whatever I at least prefer when they use this kind of Foam, rather than that crappy white styrofoam that just flakes off and gets everywhere, we got this box, it says Porsche Design. Is it Porsche? Is it Porsche Porsche? Is it porch? Is it Porsche? I think it’s Porsche, but okay, so cool power, brick, I’m not a fan. I prefer I’m okay with like a thick monitor if it means that I don’t have this giant ass power, brick laying down on the ground, there’s a cool USB key. Why is this here? I am not sure, looks pretty says Porsche Design on it.

It also got power cable to match our brick wow. Is this a headphone extension? I uh? I genuinely don’t know if this is just like an aux cable, but it’s here. This is their little controller, so you can control the OSD, I’m guessing the on-screen display menus with this guy. I think parts of it are metal, although I’m not sure the only kind of major downside is that it uses.

A Porsche you still can’t afford

The only kind of major downside is that it uses AAA batteries. I really wish it was rechargeable or just plugged. In honestly, I would be okay with the cable but yeah. It’S definitely like metal or something HDMI ultra high speed certified.

A Porsche you still can’t afford

So what does that mean? That is 2.1 uh. Yes, because it says 8K on the cable, it’s got a DisplayPort, cable and then a USBC to USB a pretty wild. It looks like the stand is all in the central piece here, so I’m going to take that off yeah. I don’t know what we’ll do with this. After, it’s honestly a pretty high end, it’s mini LED, and it can do. I think, 1152 dimming zones, which is pretty decent for a panel. This size, it’s not going to beat OLED where every pixel is a Zone. I was almost ready bill.

A Porsche you still can’t afford

I was so close to Jerry rigging everything. Oh look at that. It’S got a little symbol. There is that the Porsche logo – it’s not I’m I’m kidding.

It’S definitely not. I have no idea but yeah we’re gon na. Do the classic uh move the foam click in the stand? This one actually comes fully assembled, it’s a single piece which is actually really nice. Well, no, okay! Sorry, it’s not fully fully single there’s like some there’s a gap here, so this is joined together. I do already really dig the design of the stand, but let’s plug it in looks like it’s just standard Visa 100 by 100 board game wow. This is heavy get off of here phone cool. One thing that I would like when you’re spending this much money is uh, often you’ll get a on top beneath this foam. You’Ll get like a really thin single sheet that covers the panel itself. Maybe they feel like they don’t need it, because this packaging is so good, that’s fair, I guess so whatever. Otherwise, though it looks like it is what it is, it’s a 32 inch panel. The stand has a bunch of movement to it, which is always wanted.

You can go vertical if you really want to, and I think you can do it yeah. You can go both ways which is always nice. It doesn’t make a big difference.

You can just flip portrait mode to suit your needs, but you know it’s kind of nice when you have options like this. Maybe you want to have your access to your. I o on this side instead of on this side, and then you just rotate it the other way.

I have no idea why you would want this panel for vertical. It seems like a waste. Your vertical display is usually like code or Discord, or something like that.

It’S not your main gaming display and there’s also height adjustment, which is actually quite a bit. That’S not bad. I mean that’s pretty standard, don’t get me wrong, but they could have gone with like half of this and just set a tight adjustable and I would have been pretty happy.

Let me peel this weird tape off. I don’t know why this is here. Does this come out, it says headphones click, it ah headphone hanger, pretty nifty. I actually really like this design too. You know like as as much as I think that this is uh gon na cost an arm and a leg, and I don’t really want to buy it.

I can appreciate small stuff, like this, like, I think this looks a lot cleaner and just better than when you’ve got those ones that, like fold out, you get two of them. Oh yeah, it’s also metal. Aside from this weird logo, I haven’t figured out yet maybe it’s the aegon logo, I’m not sure uh. We’Ve got a navigation nipple and a power button, which is always great.

That’S oh PD, wow, Porsche Design, yeah, okay, I’m just dumb P and D so for Porsche Design, yeah, there’s a mic: Jack, headphone jack, USBC, uh, USB Upstream USB, actually, four USB ports, which is great on this side. We’Ve got power, uh, DisplayPort, HDMI, probably 2.1, considering it came with a 2.1 cable and it’s a 4K High refresh rate display and then a PC mic. Cable.

Oh that’s cool! Okay, so it looks like what you can do. Is they give you this cable so that you can uh, along with, like your keyboard and mouse and whatever else you’re going to plug into the USB? You can plug in your mic to the Monitor and then run your monitor to your computer, which is great. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this.

That’S really cool, there’s also something on the bottom of the stand here and it’s a little like adjustment gear, but I can’t adjust it at all. I don’t know what that does. I don’t know if it changes resistance or anything. I don’t feel it changing anything, but yeah there’s some little gear down here.

We can figure that out later we’ll let you know as for cable management, you’re, honestly, not getting a ton. Unless this back pops off, I don’t think it does. Um yeah, you basically just go out here and up through here. It’S okay, it’ll work. I’M just surprised that for a company like Porsche that wants to do something, that’s like elegant and sporty, they don’t have a better cable management system.

I do still really like the stand. Looks like we’ve got our speakers right here, there’s a pair of eight watt speakers in this bad boy and uh. This is actually pretty good construction, so I’m really curious to see how they sound we’re gon na power.

This bad boy up and listen to some crab Rave and play some games and stuff, but not before a word from our sponsor secret lab thanks to secret lab for sponsoring. Today’S video secret lab chairs are engineered to keep you incredibly comfortable for long hours at work and play their new Titan Evo 2022. Chair keeps you feeling comfortable for longer.

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It reminds me of like the PlayStation one like sound it. Doesn’T it doesn’t sound too much like it just the overall, I don’t like it HDMI, so it automatically switched for me, which is great okay. We got HDR enabled we have 1152 dimming zones in this bad boy which it’s not going to beat OLED, don’t get me wrong, but for a screen this size, that’s pretty good.

A lot of 55 65 inch TVs on the mid-range to higher end are about that. Many dimming zones for mini LED right now, anyway, we’re running at 4K, we’ve got 10 bit color 16. It says Peak brightness, 1600 nits.

I don’t know how true that is. I think they have rated it for about 1400 either way whatever we don’t want. 60 hertz.

We want all can can HDMI 2.1 only do 4K 120.. I thought it could do 4K. 144. yeah. I want to put the DisplayPort cable on just in case whoa.

This is a weirdo SD. What the hell I! Okay um! I actually really like this. I just don’t like how like garbagey the text looks I don’t know if you can make that out on camera, but it does not look good. It looks like it was blown up and not rasterized, but the overall like layout and design is actually really cool. I really love it. What does OSD setup do? Okay, it brings me to something more regular, USB selection. Okay, I don’t want the oh. No, I definitely don’t want to change the language sure. What’S an extra input Select Auto, I want to use the DisplayPort okay. We got 144 Hertz now with our DisplayPort cable, all right.

What is light effects are this? Is there RGB what the f really changing may increase power consumption? Yes, there’s a there yeah! So there’s this light on the bottom. Here, oh, is that what the Yeah yeah? Okay, okay, pretty sweet! You know that uh weird thing I found on the bottom of the stand before it changes the logo that displays. I don’t know it’s pretty cool. I I wish you could turn it off, but it said rainbow breathing. So is there like RGB on the what foreign look at this? It’S in the speaker and it’s in this top bar here – and I don’t know you know I kind of wish that this was a big diffusion bar like a white diffusion bar, so that this was more prominent part of me kind of likes, the like more muted, Aesthetic that they’re going for with this either way I dig it – I love the speaker, part of it, and that looks really cool he’s got that 8K footage, Maybe wow. It is Bright. Now, to be fair, I know we use YouTube and it’s not the best in terms of showing off HDR content, but honestly, it’s at least a good indicator of whether it’s going to be terrible or not, and as we’ve definitely seen on some other displays. There’S some judder going on, which is more common in OLED than mini, LED and that might be the player.

Let’S, let’s get out of 8K, I went to 8K because I’m you know dumb and I wanted to go to 8K. I bet you if we tried to stream it at 4K. It probably fixes that right away, that’s still happening here. I wonder if that’s something I just haven’t noticed before.

I wonder if it’s YouTube – Oh chromatic average. That’S one! I don’t like. This is all good, though.

Ultra ultra high, very high retrace lighting High sure, oh baby, look at that. It looks pretty good, but I will tell you motion and stuff like this is totally fine. It’S actually really good. I don’t know if I’m just crazy, but this is like really crisp whoa. What’S this guy doing what’s going on gamer wow, those speakers are pretty good. I I 100 think that you could actually get away with not using computer speakers.

Don’T get me wrong a pair of like really good studio, monitors or even just like off-the-shelf 100 computer speakers is probably better overall, but that’s pretty good. It’S not bad. There’S.

Definitely a lack of bass like duh. What are you expecting? It’S you know they’re a couple. Eight watt speakers sitting in a monitor, but this is totally acceptable.

Cyberpunk looked real crisp, even when I was like flicking around and stuff, but even with the 4090, when we’re set to ultra the frame rate. Probably wasn’t anything crazy. So I’d like to see something running at like 300 frames, a second on a 144hz display, and I want to just flick around see how fast everything catches up.

So you can make those you know those crucial flicks with the op like I’ve seen better. Like. Obviously you know when you’re going with uh OLED or something with those like just instant, Lightning, Fast pixel response times it’s going to win, but like oh, that’s, terrible but like this is clear. I turn and it’s instant and even when you’re just cruising around, you can still make out the actual environment around you and everything. It’S it’s pretty sweet. I’M not gon na lie to you guys.

This is a fantastic monitor if you can get one on like a major deal, go for it, but the problem is: it is 1800 US Dollars and if you’re, Canadian uh, it’s even worse for some reason, they’re a site listed as 31 Canadian dollars. I wish bye bye, bye, bye, bye, 3100, Canadian dollars. That is insane. That is more than just going from USD to cat.

It’S like a 20 to 30 percent difference, whereas that is like not quite doubling, but it is way more than 30 percent. I can’t you can’t justify that. I mean the problem. Is you you’ve got either the cool to master Tempest which is a 20? It’S a 27 inch screen and it’s only got about 500 dimming zones, but it’s 800 bucks for 4K, 120 or 144 Hertz. If that’s not good enough for you, you need the like 1000 dimming zones.

The Samsung Neo G7 has 1152 dimming zones and it’s like thirteen hundred dollars, so you can save 400 bucks by just going with Samsung, instead of with uh Porsche Design. Now it’s got a really nice stand and the speakers are pretty good for computer monitor speakers, but I just don’t think that that justifies 400 at least oh, my God, you could buy a whole other monitor for 400 bucks. You can get a decent 1440p High, refresh rate monitor for like four or five hundred dollars, at least so I just can’t recommend this thing.

I think it’s sick if you ever get the opportunity to use it or it’s a game on it, like it’s cool and it’s good, and you should totally try that that’s that’s the PD 32 um from Porsche Design and AOC aegon. It’S a really nice display. It’S just a bit too expensive, there’s a short circuit. If you want to check out other short circuits, maybe check out The Cooler Master Tempest and see if that’s the right one for you, it’s a hell of a lot cheaper, a few less features, but price is way more right than this thing.
