Linus misses Vista

Linus misses Vista

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus misses Vista”.
Foreign, I’m kind of feeling the Windows 8.1 end of support. What do you think yeah? Let’S do it? Windows 8.1 reached end of support on Tuesday January 10th. This sucks, I actually still have an active Windows 8.1 right now. It’S not like normal Windows. 8.1. It’S windows! 9., that that sort of stripped down 8.1 embedded or whatever it was called um that we made a video about man. I looked at that thing. I was like man Snappy, that’s amazing, and so I immediately set it up on a VM that, to this day I still use um. So I’m gon na have man, I’m gon na have to like update that thing. That sucks, because, like that’s my sketchy VM that I’ve just used for like oh, this is like a weird program: okay, let’s um, let’s disconnect it from the rest of the network and see what it does like and it’s so because it’s so Bare Bones. It’S really easy to tell: if anything, is there that’s not supposed to be there and like ah man, I just I love that VM.

Linus misses Vista

It’S it’s been through a lot with me anyway, uh technical support, software updates and security fixes will no longer be provided. You’Re not gon na, say anything and Microsoft is recommending that customers move to a more current version of Windows. They are not offering a free upgrade path from Windows, 8.1 to Windows, 10 or 11, and unlike what happened with Windows, 7, Microsoft will not be offering an extended security update program for Windows 8.1, probably because nobody would even want it. The ESU program for a number of older products actually also came to an end on Tuesday, including Windows, 7 Professional and Enterprise versions, and Windows, Server, 2008, R2. Fun fact. I was actually using Windows Vista earlier this week and Windows 8.1 is not going to be as bad as that, but I can tell you using an outdated version of Windows.

Linus misses Vista

It gets pretty rough after a while, so it was good up until I think it was about two years ago we got our hands on the Dell XPS m2010. I think it’s called it’s a wild laptop. I can’t imagine they made more than like hundreds of these. If even that like, I can’t even imagine who would buy this thing, but we got our hands on it and that thing shipped with Windows, Vista and apparently it was pretty good up until just a couple of years ago, when um support for uh when chromium stopped.

Supporting Vista so effectively, you couldn’t do anything in a browser. I think valve pulled support for Vista and steam around that time as well. Don’T quote me on that. I I could have the timing a little bit off, but man you try to do anything on Vista today and it’s bad even ignoring the security issues.

Linus misses Vista

Let me tell you, I I tried I tried to load up. I tried to load up, okay, so that I could check reviews for for a Blu-ray to determine if I was willing to risk losing it in the uh in the pop-up motorized optical drive on the top of this laptop guys. Do not miss that video um. I was like do I care about this Blu-ray and then I could manually calculate the percentage of Thumbs Up and thumbs down reviews, because I could, I could see how many there were, but the actual images weren’t weren’t loading. It was pretty rough um. Our discussion question here is: where would you rank Windows 8, slash 8.1 on a best to worst list of Windows versions.

This is one of those things that’s kind of like 98, 98 SE and me where the lines are a little blurry. You can’t ask me: where would you rank Windows? 8, 8.1, because Windows, 8 and 8.1? Let’S just say, Microsoft learned a lot from Windows 8 and when Windows 8.1 was far less of a piece of um, I would rank Windows 8. Oh man see I liked Vista. So let’s go Matt, you know what that’d be kind of a fun video like ranking, ranking windows and like just like Windows tier list, um yeah. Oh, that could be a fun float plane exclusive. Doing like uh, hey, hey Dan uh. Can you uh? Can you ping the social team and actually CC James and let them fight it out over whether that’s an LTT video or whether it’s a float plane exclusive, just like kind of casual social video? But we should do. We should do like a Windows.

Tier list advice to Windows tier list. I wasn’t listening at all yeah Windows tier list, so we take all the editions of Windows and we have people. We have people rank them best to worst, even good. Pre-Nt Windows like dos based Windows, 98. Se was not very good: it crashed a lot. It had a lot of compatibility issues in spite of the fact that it was running on top of Dos dos programs.

Just would not work a lot of the time um. I think it’s hard to call Windows 8 legitimately, worse than anything before the NT kernel, but I would say that Windows 8 was probably the worst of the post NT kernel operating systems. For me, like 11, has its issues but they’re, not stability issues, uh they’re, not just like utterly making it utterly unusable issues with a keyboard and mouse right, um, you know and and Windows 8. As I talked about before with the the Windows 9 experience could get wildly better um like I would.

I mean I’ve told you guys, eight point. If, if I, if I could have had the latest versions of DirectX supported, there is no reason why I couldn’t have just continued running 8.1 embedded with modifications kept running Windows 9 until today. There is no reason for me to not do that.

It is so usable start, menu search works, fine, it’s much easier to get at your network configuration panel. Oh you don’t have that terrible control panel. That’S just like, sits on top of the regular control panel and makes everything more difficult. Actually, I think you did have a little bit of that, but it wasn’t as bad. The whole regular control panel was still there, damn it yeah. No, I I liked 8.1 with the right tweaks, but then I liked Vista.

So what the do I know idiot, I’m just running Vista on Modern Hardware. I didn’t try to plug in my old 98 Sierra printer. That’S a big difference! Right Windows Vista worked great on a brand new computer playing current gen games because it was what everyone was validating with uh yeah.

Okay Luke, on the other hand, worked at Geek Squad in the Windows Vista days and it was a bloodbath of low spec laptops. Yeah. That’S, I think, that’s very fair to say uh as if you had the specs for it.

It ran great if you were, but if you were running like 32-bit Vista on some piece of crap laptop it was. It was a pretty bad time pretty bad time. .