Who’s the biggest liar?

Who’s the biggest liar?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Who’s the biggest liar?”.
Foreign Dan hit me with a couple merch messages: let’s go: okay, I’ve got one here from Vincent uh, Linus out of Nvidia Intel and amd who’s overall, the biggest liar and out of those which lie was the most personally offensive. Why did you ask this on the Spider-Man? Show? Corporations is a liar, sometimes right, um wow, you specifically called out Intel AMD and Nvidia. Now here’s the thing companies are made up of departments which are made up of well. Okay, no hold on companies are made up of business units which are made up of departments which are made up of teams which are made up of people. So if I was to, if I was to zero in on an egregious lie, um I mean I could pick.

I could pick any one of them: man I just about pulled an all-nighter okay, when amd’s bulldozer processors came out because our AMD rep at the time told me they were freaking. Awesome. Sorry excuse me awesome. He was like man, these CPUs slap harder than Dana White.

Oh God, sorry I’m trying to get into character. Okay, you’re gon na kill the pair of us. Oh anyway, he tells me get it together, Luke anyway. He tells me that the CPU is amazing at the time right. I am. I am ghost writing for Hardware Canucks, which was owned by NCIX and I’m working on like our launch day.

Who’s the biggest liar?

You know coverage I’m trying to overclock it or whatever and I’m sitting here – I’m benchmarking late into the night going this thing’s a piece of. But I was told it’s great, but it’s the middle of the night right the night before the Embargo, because I only got it like that day and I’m sitting here going. Everyone else is going to make me look like an idiot. I can’t publish these numbers.

This thing is dog, slow and then it comes out and it’s like it sucks and I’m sitting here going well. That would have been great to know um, but I mean okay, I was about to say: that’s, not amd’s fault AMD does have a culture of overhyping crap products that that suck um, it’s usually closer to you know, White Lies, I guess, or I don’t know if They’Re white lies, it’s usually closer to bending the truth. I’M getting is it AMD lies. Okay, Intel lies, Lots, um, Nvidia Nvidia is just a bunch of Insidious like let’s face it, they they have a culture of being Insidious um and don’t kid yourself, you know just because just because Intel dress is nicer and is more respectful to you doesn’t mean these Are businesses right? They exist to separate you from your money.

However, there are people there. I wan na I wan na go back to the other side of this coin, whether it’s Nvidia or whether it’s Intel or whether it’s AMD I have met some of the most genuine, passionate, enthusiastic people that I’ve ever encountered in the industry because all of these companies Insidious that they are are profitable, which allows them to spend lots of money to attract super passionate super intelligent people to work on their products. So what I’m trying to say is that corporations is a liar sometimes absolutely but corporations is actually also full of enthusiastic amazing.

Highly intelligent, honest people right, like I remember, running into one of the people that advocated for us for skull Trail at Intel, and he was just like yeah. That was like my passion project. I was like you’re awesome that was so cool. It was basically Intel server platform in Gamer’s, clothing and overclockable at the time right. It was awesome, it’s bleeding edge, made no commercial sense, but they did it right. You know, and it’s it’s the same thing for companies like Nvidia man, man does Nvidia ever have great Engineers like these are people that are just so smart that you sit down and talk to them for, like 15 minutes like holy, I could have gone to school. For a year – and I wouldn’t have learned half as much as I did just now right, and so when I say these companies are just like full of liars and and and deceivers it’s true, but these companies are also full of honest amazing, passionate people who would Do it for zero dollars? So what they’re making money that’s great? They should, but they would have done it anyway, which is amazing. You got ta love that passion right um. You know what let’s have a spicy Wan show: it’s not one of those companies, but the closest that I would say that I’ve been to being lied to outright by a company um. I would say this is fair to say, because it was directly from the CEO and it was a direct deception uh, something that they would have had intimate knowledge of. This was around a key product launch. It wasn’t from you know, a low-level sales wrapper marketing, rep or even a high level sales rapper marketing rep. This was directly from the CEO and I was told from Razer, okay, that their gaming switches back when they first released razor switches were not re-badged. Kiwa Cherry knockoff switches, I was told that they were razor switches inside and out engineered by Razer, and that was at best at best a misrepresentation at the very best because they were kaiwa Cherry clones. Moving the actuation point 0.2 of a millimeter is not engineering.

Who’s the biggest liar?

A switch okay, the Roamer G is engineering, a switch, and you can say what you want about the Roamer g-switch okay, but that switch was engineered by Omron with input from Logitech. The Razer gaming switch was not engineered by Razer. It involved engineering you’d. Be amazed how hard it is to build a screwdriver and if it’s hard to build a screwdriver, I promise you it’s hard to build a keyboard switch. It’S a complex mechanism, it’s small! The cost needs to needs to be low, it must be low.

It can’t be a dollar a switch like you, you can’t. I mean you can sell 300 keyboards, but most people will not buy a 300 keyboard. There’S a limit.

Okay and it’s got to be reliable. Within that limit millions of times you have to be able to press it. I get it. There was engineering involved, but you did not engineer a switch.

A Razer gaming switch at least back then right, okay, so this is like seven eight years ago right at least back. Then it was a cherry clone. That’S it! I love that uh. This is yeah.

This is great. D-Boss 2289 float plane, says: Linus is gon na wants to be spicy today and Luke doesn’t have any power to stop him. This time, yeah yeah he could okay, he could pull the mic. You get the get the out of here so there I think, that’s the.

I think that’s the closest I’ve ever been to just like, or I think that’s the most egregiously. I have ever been misled by a company um and to be clear, I’m not counting, I’m, not counting anything that was unintentional. You know uh like even if you, if you go back and look at like the principal technology scandal at Intel.

I had a theory back back during that time that no one would ever go on the record and talk to me about. But I’ll say that my theory is basically there, there were ignorant Executives and their egos involved. Uh there was skilled people who didn’t have the time or chance to review things. Uh involved uh. Basically, bottom line don’t attribute to malice what you can attribute to incompetence or whatever, whatever the quote was. I suspect that that was a clown show comedy of errors, uh, not a a willful attempt to deceive the Enthusiast Community or the only people watching those stupid presentations. Anyway, and who were obviously going to catch that um, you know, that’s that I don’t.

I don’t classify the same way. I just I just don’t uh, whereas when you tell me yeah, we built this thing from scratch and you like actually didn’t. That’S, that’s different. .

Who’s the biggest liar?