Nerdforge Collab – Behind The Scenes

Nerdforge Collab - Behind The Scenes

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Nerdforge Collab – Behind The Scenes”.
So Justin yeah, I think you guys walking up here with the thing as we open the door I’ll be sitting on my Throne of cat6a cables. The throne there’s also a throwing right in there. I wish we could have like small. You could be in the forklift, but uh we’re like oh yeah, [, Laughter, ]. Don’T please don’t use this toilet and rolling.

Nerdforge Collab - Behind The Scenes

Oh hey everyone! I heard you want to build a computer, it’s a minute here. Yeah yeah just go around that way. Excuse me geez. That was good myself.

It’S totally up to you guys. Could you say one line in our outro yeah, of course, whatever you guys want: okay, let’s take a look at them, I’ll I’ll, just do a quick one first and then I’ll, just okay, yeah! Let’S take a look, oh I’m! Sorry, oh okay, one more time so, as you might have guessed already, we’ve traveled all the way from Norway to Canada, because who, better than Linus Tech tips to finish off this film, you know someone who actually knows what you’re doing um what this thing. If this thing actually survives, then make sure to head over to their channel to see what it turned out, let’s take a look at the not final results: nice good job, again, okay, here we go. Let’S take a look: okay, I’ll stop! This we’re gon na have a lot of good ones, just just yeah yeah yeah, so I don’t bother saying it at the end of this or no, I do say you do. I do you sure? Yes, okay, all right, as you might have guessed already, we’ve traveled all the way from Norway to Canada. To finish off this build because who better defended it then Linus Tech tips who actually knows what they’re doing um.

That’S a lot of pressure. So if you want to see what this PC turns out to look like and not least, if this thing survive travel then head over to their Channel, I will link it down below. I know, let’s take a look at the not final result. Yes, yes, nice! Thank you awesome.

Nerdforge Collab - Behind The Scenes

That was awesome. Okay, you didn’t leave it very well, it really goes in there. Can you push this [ Laughter ]? No, this is not going in see too flaccid Ed, [ Laughter ].

Do we have the right size snake? Basically, what we’re doing is we’re taking the hard tubing and we are making it soft so we’re showing it a picture of its grandma foreign [ Laughter ]. May I please have an actual Allen key. That’S this size instead of the UK plastic, fitting uh. I don’t think we have that. Are you serious yeah because they use like a random stupid in between metrics up shut up? Do they that is horrible.

Nerdforge Collab - Behind The Scenes

What number I have it? It’S 9 mil! Oh, wait that one might be six. I have sex. Okay, yeah sure, are you sure it’s a six, I’m not sure. Okay, so sounds good all right success.

All right! I got ta. Do this again and shattered. Oh wow, oh wow, we have our own six millimeter bit beautiful uh. I could actually use this little stubby. Screwdriver, do you still have that um sample? Oh, you killed the project bro, I burnt it already. No, I don’t it doesn’t work.

This doesn’t fit anything. No, it’s 3D printable! This is right. No, no, but like any any subby, we have like comparative ones.

Yeah. We have yeah um. So do you want me to make a study screwdriver? No! No! No! That’S not even fit in this! Oh here that could work.

Oh God, it’s on yeah, [, Laughter, ]. We we invented a tool for this hold on. It’S not gon na fit. Oh it just feels it’s not going to go in there. Oh, I don’t have a magnet bin in this one yeah. I don’t have much to drive around here today.

Thank you. Some reason I don’t have magnet fit in my scooter. I don’t know if it’s going to grab it.

Oh yeah, we’ll be fine, hey it worked last time. This thing has a pretty strong magnet in it. How how do they have a stronger matter than we do? Look how thick this thing is. I mean this is like the biggest baggage you could fit inside of my freaking yeah, but this is a thicker shaft foreign [ Laughter, ], [ Applause, ], get that pointed down and then bend down yeah. I believe, that’s me leave, I believe, see you later.

Oh, that’s much better. What perfect! Oh freaking nailed it nice all right! I don’t deserve that. No, you didn’t you do, though, that better teacher than a doer, that’s for sure, so, how’s water, cooling, yeah. I think it’s fun.

I mean surprisingly fun. Yeah yeah. I thought it would be like awful. Why did you fly all the way here to do something awful foreign thought it would be awful, but it was all right.
