Galaxy Tab S8 – Productive Day In The Life (Notetaking & Battery Test)

Galaxy Tab S8 - Productive Day In The Life (Notetaking & Battery Test)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Galaxy Tab S8 – Productive Day In The Life (Notetaking & Battery Test)”.
Okay, today we’re going to be doing the productive day in the life for the samsung galaxy tab. S8. You guys seem to really enjoy the students perspective. I did a few weeks ago and yeah.

I just want to take you throughout my day to show you what exactly i use the tab s8 for and in fact, i’m considering switching from the 10.2 ipad, which i’ve been using for probably the past couple of years. It’S super cheap, but honestly speaking, the samsung dex mode kind of has me sold with this tablet and let me know if you want to see a comparison, maybe to the new m1 ipad air. Let me know down in the comment section because that’s something i’d consider doing um in the near future, but for now the mac studio just came in. I got like the cheapest one. It’S the base model.

So what i’m going to do first is unbox that and then we can just start off the day right. So let’s talk about this panel on the tab, sa mac mini to mac. No, that’s not what i’m looking for! I’M pretty sure it’s going to be the same um anyway, but i migrate data on old mac to new mac. Okay, there we go. This may help us out. Who are you so one thing that i can say about this panel is that it’s huge. It’S like pretty big, so i can’t really imagine how big the s8 plus or the s8 plus ultra whatever they called it, because this is already plenty screen for me.

I really appreciate the 120 hertz because, like look at this, it’s like so fluid it just makes the whole overall software experience extra fluid like scrolling through different things like opening applications. You can just tell there’s a huge difference between having a 128 panel 120 hertz panel versus a typical um, 60 hertz panel, or even 90 hertz panel. To be honest with you now. One thing that i would say about this display is that it’s such a huge fingerprint magnet i’d suggest potentially getting a matte finish screen protector because, like look at the edges, they get absolutely disgusting and you may have to just keep a microfiber cloth with this panel. But anything from content consumption like what i’m doing right now to just watching youtube videos, um watching netflix movies.

Really anything on this display is is amazing, like i’ve had no issues there and it gets plenty bright. I wish it got just a tad bit brighter for outside use, because sometimes i do feel like i don’t have enough brightness with this panel, but for the most part it gets a job done for practically everything and it still is pretty usable outside. But i’ve seen better on other panels, so it’s still transferring as you can see here. It’S restarting but we’re gon na go to lunch and wait for it to do that.

Hopefully, by the time we come back, everything is already transferred, but that’s the thing i don’t like about the s pen is that it’s always falling off off the tablet, even when i put it to the side, but anyway, let’s pack, this up, i’m gon na need My wireless keyboard set up since i’m too cheap to buy the the samsung keyboard, which is like two three hundred dollars that has a built-in trackpad. It’S just. I already spent seven hundred dollars on the tablet. I don’t want to spend another 300 um.

Galaxy Tab S8 - Productive Day In The Life (Notetaking & Battery Test)

It’S just not worth it, i think it’s 300. I don’t know something like that, but all i know is it’s expensive got my wireless mx master mouse and we are good to go. Oh look at that migration completed so that you kind of worked out any moment. Now this elevator’s trash okay, so i just thought about something as i was going down, the elevator and i figured that a lot of people are considering picking this up or a laptop, and it’s kind of hard to justify that when you’re paying 700 for a tablet.

Well, here’s how i feel about that when you really think about it, a laptop and a tablet are essentially both portable computers. One just has a built-in trackpad and keyboard. The only difference, or the only reason, you’d want to get a tablet versus getting a laptop is because you have the s pen, you can literally use it as a creative for drawing or for note-taking as a student. Another reason i would prefer and justify getting a 700 tablet is the power like nowadays, tablets are pretty powerful.

For instance, the ipad air m1 literally has the same chipset as a macbook, which is a whole computer and it’s just more portable, and if you want to turn it into a laptop, you can just buy portable mouse and keyboard. It’S essentially the same thing and gone are the days where tablets were these super slow, boring devices and brought are these extremely competitive computing devices that are just as good as laptops, and i just thought about something: like laptops: have the worst webcams, like literally the worst Webcams and it’s 2022, and for some reason i don’t know why these companies can’t get it together, they’re putting all these all these amazing technologies in cell phone cameras, but for some reason they can’t fit that same camera on a freaking laptop like does that make any Sense to you, because it definitely doesn’t to me okay, so zaxby’s is what we’re doing today for lunch. I get exact salads.

Galaxy Tab S8 - Productive Day In The Life (Notetaking & Battery Test)

Okay, as i’m waiting on my food, i’m gon na respond to a few emails. The good thing about the tab state is the fact that you can actually use the keyboard to write and it’ll, translate it into actual text, which is pretty dope, and it makes it a little bit easy. If you just want to use the s pen, you don’t feel like holding it like a tablet and typing kind of like awkwardly or if you just don’t want to pull out the whole keyboard or the keyboard case. You can just literally place it down like a piece of paper and you can start replying to emails. [ Applause, ], [, Applause, ], okay, i’m on the way to a shoot and my friend jonathan and i are meeting as we’re driving to the street.

Galaxy Tab S8 - Productive Day In The Life (Notetaking & Battery Test)

It’S like what we’re like 17 minutes. I was like what 30 minutes away, and this is a perfect time to pull out the tab s8 and take down some notes and yeah. Let’S talk about that, real quick note-taking on this tablet is absolutely amazing. I actually kind of prefer the s pen over the apple pencil just because of how soft it is on the actual tablet.

I feel i have a little bit more accuracy. I will say that the apple pencil, even though it’s harder on the screen, it’s still a little bit more accurate, but it’s not that huge of a deal, at least for me. I know for somebody who’s, maybe like an artist and plans on using this for drawing they may see a noticeable difference, but for myself, when i’m writing taking down notes, it doesn’t seem to be that huge of that big deal. Okay, so chick-fil-a went pretty well um, but let’s talk about samsung dex, because that’s literally one of the biggest selling points to this tablet and that essentially turns it from this tablet experience to a full-on computer, you can open up different applications. You can have windows, you can multitask and essentially it’s literally a laptop at that point, so that kind of goes back to the whole portability aspect and do i can i justify purchasing this for 700 versus buying a laptop well. Samsung is literally killing it with this dex feature because it’s it’s it’s basically a laptop to be honest with you um. So right now, i’m going to get some scripts done. I have a few to type out send out some emails as i’m listening to some music in the background, maybe a little bit of some lo-fi beats. If you have any suggestions on some music, i listen to everything from pop r b, some lyrical rap just drop anything in the comment section, even international stuff, like afrobeats or yeah. I literally listen to everything, but i’m gon na get some work done. This is one of my favorite places to work um right here by the savannah river. It’S beautiful that railroad is actually active, but that’s enough talking.

I really need to get some of this work done because it’s currently 7 31 p.m and we’re sitting at 56 of battery life. Everything that we do exclusive make sure that it’s all inclusive, i was taught make no excuses as a man. You can’t be useless man up cause these people ruthless down. These thoughts clueless lobster mac, i’m up at ruth chris from my tone.

You keep the smoothness currently 7 58 51 life left and let’s talk about performance because it’s really dark out here. I probably have to head home soon, but i really enjoyed the sun down sun yeah sundown sunset, whatever you want to call it as i’m working it. Just i don’t know, i feel really inspired being in like different work environments. This is definitely not a work environment, but to me it is i just like working outside um.

I feel a lot more creative and it just feels really good out here today, but anyway, let’s talk about performance, as i mentioned, you can run samsung dex on here, which turns it into essentially a full-fledged computer, and you can multitask like crazy on this tablet. I was going to say on this laptop because it kind of feels like a laptop at this point. You can have a bunch of windows opened, you can be scripting on one screen while at the same time you can be writing emails on the other screen and you can be watching a video and listening to music. I don’t know if you’re going to do two or both two of those at the same time, if you are you’re kind of weird, but the performance on this device is incredible, whether you want to multitask like crazy or you want a game on this machine.

You shouldn’t have to really you’re not going to really have to worry about it, slowing down or lagging you can throw anything at it practically without really really running into any issues i haven’t had any yet, and i mostly use it for productivity. I don’t do too much gaming on this machine. I’Ve done a little bit, but for the most part i haven’t had any frame drops or any like weird issues, at least yes, [ Applause ] heard when you’re up they wan na bring you down.

This is upstate. We’Re killers they clutch thanks. Fourth quarter shooters, like siweb with the set case johnson, laid down a verse. He made me rap again, okay, so it is currently 9 46. p.m.

Please disregard what i’m wearing i’m literally at home. I just took a nice shower and i’m super tired, but you know what i’m gon na do. I’M gon na watch an episode of bel air since they dropped a new one on peacock. I just started using that.

Let me know if you have any recommendations down in the comment section, because i literally just got it for for this, and i really liked this show and i’ve been binge watching it, the past like week or two, and it’s really dope, but anyway um yeah, i’m Gon na just start watching this and i’ll get back to you on how the battery life is looking, because we’re currently sitting at 47 percent and is it is 9 47 p.m. Look at that 47! 9. 47.

I’M so tired! Why isn’t will being punished? Do everything in my power to safeguard your future trust me, i’m not trying to stress my mama any more than already have so i just thought about this. The speakers on this device are absolutely amazing. You have like a you have like four speakers.

Um all around you have two on each side and you get this really really loud, stair experience and there’s plenty clarity here, so it doesn’t really get too distorted at high volumes like a ton of other speakers on tablets. So i’m thoroughly impressed with these. If you plan on consuming a lot of content, i don’t you’re, not you’re gon na have an amazing experience like literally um, but let me go back to watching. Do everything like you did so here’s my conclusion: it’s currently 10 22 p.m. I’M really tired and we’re sitting at 40, and i’m 24 minutes into the tv show um the bel air and i just got to say the tab. S8 first of all has some really great battery life.

Today was more of a lighter day. I’Ve had days where i’m using it back to back, i’m streaming a lot of content or just doing a bunch of graphic intensive tasks and in those days it does still last me the whole day, but in days like this, where i’m using it lightly, i’m just Doing some scripting um a little bit of social media streaming content, not not nothing too major. It easily lasts me at least two days, but that’s really it. If you’re curious on the battery life, you can expect i’d, say at least two days of light usage, a full day of heavy usage and in a medium day like let’s say, you’re doing both heavy and light usage. You can expect a day and a half um more than likely, but i’d say most people. If you’re just doing this for purely productivity-based work, i don’t see why it wouldn’t last you any more than a day, but thank you so much for watching this day. In the life video, i am so tired, it’s 10 p.m. The lights are about to go off and i’m going to sleep now me .