Thursday Jam – Patch Breakdown

Thursday Jam - Patch Breakdown

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Thursday Jam – Patch Breakdown”.
Hello, i was just doing a patch which i quite liked. Oh here it comes so i thought i’d share it with you, so i’m going to play with it for about 15-20 minutes or something and then i’ll talk about it at the end. Just to show you what’s plugged into what that’s nice and helpful i’ll do that so were you are you is [ Applause. ] is something like that? Something like that. I think. Well, there you go so let me i’m going to bring you in and i’m going to poke around and see if i can show you what it was that happened.

Thursday Jam - Patch Breakdown

So, first of all, this sound that we have here come through. This first channel is a pair of oscillators these two here, the even vco and the 3340 from casatronix. These two fellas i’ve mixed them together through here with a bit of noise, so i’ve added some white noise. If i turn that down by itself, that’s just noise, but i’ve mixed these other two tones in there to give me this lovely full sound, which are then applied, [ Laughter ]. This is not rocket science envelope too, so that it comes in and out, but i’ve also added some modulation from the div kit uh oct here and that’s sweeping the cutoff of the joe filter back up to here the entire effect.

So i pull out that bit i’ll just get the two notes being played, so you can see that through the through the envelope, there’s a note coming in going away no coming in going away. Now i’m pretty sure i had two notes going on, but that seems to have been lost there somewhere, but let’s not worry about it. I then also did something which i thought was really clever, which was, i included, this precision adder and so with a click of a switch. I could knock it down a bit. Well, there’s the other note i or knock it up a bit just to change it. [ Laughter ] about [, Laughter, ], and then i just had the opt, the div kid opt taking care of a bit of this sweep and because it goes all the way the uh, the lfos from the octago aren’t attenuated.

Thursday Jam - Patch Breakdown

It would take it all the way off and then we’ll bring it back in rather nice. So it’s just a nice long, synthy single note pad. I could have done more to fiddle with the tuning of these two oscillators, but i just left them going as they were a little bit of pulse width, modulation going into the even vco and then, of course, lots of reverb lots of delay. Okay, so that’s that bit next up over here, we have my two stos.

Thursday Jam - Patch Breakdown

This is something i’ve been playing with the last couple of days, just this synth voice. Here, the m185 sequencer driving a pair of sdo’s through a wasp filter. At the end there i completely messed up the sequence: it’s not as interesting as it was so now, so i was just enjoying that and just wanted to enjoy that a little bit more then on channel three. Now this is something rather lovely.

This is generated by the turing machine. Our old friend, the touring machine, is kicking out a bunch of notes, but this has been clocked by the stocky ratchet, which is here so on channel one i just put in a couple of you know, beats and a couple of bits together and that’s driving the Clock on the turing machine, much more interestingly, but then i’m sending it through a quantizer up here. This thing, just a simple dope: quantizer put it to a minor scale. I think, and then this is traveling down to the instruo filter here into the one volt per octave input and all it’s doing is using the filter has an oscillator.

It is self oscillating. I can take the resonance down a little bit and it’ll vanish. Put the resonance up and there it is, and it’s a beautiful sine wave lots of reverb and delay of course. So i’m very pleased with that. Next i’ve got my old friend compass oops happening in this mass of cables here. So compass generates a whole bunch of different rhythms and i got that going into the vct networks: a deck 104 from 8x systems which generates these blips. These 808 style blips start off with it was running a little bit slow.

So i ended up pumping another channel from the ratchet into it in order to give it a little bit more liveliness and then, lastly, i think is my old friend the 2 hp pluck over here, which i’ve got going through my nemesis magneto doing stuff. I’M not entirely sure what but i’ve got it going through on some kind of pitch shift sort of delay thing, but it just really entertained me, and so all together we get a cacophony of stuff, [ Applause, ] foreign, and there you have it now do. I think that was uh.

That was certainly interesting. I have a little bit of a timing glitch it kept at some point. It would just skip a beat or reset or something which uh not entirely sure. What that’s about i mean in order to get the clock for this. It’S all coming from here, which had me scratching my head in order to try to get the right sort of output for sync, because it’s always by default, kicking out something like 24 um, uh pulses per quarter note or something which is crazy fast. So i’ve had to dig around in the menus to try to work out how to calm that down a little bit, which i think i have but, as i say, seems to be, it seems to fall over itself at some point, which is something i’ll just have To investigate, but otherwise that was fun and, in the meantime go make some tunes. .