Introducing Molten 2500 – Genuinely authentic modules

Introducing Molten 2500 - Genuinely authentic modules

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Introducing Molten 2500 – Genuinely authentic modules”.
Well, yeah, i mean it’s: it’s been a bit of a bit of a journey to get here. You know, there’s something about that. Sound there’s something something about the the workflow that can take you off. Take you off on adventures.

You know you’re like an explorer seeking out tones or a scientist manipulating waveforms, there’s nothing quite like it, and it’s only really, since i started designing my own modules that i’ve really come to to understand the nature and the intent behind electronic sound. You know i mean original designers of these sorts of circuits. They were, they were poets really. So what i’m trying to achieve is some sense of authenticity. I think people want they want that sound, and so that’s exactly what i’m attempting to capture and then i want to offer a genuine and authentic experience that absolutely honors the past, but also sort of frees you up from that that sense of murkiness. You know i mean the most important thing is that we get to use these modules without having to feel you know bad about it, because the way i see it is that i’m democracizing music making you know by making it far more palatable to people who are Outside that exclusive tribe here here is where the magic happens.

Introducing Molten 2500 - Genuinely authentic modules

This is where i do all my research, my development testing, getting beneath the surface of the technology, finding out how these things tick, so that i can you know, interpret it in my own way. No, i mean, i don’t really see it as as copying. You know it’s, it’s an evolution.

It’S a it’s an interpretation, it’s a reimagining of what has gone before. You know, there’s a there’s, a great tradition in music technology of stimulating markets through competition. You know competition is vitally important.

Introducing Molten 2500 - Genuinely authentic modules

I think it pushes us forward. It helps us evolve and become more inventive in the future and having more choices is ultimately an immensely empowering thing. The process that i’m going through is i mean it’s as is as authentic and as genuine as you can get. You know i mean it takes a huge amount of work. In fact i mean i would. I would suggest that having to authentically reverse engineer, something to replicate something to do all that work, i mean, that’s huge, that’s immense.

I mean it probably takes more work ultimately to to do what i’m doing to replicate these devices than it probably did to have the original idea in the first place. But you know we’re artists, you know so it’s worth it. It’S always worth it.

I like to hand finish all my modules. You know, i think i think it’s an important element. It lends an air of eccentricity to it and also you know the knowledge that the person who’s going to receive it is going to be getting something. That’S absolutely original. You .