Sequenz Volca Rack 2X2 Review

Sequenz Volca Rack 2X2 Review

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Sequenz Volca Rack 2X2 Review”.
Hello, i’m robin vincent and welcome to molten music technology. I’Ve come into possession of a bunch of volkers yeah, which is an awesome thing on its own. The trouble is that these wonderfully portable and touchable machines are going to end up all over the place. They’Ll be stuck around drapes around they’ll end up on the floor, they’ll be in all sorts of different places, i’m going to tread on them and lose them and drop them, and that kind of thing – and so i thought it’d be really good to have somewhere to Place them some form of stand, something that brings it together as an awesome unit of volckers. So in this probably very short and fruity video, i thought i would just show you what i got to solve this problem.

Sequenz Volca Rack 2X2 Review

I got this. It’S a volca rack, 2×2 by sequence: i’ve only cracked, the lid on the box – i haven’t put it together or got it out yet. So i thought i would do that and i would share that experience with you to see whether that might be helpful in in your wrangling of vodkas, because volckers are one of those little boxes that has a habit of multiplying and if you’re, not careful, they they’re. Just going to get out of hand and they’ll end up having one in the kitchen and then one somewhere else, and then they’ll never find each other again so hopefully, with this, i can keep them together as an awesome unit that that’s the plan. Let’S just get on with it: should we okay in the box, we get a guide.

Sequenz Volca Rack 2X2 Review

That’S gon na be helpful. Get some nice wooden-ish sides a bunch of screws, an allen key, oh some sort of foamy bit and the stands themselves. Nice see the way that they’re bent in interesting extrusions, so i have two of those.

Sequenz Volca Rack 2X2 Review

So i’m guessing i mean it’s not much of a guess. Is it really that they’re gon na go in there? Oh interesting, because this has got rubberized bits on the inside? That seem to give it quite a good, quite a good grip, interesting interesting. Well, hopefully, this is going to reveal itself as we go. Okay, nice nice thing, screws side panels all righty. Let’S have a look in the instructions. It’S not a weighty tome! So a bit like that roundy thing at the back fish bash, those in there stick your whatsits in and you’re done.

See. I like this. The fact that you can lie down flat like a bit of a console or stick it up in the air. That’S pretty! That’S pretty cool, so in my shower of cables, let’s see if i can get this right, so i don’t think it matters which one of these you use. It’S going to be like this anyway, with this behind a bit like that or something some such like that through there into there there and there and there all right seems simple enough, so the screws just go into the corners very simply one in this corner, one In that one, i just need to get that in the right place. Here’S your key, quick tightening! Then we’ve got this thing.

It goes on the back here. Somehow super easy: there, that’s pretty solid, pretty solid. That is what a nice little unit. I really like the bit of the back as well.

It means it’s not going to be rolling off your desk, even though my desk is wobbly, which is why they’re rubbles, but that’s really good. You can have it that way up or that way up, just brilliant right, let’s put the the what’s it’s in there. I haven’t quite worked out exactly which way around i want all of these yet, but that’s uh like that and the one with all the cables down here. That is completely lovely.

Look at that! That’S just amazing! I love it yeah! That’S exactly what i wanted exactly. What i was after bang on perfect now with a bit of luck, i can shuffle some of these cables a little bit more out of the way. I wonder whether these are long enough to shuffle under the back uh into there could be what about a power? Cable, oh nice, i’m going to do the full stretch. Not quite nearly i don’t know, maybe swap those two over they’re going to make all the difference.

Possibly that’s a little bit tight that one it’s a little bit tight, but it’s not the stands fault. That’S just the length of cable that comes with the volkers. I wonder whether i have a longer one i can use from something else. Can i put it anywhere else, would make that better, possibly a little bit more out of the way this one can go to the bottom, the out of the way this one can still actually go around the back and be out of the way see that’s better.

Nice, so maybe, with some kind of clip or cable tie around the back, i could tidy those up: [ Applause, ], [ Applause, ], [, Applause, ], and i can use it this way around or potentially. I can turn everything up the other way and use it. Sorry, my power cable is not quite long enough from where it’s plugged in or i can use it this way around, like so of course, everything’s upside down now, but there’s no reason why i can’t use it in that orientation and just turn these up. The other way and use those, but i’m kind of thinking, i’m liking it in a more of a console way. Yeah. I sit nicely on my desk and i can play absolutely with this integrated little system. Just beautiful, well, yeah, happy with that. So there we have it yeah, the sequence: volcarak 2×2 absolutely does the job, they feel pretty solid in there.

Obviously they can come out and wobble, but it’s not designed as a clamp supposed to be a stand. So yeah, perfect, fits beautifully, looks lovely cost. 70.

Quid 75 quid something like that. So for a stand for something absolutely designed for the purpose: yeah yeah! That’S all right! That is, i think, they’ll look good anywhere good job, yeah sequence, complaints. I mean i’ve even got a spare screw [ Laughter, ], no bad thing. No bad thing at all and yet another allen key awesome, yeah uh, so so that’s it cool go! Make some tunes! .