Moog Sound Studio and Kids

Moog Sound Studio and Kids

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Moog Sound Studio and Kids”.
Hello, i’m robin vincent and we’re back with the moog sound studio. I thought it’d be interesting to try out a few of the patches and i’ve invited some synth enthusiasts along to try out some of the ones that come in the mother, 32 and dfam exploration. Patchbook, is it easy enough for children to use? I guess is the question i’m asking probably, hopefully this will uh. This will show us and also demonstrate some of the other possibilities that are available within this excellent patch book. What you’ve got is a picture of the dfam, which is the top one and a picture of the mother 32, which is the bottom one, and it shows you exactly what the knobs and switches should be set to. So it takes a moment or two to set it up, but all you’ve got to do is follow it. So you see there, it says that one, you don’t even have to know what it is. You just turn it turn the dot to where that is. Do you see that switch has to be off that switch has to be up over there over there now arthur? Do you think you can do these ones over here, while i’m doing these ones? Here i put the cables into place.

Yes, you can so can i take them out? Yes, you can aren’t they already in the exit actually possibly, but we will work that out. This is what they call the jumping off point, which is a good place to start. So you start off by putting this into run so that this is going to start with this. At the same time, and let’s see what it sounds like, you need to put it again, don’t you there you go now.

It says in here to adjust the fm amount, which is this knob here. Well, sometimes it can be a little bit subtle so with these two things, the the places where you’re going to find the most fun it’s always. This is a bit more mysterious.

Moog Sound Studio and Kids

There’S all sorts of possibilities going on here. If you try some of the knobs wow, it says, adjust the vcs okay, so i just put some of the oh. It doesn’t make that work anymore, he’s trying to work it out.

So so this says play with the vca decay, which is this one? That’S funny do so. Let’S try the vc mix, which is this one. Oh there’s a real squelch going on there somewhere, i’m just gon na go through uh, yes, okay! So thank you for your. Not too help so there you go.

There’S children interested for about maybe even half an hour. There that’s a win as far as i’m concerned in the meantime, go make some tunes crazy. You .