Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “League of Legends – GTX 750 TI – Game Performance – Intel i3-4170 – ASUS M32AD”.
Hello and welcome to tech deals game performance review time. A league of legends were playing league of legends today on this is Zeus: M 32 ad desktop computer. I’Ve previously reviewed this computer, a link to that will be in the description below, but wait. We’Ve upgraded this machine and that video will also be in the description below. We have added 8 gigabytes of RAM which doesn’t affect this game at all, but we added an nvidia geforce gtx 750ti dedicated gaming graphics card.
This is a 100 hour graphics card put into a $ 300 computer for less than $ 500. Now we have a gaming machine now I previously ran a league of legends on this machine. I did it using the built-in integrated HD 4400 graphics, the intel graphics, a link to that video will also be in the description below it did play fine at medium detail on that when you turn it up to high. It certainly slowed down at times, but it was still perfectly playable.
This time we’ve got. Let me go over the video everything is on very high detail with anti-aliasing turned on which I didn’t have last time. Take a look at our frame rate up here in the corner. We are at 160 170 frames per second, almost 200 frames per second, that’s crazy.
So, needless to say, basically any dedicated gaming graphics card sold today is going to play this game just fine on max detail. It will play on integrated, graphics, just fine, but I’m providing this video as a comparison to the previous one, which was done an integrated graphics. You can see what that gets for you in terms of, and, of course, it doesn’t matter that we’re in combat I mean it basically plays the same League of Legends is not shall we say the most complicated game here.
Oh, we got to run away because we’ve run out of box or we’ve run out of minions anyway. You don’t want to watch me play this. You get the point. It plays perfectly at 1080p full-hd, with everything set to very high anti-aliasing, turned on where 150 plus frames per second, and this is on a basic entry-level one hundred and fifty dollar graphics card. Do you like this video click like? Do you not that’s? Okay, too, remember to subscribe to my channel.
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