Star Wars Battlefront – GTX 750 TI – Game Performance – Intel i3-4170 – ASUS M32AD

Star Wars Battlefront - GTX 750 TI - Game Performance - Intel i3-4170 - ASUS M32AD

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Star Wars Battlefront – GTX 750 TI – Game Performance – Intel i3-4170 – ASUS M32AD”.
Hello and welcome to tech deals, game performance, review time, Star Wars, Battlefront, multiplayer, 40, player 20 vs. 20 on this is Zeus: M 32 ad desktop computer, but wait we’ve upgraded this. This is not the factory configuration because this came wouldn’t play on that. This computer does not come with a graphics card.

We’Ve added one, an nvidia geforce, gtx, 750ti gaming graphics card. Yes, that’s a mouthful! Basically, what is it a $ 100 graphics card installed in this roughly $ 300 computer, so for under $ 500, we’ve cut ourselves a gaming computer. Now we are running at full, HD or 1080p resolution.

It’S loading. If you look up in the corner, you’ll see our fraps counter now we’re in a loading screen. So the number at the moment doesn’t mean anything, but when we start playing that will show our real-time performance. I have the detail not set to auto, but I’ve.

I’Ve manually forced it to go to high. I want to see how well this plays on high. This is actually my first attempt and first take at this, so we’ll see how well it does if you’re watching this, it went great. If not, then yeah, you won’t see this lick see here. Press to join game started.

Ah Walker assault, my favorite. Let’S go ahead and start this shut down the uplinks. Oh, I see a Jedi, that’s not a good idea like see.

Oh they got me. I got a little excited shooting at the Jedi and ignored everybody else. Well, I’m glad he’s on our side that is so cool to watch the at-at walkers. Moving now take a look at our performance.

Star Wars Battlefront - GTX 750 TI - Game Performance - Intel i3-4170 - ASUS M32AD

I got carried away in the game. We are running it basically. 60 frames, a second on high detail in a 40 player multiplayer match. Now I’m going to hit f11, and this means that our detail settings are our counter is going to go away and the reason for that is because it is now recording our gameplay. It will keep track of our minimum, our maximum and our average over two minutes to give us an idea of what to expect. I think this is going to come out really nicely yeah. I know I can’t shoot at him. I still want to add that weakest spot defend the Walker all right I’ll head over here went on. Did I get him? I did yay me now. My son plays this game more than I do. I am NOT an expert at this. By any stretch, my son loves this game, but he prefers flying in the fighters he likes to in the x-wing and the y-wing hey.

I got him hey. I got another one. Well, okay, I’m doing okay, but that doesn’t mean much there. We go turret destroyed.

Star Wars Battlefront - GTX 750 TI - Game Performance - Intel i3-4170 - ASUS M32AD

Oh, I had the ion thing on and it was me now whatever. Ah those up links are way far away, I think I can get over there I’ll just get shot at. If I go over there. Will he get me? Did I get him? Oh, I got him yay me and my health regenerated. What more do you want? Where are the bad guys? I got ta, be careful not to do something stupid like walk right into the bad guys. Oh, I see bad guys.

Star Wars Battlefront - GTX 750 TI - Game Performance - Intel i3-4170 - ASUS M32AD

I see bad guys. Oh our frame counters back. You know what I’m having fun we’re gon na. Do! Oh! Well! We won’t, let’s come over here to our fraps log.

What kind of performance was that again, let Miriam ffice eyes less than $ 500 of computer here, including the upgraded RAM and the dedicated gaming graphics card average. Of fifty five point. Seven frames per second minimum of 48 and a max of 82 was that playable absolutely, and this was not even low detail that was high detail.

I forced this to high detail. Let me pull up the settings. I’Ll show you video. We are at 100 % resolution scale, high high detail on a $ 100 graphics card.

Star Wars, Battlefront is less than one year old. This is almost a brand new game. This came out what six seven months ago.

All I can tell you is that if you are willing to play at full HD or 1080p and you’re willing to be beat now these aren’t I mean you could move this to Ultra, but then the graphics performance would go right to the floor. You can play most games at medium or high detail at 1080p on very inexpensive computers. You don’t have to spend a thousand dollars sure if you want to play at high resolution or multiple monitors or everything at Ultra, you got to spend more money. This is a screaming deal anyway. Did you like this video click? Like did you not that’s? Okay, too, remember to subscribe to my channel.

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