Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Call of Duty – Black Ops III – GTX 970 – Game Performance – Intel i3-4170 – ASUS M32AD”.
Hello and welcome to tech deals, game performance, review time call of duty black ops, 3 we’re playing black ops 3. Today on. This is Zeus: M 32 ad desktop computer, but wait I’ve upgraded it. I’Ve previously reviewed the factory configuration of this machine and that will be in the video description below. I have also got a video that will be linked in the video description, showing the upgrades that I did and how to do them. I added 8 gigabytes of system ram.
I replaced the factory power supply with a 400 watt unit, and that was so. I could install a GeForce GTX 970 gaming graphics card. This thing is now a beast, so we have our framerate counter up here.
We’Re running at full HD 1080p, with all the detail turned up as far as it will go so there’s the 1080p resolution we’re at 100 % render resolution. I’Ve got max frames per second set as high as it’ll go. Sync every frame is turned off, that’s vsync! So that we can get maximum performance i’ll come to advanced texture, quality, high texture, filtering high mesh quality, high shadow map quality hi, both boxes checked medium on order inner inner interdependent. I can’t say that, because mediums as high as it’ll go whatever the V lighting is. That’S on high anti-aliasing I manually turned up to SMA 82 X. Whatever that means Indian occlusion is extra and motion blur is always on. It doesn’t go any higher than that. So, yes, I want to apply my changes and let’s see how wow it’s I’ll tell you what it looks.
Really nice, let’s see what we can expect here like shoot, some bad guys. Shall we look at our framerate up there? I’M gon na hit f11 to start a fraps record run nice, so this will record our gameplay for two minutes and it will record our minimum maximum and average framerate during those two minutes. Oh, it would help if I shoot the bad guys, wouldn’t it. Where are the bad guys there we go yeah, they don’t stand a chance, oh there.
They are. How about I take cover behind this. You know I actually haven’t played through this recently, but when it came out, I did play through the whole story. I personally know there’s a bad guy there. I prefer modern warfare 3 myself boom.
Oh that’s, nice and impressive. I guess we’ll go over there. That’S suitably impressive we’re just waiting for our framerate counter to come back, as I mentioned, we’re recording 2 minutes worth here, I’ll go ahead and resupply boy I’ll bet you soldiers wish they could reload that fast in real life. Let’S go shoot somebody well! That just makes it entirely too easy. Doesn’T it it must suck to be in a room, getting shot and not be able to see anybody, and I used an entire ammo box. Reload the reload time is painful. Did we get everybody? We got everybody our framerate counter.
Should be coming back soon, where’s the bad guys? Oh it’s just the talking part. I guess this is the tongue ooh, our framerate counter came back. Let’S go look at that performance, and here we are at the performance. 76 frames per second average minimum of 48.
Max of 152 that was completely and totally playable in all respects, totally responsive. I would have no issues playing it with every single detail. Option turned all the way to the max at Full, HD or 1080p. Now this is not a high-end computer.
This is an Intel i3 processor and it’s not even a current one. This is a 4th gen chip. The current chips are 6 gen, so with 2 generations old, why does it play so well? Gtx, 970 graphics card. Now, as a side note, they have really released the replacement for the 970.
It’S called the 1070, how original, but the 1070 s costs more and they’re, currently not very easy to find. I’M filming this at the end of June 2016 and the 1070 s are rare and expensive. If you can find a 970 at 250 or less, I would still recommend it even with the new cards out, because the new cards are currently in the 450 to 500 range very expensive. If you like, AMD I’ll, tell you you can get this same experience with either an r9 390 or the next-gen card coming out next week is called the rx 480, and I expect the the 390 to drop in price pretty soon once the 480 comes out now, The 480 is probably gon na be hard to find for a month, but if you’re watching this video in August or September instead of July, then for ATS may be everywhere, in which case 200 to 250 is all you need to spend to get this level of Performance and yes, you can spend 200 to 250, put it into a 300 to 350 dollar computer and play games at Ultra ultimate high-end detail at full HD resolution and have a blast.
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