Atari Flashback 9 Gold vs Atari Flashback X Deluxe — Which One Is Better?

Atari Flashback 9 Gold vs Atari Flashback X Deluxe — Which One Is Better?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Atari Flashback 9 Gold vs Atari Flashback X Deluxe — Which One Is Better?”.
Hello there, i’m muse – and this is tech deals – want some award-winning games. You don’t need a graphics card to play. Recently. I’Ve looked back at some retro consoles from the 8 and 16 bit era. Today, i’m going to continue that trend by taking a look at the atgame’s atari flashback x, deluxe edition the newest in their atari flashback line and a mini version of the original atari 2600, and i’m going to compare it to the atari flashback. 9.

Atari Flashback 9 Gold vs Atari Flashback X Deluxe — Which One Is Better?

Gold. A previous version and a mini version of the darth vader edition atari 2600. This is a gem from the 8-bit era, credited for popularizing, storing games on swappable rom cartridges, hugely popular space invaders released for the console in 1980, launching it into success, but in the end atari’s run was cut short by rough marketing over production and low quality. Third party and first party releases, but let’s look at some great games from its time and see if this mini system does it justice. Today’S video is brought to you by backblaze the leader in online backup services, get a free two-week trial with no credit card required, using our link in the video description more details after the video. Please keep in mind that information i share here is in relation to the us where i grew up and live unless otherwise stated. While atari had been successful with arcade games, they were expensive to develop and short-lived, so they decided to pursue the development of a home system.

The atari video computer system vcs released in 1977 and was renamed to the atari 2682. It originally came with two joystick controllers: aka joy cons, a conjoined pair of paddle controllers and the combat game cartridge later replaced by pac-man. The paddle controllers do not come with these, but they can be purchased separately online without further ado on to the systems at hand.

The atari flashback 9 gold has been discontinued but can still be found at a reasonable price online and the x deluxe is still being produced. The nine gold box includes the console 120 built-in games, two wireless joy-cons, one hdmi cable, one micro, usb power adapter and a manual. The x deluxe box includes the console 120 built in games.

Atari Flashback 9 Gold vs Atari Flashback X Deluxe — Which One Is Better?

Two wire joy cons, one micro, usb power, adapter and a manual. Let’S break that down, shall we, starting with the consoles the x deluxe wins in, looks by a landslide for mimicking the look of the original atari vcs much more closely and it’s way tinier the controls, the ports, the wood panel, it’s all much better looking! But if you don’t mind it a touch bigger and like the look of the darth vader version of the atari 2600 released in 1982, then maybe the 9 gold is more your style. But i have to warn you about the line where they started to try to make it look like wood and really just made it look like a bad brown paint that had been keyed like a car.

Atari Flashback 9 Gold vs Atari Flashback X Deluxe — Which One Is Better?

Now they each have 120 games built in, but five of them are exclusive to one or the other respectively. The nine gold has atari video cube, freeway pitfall, 2 lost, caverns strip off and track and field, while the x deluxe has fishing derby, marine wars, oink strategy x and super cobra. As for the controllers, they are very similar, but the nine gold includes wireless controllers.

While the x deluxe includes wired controllers, i would choose based on the system, since the controllers can be purchased separately online. The x deluxe does not include an hdmi cable, while the nine gold does, but i imagine you probably have plenty of hdmi cables just laying around and they both included the respective micro usb power, adapter and manual. Now, let’s dive into some of the included games, gameplay included on the nine gold pitfall. Two lost caverns is a platformer released by activision for the atari 2600 in 1984 that added vertical scrolling and balloon travel. It was one of the last big releases for the console and one of the most technically impressive, offering better visuals and four channel music instead of the previous two. You no longer die per se in this one, and there is no time limit.

If you die, you lose points and are returned to your most recent checkpoint, which looks a lot like a health symbol on the ground. This is also where you meet quickclaw his cowardly pet mountain lion and ronda his knees, you rescue them and find a diamond ring to win. It was named number one in the best 25 atari 2600 games of all time in issue 46 of retro gamer magazine included in the x deluxe fishing derby is an early simulation game released by activision for the atari 2600 in 1980.. You can play single player or multiplayer, which can get quite competitive, but gameplay is the same either way you just go from playing against an npc to playing against another person. The goal of the game is to reel in 99 pounds of fish. The line is automatically cast and reeled in, but you can use the joystick to move it left right up and down as the heavier fish are at the bottom, and there is a shark waiting at the top to steal your catch.

If you aren’t careful, it was overall recommended as a great family game. I myself enjoyed more playing against someone than the npc. The npc is really good um. I don’t know if that’s an amazing game mechanic, there aren’t even levels to it.

He doesn’t suddenly get harder. He just starts out insanely difficult to beat using the consoles and their respective controllers. That came with him, i’m not sure if it’s the console or the controllers that were working better, but i have ranked the following games that are on both systems, for which one they played better on, but again it could have been the system and it could have Been the controller emulated better on the nine gold enduro is a racing game released by activision for the atari 2600 in 1983., you play as a spider. I mean racer tasked with racing in the national enduro, a multi-day endurance race. It offers very new at the time day and night cycles, weather cycles and visibility.

Adjustments, while increasing in difficulty each day a player can race forever, but the track will reset and start again from zero when you hit 999 999 kilometers. Needless to say, i did not get that far and emulated virtually the same on both systems. Missile command is a ballistic missile simulation game released by atari for the atari 2600 in 1981 selling. Over 2.5 million copies. It was repopularized in a later film war games where a gamer accidentally almost started world war 3 thinking. He was playing an innocent game, but he actually hacked into the u.s nuclear arsenal computer system in the game. You are being attacked by ballistic missiles and have to target them to take them out before any land hitting the six cities you are protecting. You have to finish the level with at least three cities to continue to the next level and earn extra points for additional cities saved and missiles not used as you move through the levels new missiles are introduced, along with new weapons to take them out. This is another game intended to be played until you are inevitably wiped out, but there are few who have made it far enough to loop the game back to the beginning. To achieve this, you have to accrue 810 000 points, awarding you 176 cities and bonus cities from there on making it possible to play for hours on end emulated better on the nine gold. Frogger is a top-down platformer, released by parker brothers for the atari 2600 in 1982 and was widely received as one of the greatest video games ever made.

I have to say it did hold up really well, not to mention it was the first game i ever owned myself. I got it on a floppy disk and a sonic drive up happy meal when i was around 8 years old. Pretty sure it’s in my hope chest, the objective needs no introduction or explanation, but did you know it also gained recognition as the arcade game with the most ways to die? That’S right: frogger set records at that time because you could die from being hit by or running into a road vehicle jumping into the river running into snakes, otters or an alligator’s jaws in the river jumping into a home invaded by an alligator staying on top of A diving turtle until it has completely submerged riding a log, alligator or turtle off of the side of the screen, jumping into a home already occupied by a frog jumping into the side of a home or the bush or just running out of time. The highest score achievable is 99 990 points, because the game can only keep the last five digits.

If you exceed that, obviously i didn’t hit that goal either emulated virtually the same on both systems. Space invaders is an early shooting game that set the template for future shoot-em-ups released by taito for the atari 2600 in 1980.. It drew inspiration from the previous atari arcade game, breakout and midway game gunfight, as well as the war of the worlds space, battleship, yamato and star wars. Few have gone without crossing paths with this or some variation of it since it led to galaxian and galaga, but space invader’s original title was actually space monsters due to a popular song in japan at the time called monster.

Tomohiro nishikado, the creator, said the biggest task when putting space invaders together was the hardware needed to run it. That’S right. This game in particular actually led to the creation of the platforms it originally ran on, since the microcomputers in japan were not powerful enough. Yet to handle the tasks in designing and programming it. This led to the first game that used the intel 8080 cpu displayed, raster graphics on a crt monitor using a bit mapped frame buffer and used monaural sound, hosted by a combination of analog circuitry and a texas instruments. Sn76477, sound chip, the art on the original arcade cabinets – did not and does not match the game at all, because it was based on the original title space monsters.

The cabinets themselves were constructed in a way that actually provided the in-game background and colors using a static painting of a starry sky, with a moon mounted on it and strips of cellophane across a translucent surface that the game screen was mirror projected onto. I still find that design really awesome might set up one of my own, maybe in my new place, river raid is a top-down vertical scrolling shooter released by activision for the atari 2600 in 1982. man, a fighter jet behind enemy lines over the river of no return. In a raid, you can keep going forever as long as you avoid damage or running out of fuel that i did not.

The objective is to take out the enemies, but you have to watch to make sure you don’t accidentally take out fuel stations and you fly over them to refuel. You can move side to side or decelerate or accelerate, but there is no up and down while the game is auto scrolling progressing you forward. Also, the banks can kill you, you can run into the sides of the screen and die so along with all of the other things happening. Just the map itself will kill you due to the destructive content. It was the first video game to get banned for minors in west germany. Unfortunately, one game i really wanted to play.

Tapper was not included on either system, but you can add it via the sd card slot for the 9 gold or a flash drive and otg adapter for the x deluxe. Some of these games actually held up really well like space invaders and frogger. I could definitely play those more, but others had that classic game difficulty that makes me grind my teeth. While we could play these games and talk about them forever, it’s time to sum up these systems, i personally feel that whether you are getting it as a devoted collector or a nostalgia chip through games of your grand pass, the x deluxe is a better buy between The two it looks far better, takes up less space and doesn’t consume batteries.

You know the wireless controllers they take batteries. That being said, atari has released a new system of their own with over a hundred classics on it, a classic style joy-con, a more xbox. Looking controller and the system doubles as a mini pc, the 2021 atari bcs will run you about 400 usd if it offered all i needed out of a pc i’d say it’s totally worth it, but if i myself wanted an atari 2600 system, i’d get an x Deluxe and add all the games to it, while i did say some of the games were better on the nine gold i’m fairly certain that was due to the controllers. It was just.

It was very hard to connect, if i’m honest um, but it was a lot more responsive than the wired controllers. I have no idea why, but there were some times when the shoot button did not actually do anything when i was playing with the wired controller, whereas the wireless controller did respond um. So i really think it’s just due to the controller, so i would just buy other controllers for the x deluxe and see if that makes the game play better, because everything else about it is a lot better. Of course, you can always get a raspberry pi to emulate all of these. If you just want to play the games again, but the mini console is a great nostalgic, collector’s item that looks just like the old system and controllers right down to the connections and ports.

That’S right: this is compatible with the classic controllers and the controllers you get with it are virtually the classic controllers. They even come out of the box, a little uh linty like not clean. I guess this rubber really attracts everything, and maybe there was some dust in the box.

Interesting kind of makes me wonder if they pulled it out of some overstock, but there you have it. So it looks just like the classic controllers and system the x deluxe is currently going for about a hundred dollars on amazon and ebay via the links in the video description. Please remember using them, even if you aren’t buying this product, benefits our channel at no additional cost to you like this video, if you like it, give it a share subscribe. If you haven’t click the bell, so you don’t miss out on future content comments, thoughts, feedback and suggestions hit me with your best shot down below. Thank you. So much for watching have an awesome day and i’ll see you next time. Backblaze is the leader in online backup services back up everything on your computer, including external usb hard drives for just six dollars per month, with no limits no file size limits, no backup size limits. No throttling and multi-threaded upload support multiple security options, including two-factor authentication and private encryption keys, rapid restore with file downloads, plus the option to have your data shipped to you via usb hard drive file version support keeps multiple copies of files, as you change them to allow Recovery of older files or accidentally deleted files with the option to keep locally deleted files in your backup, forever sign up for a free two-week trial.

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