AMD’s Zen 3 CPU’s Prices And Specs – Big Navi Sneak peak!

AMD's Zen 3 CPU's Prices And Specs - Big Navi Sneak peak!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AMD’s Zen 3 CPU’s Prices And Specs – Big Navi Sneak peak!”.
It’S been one heck of an exciting day for tech fans all around the world amd has just unleashed all of their new cpus that are coming to market. I’M talking about the brand new zen 3 cpus. I almost feel sorry for intel. Almost let’s talk, tech, okay, so amd this morning announced all of their latest zen 3 cpus, and it’s been quite a journey because back in 2016, amd originally announced that they’re going to have their ryzen, cpus and zen was coming to market now.

AMD's Zen 3 CPU's Prices And Specs - Big Navi Sneak peak!

During that time, the last five years they’ve taken their cpus from 12 nanometer, all the way down to seven nanometers. That’S just an incredible jump and they’ve also said that zenfore is coming as well. They also talked about you know being in the latest playstation latest xbox, but i think everybody knew that already.

AMD's Zen 3 CPU's Prices And Specs - Big Navi Sneak peak!

What’S really exciting. News, though, is that all of the new zen 3 processors just sound great, and they start off coming to market at about 399 and go all the way up to 800 for their top of the line models now some interesting stuff is this, though, in the battle Between amd and intel, it’s really mostly been about hey single core performance. You know how well does the amd cpu do in single core performance? Well, now amd is saying that they are even beating intel’s top of the line i9 cpu in single core performance, and that has been really the thing that i’ve heard most users in the forums and stuff say that that was the only really reason that they were Continuing to use an intel cpu over an amd cpu is because in single threaded stuff intel was still winning, but according to what we saw today, what amd is basically saying is that across the board you’re seeing 19 better performance in their desktop cpus now that alone Is pretty pretty incredible stuff but they’re also saying things like up to 30 percent, almost better performance in some games in 1080, and that’s just simply incredible. They showed off a few of the games.

AMD's Zen 3 CPU's Prices And Specs - Big Navi Sneak peak!

They showed off. Some of the scores from the event amd is also beating intel in center bench in the r3 benchmarks. Their score with the 5800 x is 631 versus intel’s 544, and things get even crazier when we’re talking about the 5950x you’re getting almost. This is crazy. 59.

Better performance than what intel has on the market now holy freaking crap, that’s going to be painful for intel and, as you can see, from what they’re showing these numbers just look incredible. I mean honestly, if all these numbers pan up to be true and there’s no hype in this whatsoever, and honestly, i’m really thinking that amd is not over hyping. This there’s no reason to hold uh. You know an event like this and spread stuff all around the world. That’S complete hype.

I know that some people kind of like say that that’s what happened with you know the nvidia release, but i’m really thinking that amd’s not going to do that. I think the numbers are going to be pretty true and pretty accurate, because i really just don’t think they’re going to come out and just blow smoke up all of our butts and say this stuff, but there was just really crazy stuff. That’S going on and the cpus, even though their entry level cpu is coming to market at about 399. I think that what you’re going to see and the performance for this particular cpu it’s going to make a lot of people go dang.

I really want that cpu, but i know there’s some people out there who are going to be like wow man. I can only only afford to buy like a five or six hundred dollar system, so i know you know, for those people that’s still going to be out of their price range, but for people who are trying to build a mid-level system and keep their system in The thousand dollar range i think, you’re going to be able to build a pretty nice system around that new cpu now, like i said, there’s four new models that are coming to market and here’s what they are. First up, we have an entry level cpu. That is the amd ryzen 5 5600 x. Now this is going to be a six core 12 thread. Cpu.

It’S going to require 65 watts of power, which is really nice. It has a base clock of 3.7 gigahertz a boost clock of up to 4.6 gigahertz. It has 32 megabytes of level 2 and level 3 cash. It comes with a wraith stealth, cooler it’ll be released on november 5th, and it’s only 299. Next up, we have the amd ryzen 7 x. Now this is going to be an 8 core 16 thread. Cpu requires 105 watts a base clock of 3.8 gigahertz a boost clock of 4.7 gigahertz. It also has 36 megabytes of l2 and l3 cache it’s going to come into market at 449 dollars and it’ll also be released on november 5th. Next up we have the amd ryzen, 9, 5900 x, 12 cores 24 threads still at 105, watts base clock of 3.7 gigahertz a boost clock up to 4.8 gigahertz and 70 megabytes of level 2 and level 3 cash.

It’S going to come to market at 549. Once again, on november 5th, now the really big news, though, is there are top of the line. New tpu i mean this thing’s crazy. This is the amd ryzen, 9, 59, 50 x, 16 cores 32 threads still at 105, watts 3.4 gigahertz on the base clock, but up to 4.9 gigahertz on the boost 72 megabytes of level 2 level, 3 cash 799, also coming on november 5th. One of the main things that amd really also talked about in their event was power.

Efficiency, they’re, saying that now the power efficiency of the cpus is 24 better than it used to be, and this is also going to trickle now into the laptop market. Amd has clearly announced that they’re going to have a bunch of laptops with their new. You know cpus in them, so that’s going to be really interesting. Intel currently right now is dominating the laptop market, but we know that amd’s been creeping into this market.

You know slowly but surely, and if these laptops come out and everything’s as good as they say it’s once again, going to put a dent in intel’s market, i mean intel. Probably right now is probably just going what the frack is going on, because really, i think, for the first time ever intel has been completely bent over by amd. I mean amd has literally turned intel into their with this launch and it’s really really crazy. Um.

Personally, i’m gon na try to get my hands on every one of the different cpus. Obviously i’ll be buying these myself. You guys know i don’t take amd samples, so i’ll be buying these myself and testing them out, but i look forward to purchasing them and having the whole user experience and and and then check this out for the very first time. At this event, they actually have released some of the new big navi numbers.

Now they’ve showed a couple of games at 4k with everything to its max and the numbers just look absolutely great. So if this really pans out to be true, it looks like a combination between the zen, 3 cpus and the brand new radeon cards is going to be a match made in heaven. It’Ll be totally pcie 4.0 across the board. So hopefully, we’re going to see performance numbers that are just really going to rock.

They even showed us a picture of the new big navi card and it looks really. Nice has three nice fans across the front. The entire design looks really clean now.

This is probably obviously going to be what we’re going to see. First, this is an aftermarket version, but so far it looks good and so do the numbers. I can’t wait till october 28th, what about you guys, but that’s it tech fans, amd’s announcement november 5th. All of these cpus will be available from you know. Entry-Level pricing, all the way up to 800 you’ve got a lot of choices there. I know, there’s gon na be a lot of new motherboards, probably coming out. There’S gon na be a lot of new products around this so expect a lot of reviews from all of us tech piano people out here on on the youtube area, doing reviews on this stuff. It’S going to be pretty interesting, um. I plan on pre-ordering as much as i can so i can get my hands on those cpus like, i said, exciting stuff.

Let me know what you guys think. Are you guys totally excited about these new processors? I mean i really am. I can’t wait to get my hands to them and test them. I know that a lot of you fans out there are really amd fans and you’re rooting for team red.

Well, guess what i think you’re rooting tootin is going to come to fruition with this launch. Um, i’m hoping it’s everything that they said in their announcement. I really do. I honestly hope that amd strikes intel down and makes intel rethink their situation and quit sitting on their freaking laurels and make some gosh darn new cpus that are competitive, intel it’s time to make a change, because right now, this is what amd’s doing to you. Anyways folks i’ll have links down below.

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