Is Nvidia Really Failing?

Is Nvidia Really Failing?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Is Nvidia Really Failing?”.
So nvidia once again releases a video card and guess what controversy all over the damn place once again this time, what is all the controversy? Well, it seems that nvidia released a card that was specifically made for miners, hoping that miners would buy that card and not other cards to keep in stock. Now they also did something with the 360. That was also supposed to help keep the miners hands off the card. But did that really happen? Did nvidia completely fail or some things just out of their hands? Let’S talk tech. Are you building a new computer or just upgrading an old one? If so, then chances are you need a new windows, 10 key and cd key sales. They’Ve got you covered. Buying has never been easier and prices for windows keys are under 20 dollars and there’s even additional discounts. All you need to do is go search for the software that you’re looking for. Add that software, to your cart, create an account and when you go to checkout, enter the code tt18 to get an additional 20 off now, let’s fraction, all codes are guaranteed and you’ll be up and gaming in no time. Okay, so check this out. Nvidia released the rtx 3060 and it was supposed to be made to keep the miners away from the card. The thing is, though, is that it only keep people from doing ethereum mining. Other types of mining can still be done, which leaves an open market for many miners out there to go and grab these cards and stick it in their project. Now nvidia also, like i said, created a card that was supposed to be specifically geared for the mining crowd. Now, maybe they’re buying this card, maybe they’re not, but it doesn’t seem to have much effect on people buying the rtx 3060.. Now i did my video yesterday about the card that came out once again: no stock, no stock at all. This is just to me completely mind boggling.

I had a guy make a comment in the section saying that in atlanta people were trying to charge a thousand dollars for that same evga card. Now the card’s supposed to come to market. You know between 329, you know 3869 somewhere in there. It’S not supposed to be a thousand dollars.

Is Nvidia Really Failing?

This is just completely ridiculous, but here’s the whole thing: okay, does nvidia hold responsibility for scalpers miners and all these people that keep buying these cards up now i watched a video the other day on one of linus’s other channels that he has, since the guy’s. All over the place – and he has this girl on there and she’s – basically just talking all this smack about nvidia saying how they’re a failure yada yada alliance is, in the background, cheering her on like a cheerleader saying: yeah get him get nvidia yadda yadda yadda. So i just want to tell you guys: i’ve told you guys this a million times and i’m going to tell you it again. Every corporation out there does have one goal at the end of the day and that is to put money in the pockets of the shareholders and the other people that have investments in the company now.

Does this make a company automatically evil bad? I don’t really think so, plus i don’t really believe that nvidia is getting involved on the end of the sales chain. Like there’s all these people saying: oh, you know man nvidia’s, letting the miners. Do it nvidia’s letting the scalpers.

Do it there’s bots doing this? Why does anybody really think that nvidia is actually physically or even mentally involved in? What’S going on? We all know that we live in a digital age. Your computer can get hacked, we’ve seen all kinds of crazy stuff online. So why is it nvidia’s responsibility? On the end run of the people that are doing this stuff, that’s the part that i don’t really think is very fair to nvidia.

Is Nvidia Really Failing?

Yeah nvidia has done some stupid stuff over the years. They’Ve made mistakes. Heck i’ve made mistakes. I guarantee you in your life. You’Ve made mistakes, everybody makes mistakes, giant corporations, people children, we all make mistakes, it seems to be a human trait that just happens over and over and over again, because we’re always trying something we’re always trying to do something new, something better and those plans.

Is Nvidia Really Failing?

Don’T always come to fruition, sometimes they end up with your face in the and that’s just how it is and has nvidia landed their face in the of course, they have they’ve had a few things where people are like. What in the are you thinking nvidia, i mean it’s happened, but i really don’t think that at the end of the day, nvidia is getting involved on the end of the sale chain. Why would really nvidia want miners to have their cards instead of gamers? Let’S talk about that, gamers get the cards, they talk about the cards to their friends, they go online.

Those are the people that are really supporting and being the the group, the fan group, the fan base of nvidia. So why wouldn’t nvidia want the gamers to have the cards instead of some guy who’s mining or bot scalping? I don’t really think that that’s what they want, but do they have control of that hell? No, they don’t have control of that. What do you really think that every single card that nvidia sells that they take that card they watch it go to the store they pay attention to who it’s sold to and where it goes, that’s freaking, nuts. I don’t see how nvidia could even ever manage that.

So yes, is there: a stock shortage is nvidia somehow responsible for this, i’m sure somewhere in there they have some responsibility, but if you can’t get fabs and manufacturing places to make enough cards to keep filling the market, that’s a problem, that’s kind of out of nvidia And amd’s hands, isn’t it i mean, let’s put it to you this way, i make plastic dolls. Okay and everybody wants my plastic dolls. They’Re super duper popular, but the place where i get my plastic dolls made is just overwhelmed.

They’Re overwhelmed. They have everybody all these. Other people want them to make their plastic dolls, so i can’t get as many plastic dolls to you as you want.

Does that make me a complete whole? Because i cannot get the stock because if you think that nvidia or amd doesn’t want to sell you their video cards and get those cards to you, so that you can tell your friends and sell more cards and make a bigger name for yourself. Not you! For yourself, excuse me, but for them no you’d be wrong. Miners do nothing for nvidia or amd.

They take their cards, they use them, they burn them out and they put them on. Ebay is used cards, saying, hey, there’s, not much life on this card go ahead and buy it and then they scalp or they charge more money for them and they gouge and gouge and gouge. But these things to me, i feel personally and i’ve been this this industry since day one. I don’t think that nvidia really has all that much control once these cards hit the market, so you know nvidia allots, 80 000 cards to some place. You know what i mean and then all of a sudden that place has a miner or scalper or bot go in there and they buy all these cards it’s nuts. Now another thing newegg.

I don’t know what the f they’re doing, but somebody was telling me yesterday that the way they do their stuff, it’s like kind of like a gamble kind of like a raffle like your name, goes into the pot and they spin it out. Well, let’s just say that you have a 500 budget for your car. That’S what you want to pay, but in this lotto that they have.

It comes up that all of a sudden, it says: okay! Well, you can get an rtx 3090. Well, you don’t have the cash for an rtx 3090., so what in the hell is new wig doing it really makes no sense whatsoever. The companies that are selling these cards should be doing better management of how the cards are sold. I believe that it’s on them once these cards leave nvidia they go out onto the market.

It’S the people selling these cards, who have more responsibility for this than nvidia nvidia is not innocent they’re, not some little sheep or bambi they’re. Not that but they’re. Also, not a terrorizing wolf with a feral grin in its face and blood dripping from its fangs. That’S not nvidia.

Either i’ve worked with them forever and that’s just not who they are as a company, so you know have they made mistakes sure they have should they have probably done more with the 30-60 to block all kinds of mining? Maybe they should have, but can they? Actually? I mean this is all kind of new stuff for everybody, so you know nvidia creating a card that just completely blocks miners so that only gamers can get it. I think that’s kind of a chore and obviously they’ve tried they’ve blocked ethereum mining on 30 60.. Okay, it doesn’t seem to have really affected anything, though, in the long run, nobody has stock any cards that you’re, seeing with anybody on the open market. That they’ve somehow got like a reviewer like me, are probably trying to charge a fortune for these cards.

Now i’m gon na, let you know personally, i’m not selling my card, my card’s going to sit right here, it’s with me for testing and it’s not going to be in the market sold for some gouging high price, because that’s just and i don’t play that game. But i want to hear your guys’s comments and please think about your comments. Think about what you’re saying think it out well thought out, don’t be rude to others. Let everybody have their opinion, because my opinion, like i said, is that all corporations, even though they may not be inherently evil.

Their goal is to make money, but is it really beneficial for any of these companies to have bots and minors, and all these things that are raising the prices on their cards and making people not be able to get them? I don’t really think so, because it makes nvidia look bad and then you got people in the comment: sections they’re calling them ingredia they’re, calling them all these names, but how much responsibility does nvidia really have once these cards are put onto the market to sell? That is really the topic of my video today. I do not feel that nvidia is really totally responsible for things once they leave their door and they go to newegg or any other. You know online store, that’s out there if the online stores are letting bots come in or they’re selling the stuff directly to miners. That’S on them. I do not believe at all in my heart that nvidia is trying to sell these cards directly to miners scalpers and everybody else and get these cards to you on the market at a high price. I’M sure that if i had brian delrizzle with me right here – and he was being completely blunt honest – he would say that eric. This is not my goal. His goal is to make sure you guys know about the products, so that you’re well informed and you want to buy these products because they are good, solid products. That’S what their goal is. So let me know what you guys think these are my opinions. Um.

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