Best Time To Upgrade Your PC?

Best Time To Upgrade Your PC?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Best Time To Upgrade Your PC?”.
Being a pc gamer has always been a lot of fun. It’S always been something where you’re the guys, who really want the most leading edge technology and honestly, the entire pc gaming industry, is just getting crazier and crazier and crazier and pc gaming is getting more and more popular, and even though people can’t really buy video cards. Upgrading other stuff has been great, plus there’s a lot of blame going around about different type of things and a lot of conspiracy theories. So in today’s video we’re just going to talk about some of the crazy just going on in the entire pc industry and kind of what it’s like to be a pc gamer right now. So let’s talk tech, all right tech fans. So today’s video is actually brought to you guys in part by the hugo log. Now what’s the hugo log? Well, it’s a totally touch screen, which is right here in my hand, smart deadbolt.

Best Time To Upgrade Your PC?

So this thing comes in a little box and everything that you need to get up and going with this particular product actually comes inside the box and what it does is it replaces the deadbolt that you have in your house now and it should fit in pretty Much anybody’s door unless you’ve got some door, that’s just extraordinarily thick and the plate won’t work. I mean the cable itself, which i have in my hand. Right here is a pretty long, so your door could be pretty thick. I just don’t know you know how well that would actually work now. This unit can be used in a couple of different ways: um you can actually use it for wi-fi and, if you’re going to use it for wi-fi you’re going to need to buy this additional little part right here. This is the gateway it’s under 20 apart, but you can use the wi-fi or you can use it as a bluetooth device and it’s really interesting.

Best Time To Upgrade Your PC?

The unit itself is actually powered by four double a batteries, and if the batteries for some reason die and you’re on the outside of your house – and you can’t get in right at the very bottom of the unit, you can actually plug in an external usb like Battery charger things you know so things you charge your phone, your tablets and all that stuff. You can hook that into here, it’ll, get it up and going, and you can punch in your code and go now the entire screen when this is actually plugged in and working. It actually is totally completely backlit so that you can see. What’S going on with it and, like i said everything in the box comes to to so you can install it.

You have to obviously have a screwdriver and you have to remove your other pieces and then install this, but beyond that, it’s really not like a whole. Like super duper, high thinking thing to do the job. If you can change a doorknob at your house, then you can install the hugo log. That’S that’s not a problem whatsoever, but once you get it installed, you just download the hugo log connect app.

You can get this on. Google play you can get it in the app store for apple, it’s available out there once you get that you just connect your device to it, and then you can go through the programming steps and punch in the number that you want. You know to lock in your code so that only you have it in your head. You might want to write it down somewhere unless you’ve got a super.

You know thinking brand, but i think if it’s on your door code you’re going to probably remember it now, not everybody’s probably going to want to use the wi-fi option. You don’t have to use the wi-fi option. But if you want to use the wi-fi option, it’s pretty cool because, if you’re away from your house, if you have kids or something like that, you can let your kids into the house or you can completely know who is accessing the house totally through the wi-fi And if you don’t want to use the wi-fi, then hey it’s strictly bluetooth and just you know, go up with your phone or tap the thing and voila you’re in so this products coming to market at about a hundred dollars. I’Ll have a 30 coupon off down below. So, if you guys are looking for a cool product like this, hey i’ll have the link down below. So you can check out more information now on to the video.

So all right, let’s start off here with the video. We all know that recently it’s been almost impossible to get your hands on any type of video card, but i have to say with this last 6700 launch from amd. I did see a lot of comments in the comment: sections saying that people were able to buy these cars, so more cards were obviously available because more people were commenting.

Saying hey, i got a card yeah, i did see the out of stock and it was out of stock pretty fast. Obviously, now concerning the out of stock stuff, we’ve all been pointing our fingers. I’M guilty we’re all guilty: we’re like hey, it’s the guys who are doing crypto mining.

Oh no! It’S the scalpers! It’S this! It’S that! I think that there may be some truth to that. I don’t know how much that really accounts for everything overall, because, let’s just think about it, everybody’s at home, because the pandemic and pc gaming, like i said, is more popular than ever. Pc gaming is just freaking huge.

Even when i’ve tried to make videos and say, okay guys, it’s like pc gaming, like you know, is it fading because you got out of your mind: elric pc gaming is just getting bigger. One guy was like i know, 10 kids. They all want gaming, pcs.

Best Time To Upgrade Your PC?

Well, i think it’s true, i think everybody would love to have a gaming pc if they could get their hands on one. That is true, it’s very popular, but if you can’t buy a video card, well, that’s kind of more difficult. Now some other things have been like said too, like i made a bunch of different videos about crypto mining.

One video, i said: hey, nobody will buy these cards in my next article, i said hey. Well, maybe they buy this card well, it seems like i guess. The end result of that particular thing is that uh people who are doing crypto mining aren’t interested in buying any kind of crypto mining uh dedicated card.

They want to buy gaming cards and we all know why, because they want to resell those and get money back now. Another thing has been floating around: people are like, oh well, nvidia is just doing this and that with the cards – and i did think about this for a second – if crypto mining, any type of mining bit chain – bitcoin yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda ethereum, whatever the heck, it Is i mean, wouldn’t it be smart for video to have a ton of machines making that dough i mean if i was nvidia? Why would would you i mean at this point after thinking about like damn, you know if the media doesn’t have some of these machines running they’re out of their mind? Why wouldn’t they? If i was amd – and i was in video and i had access to cards – and i could make money off doing mining online mining and making a bunch of money that could turn into millions in the future, they’ve got the investment, the power and the cards. Maybe they are both doing that as far as blaming the scalpers and the you know, the end user, you know buying these cards up. I don’t really know how much that’s true.

There may be some places that allow that, but i don’t think it’s a really good business practice and like um, it seems like a lot of people were able to score carbs through new egg this time to the raffle. So i think that’s really cool to you. Guys let the comments, please hey.

Thank you guys very much and i’m glad you guys got a card rock on now. You can do your gaming right, but here’s another thing if you have a good video card and you’re lacking on other things in your computer or you’ve been really wanting a different case or just wanted to upgrade or do something different with your pc. The time has never been better because prices on all kinds of things are just really really low. I mean you can get cases. Power supplies crazy, different after effects kind of stuff.

There’S a guy named bill, owens out there. He makes all kinds of crazy aftermarket type stuff for putting on on your computer, like there’s just there’s so much stuff right now that you can get for a good deal just to make your pc itself better. I mean there just is, you can add more memory. You can add more hard drives. You could add some better fans, quieter fans. You could turn something from air to liquid.

I mean come on. You could go from a 550 to a 750 power supply because you’re planning on getting more stuff. So hey. Why not? I mean for those type of things, industries really hasn’t been better in a long time.

There are a lot of choices of products out there really. I could really just sit here if it was okay. I just don’t think i don’t you guys. Let me know i mean i can literally go online, go look, it’s just a couple of different places and find all these deals and just make a video just off there’s so many parts that are there.

I just think a lot of people sometimes might think. That’S cheesy and just say: oh man, well you know, all you did was go out here and do this, but i mean i guess there are people out there who would really prefer me to do the legwork. So i don’t know. Maybe i should do a video like that. Let me know if you’d like to see something like that, because i can do it also um, if you guys are wondering, like my health, um, i’ve gotten better or literally a lot better from my depression. Just as i just completely just cleaned up my act and have started sleeping, but i’m passing a seven millimeter kidney stone right now and i have multiple broken ribs yeah, i broke my ribs and this just tells me i’m getting too fat.

That’S the truth. I just need to lose some weight, i’m getting too chubby again, all this uh sitting in front of the tv and eating for the cove, that’s starting to catch up um, but i was lying where in my bed – and i sneezed because of dog hair – and i Broke some of my ribs and yeah, it sounds like righteous from a cough. That’S what i thought, but no yeah! You sneeze cough real hard. You can actually break your ribs if you’re in bed in a certain position found it’s.

The truth thought the doctor was crazy, but he’s not the seven millimeter kidney stone can’t pass that sucker. I’M gon na have to get surgery and it hurts like a mother yeah, a lot of pain but hey, i’m trucking on i’m feeling better mentally and everything. It’S it’s i’ll admit it’s a little bit so hard for me to drop in front of the camera and everything, but the more i do it, the more i’ll get back on speed.

I have so many reviews that i could do and i have other friends of mine in their industry. I know they have tons of reviews that they can do and for some reason, man there’s been a lot of things that have happened that have just seemed to stalled out the video process. You know what i mean to get up here and do this stuff.

You got to be a certain mind. You got to be very positive. You got to want to interact with your audience, and you know it’s not really that easy just to hop in front of a camera and do it. Everybody in the world would just be an actor and there’d be no other jobs. You know what i mean, not everybody’s comfortable, doing it. Luckily enough most of the time i am i’m comfortable to do it.

So that’s that, but point of video is, is that i don’t really think, though, in that in the pc industry right now, no one’s really truly one person is at fault for not being able to get a hold of a video card. There’S just so many people who want them so many different places that are buying them and only so much supply that can be made. Also another thing people are saying: hey these guys just need to make more fabs and more fabs. Okay well say they make these more fabs and they go out and they spend all this money and invest in these fabs and the coronavirus ends.

Things go back to normal, the mining thing just kind of ends, and then video cards are just video cards again. The billions upon billions of dollars that amd tmsmc, whoever you know all these different places, intel investing in these new. You know fab plants, all that money could possibly turn around and just bite them completely in the butt. Now the other side of the coin is population.

As we know is always growing, it’s always growing getting bigger. So if you really look at it from that point of view, then maybe making new fabs might be a good idea. You know for future proofing because, let’s just face it, if today’s gamers are we’re just going to throw a number out there, please don’t quote me, that’s what i say: 6.9 trillion people play games. Well, you know in a few years it’s going to be 10.7 trillion.

People playing games, so you need to make sure that in the future you have the capacity to bring these products to market so that stuff just doesn’t get really ridiculous. Let’S just face it man. This is not gold. These aren’t diamonds, they’re freaking video cards. Man i mean they’re video cards selling for two and three times the cost of the manufacturer’s suggested. Retail price is absolutely nuts and that’s just that. But if you want to upgrade anything else in your system, anything else go out and check out all the crazy stuff. I mean there’s stuff on amazon, there’s stuff on newegg, there’s stuff at random sites all over the place, there’s even a lot of stuff. That’S over on ebay, there’s just a lot of pc stuff that you can get for a great deal right now to totally upgrade deck out or trick out your pc, throw in some rgb lighting baby shine that sucker up, i don’t know anyways! That’S today’s video thanks for watching um, i’m getting back in the game. I got real tech coming. I promise not just a talking head video. I am a talking head, a tucking head all right and, like i said, if you’re interested in the old uh hugo log right here here we go.

Google log, i first i thought it was hug a lot, the hug a lot product. It makes you happy and sleep better at night: it’s not a good name right, the hug, a lot! It’S like giving you a virtual hug, with your lock on your door, all the code down below 30 off so peace out, thanks for watching hey, if you like. My style, even though i i’m not going to say this, is like one of my best tech videos. This is kind of a just me just throwing some random stuff out. There then hey hit that subscribe button and the notifications bell. So you know i’m making videos. Also, if you want to help keep the site around, i have a link down below for amazon. Prime try it free for 30 days use my link. It gives me credit, it helps keep the site around and if you had a single dollar, you can support me on patreon peace. See you later bye.
