5 Tips To Keep Your PC FAST!

5 Tips To Keep Your PC FAST!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “5 Tips To Keep Your PC FAST!”.
What’S going on out there tech fans today we’re going to talk about five, simple things: that’ll actually keep your pc running better and probably a few things that you might have missed when you built your pc now for those people out there who are total pc experts, You built a thousand pcs, and you know everything about that. You probably don’t have to watch this video. You can watch this to be a totally cool person peace out, but this is for mainly for a lot of people who aren’t totally computer savvy, but would still like to have a few tips now. The things i’m going to be talking about are things that i’ve seen repairing people’s computers and upgrading their computers and seeing some of the mistakes that they do, that could have actually kept their pc running a lot better.

5 Tips To Keep Your PC FAST!

So let’s talk tech. Did you just build yourself? A brand new pc, or did you just upgrade your old pc but find you’re in need of a windows? 10 key. If that’s the case, your cd key has you covered and buying it’s never been easier. All you do is go to your cde key website find the windows software that you want to buy. Put it into your cart, enter the code.

5 Tips To Keep Your PC FAST!

Tot 20 apply the code, save yourself some extra money and as soon as you complete your purchase, the windows 10 key will be in your inbox. There’S no problems, it’s really easy and all keys are guaranteed to work. So you don’t have to worry about losing your money and you’ll have a valid windows: 10 key to get your unit up and running okay. So the first thing i want to talk to you guys about is the bios on your motherboard. Now this is really going to apply, especially for people who have older motherboards a lot of the newer motherboards come and they automatically detect everything and set it up for you pretty good um. The only thing that probably some of the people that are with newer motherboards are going to want to pay attention.

To is your memory, making sure that if you have xmp profiles, you have xmp one or two or whatever it is you have that set, but the main thing you really want to do for anybody out there who’ve never done this before is really when you start A computer up here, they’re going to hit f1 or delete and you’re going to go into your bios now inside your bios is going to be a lot of different settings, but what i’ve seen a lot of times, especially on people with older motherboards, is they don’t Have the hard drive setting settings right? They don’t have it to to the correct settings whatsoever. So you want to make sure that you set everything up in your bios correctly. If your memory has xmp, you want to make sure that you engage that if the memory speed is wrong, you may want to change that. You want to make sure that you have every single one of your hardware, things inside of your bios, to match the hardware that you’re having that’s the really a really important thing that i see a lot is when i’m going to work on someone’s computer i’ll go Into their bios and i’ll see, oh well, you know they have their hard drive settings. You know for old, hard drive stuff, they don’t have it set to to the latest standards or anything else like that, so their computer is really not running up to par. So the first thing that you want to do, especially if you have an older motherboard even for some of you, people who have newer motherboards, just make sure that you go into your bios, like i said, by hitting, delete or by hitting f1. Sometimes it’s f2. You know it’s rare, but it does happen, go into your bios and just make sure that everything inside of your bios matches. That’S what you really want to do. Ahci for your hard drive settings. You want to make sure that you have that set so you’re, getting the best transfer speeds and everything on your hard drives. You want to make sure that if you have you know, any type of parts that are in there m1 drives anything whatsoever that everything is set up completely correct in your files. This is something really easy to do. You just read your manual check out the different parts you have in your system and then make those changes, and your system will run a lot better now. The second thing you can do and a lot of people don’t realize this, and even i didn’t really realize this is when you’re using explore – and you know all kinds of different stuff online, especially when you use google chrome. This is the worst one of all.

The more windows you have open, the more memory and resources are being used. So if you’re, opening lots and lots of windows, especially like, like i said, with google search engine, um chrome is the worst. It just sucks up resources. What you’re going to want to make sure that you do is you’re going to want to make sure that you go into all your settings of of your windows and you’re going to want to make sure that you clear out all of the cash now some things You might want to keep if you go in and you just wipe out all of your cash completely it’s going to wipe out all of your bank information anything that you’re logged into. If you don’t care about that stuff – and you don’t mind re-logging into a few things, then the best thing to do is just totally completely clear out the cache just get rid of it all together and you’ll, be a lot better off. You’Ll also notice that your system starts running better.

I had a lot of windows, open i’ll, admit, i’m crazy. I like a lot of stuff online. I literally had like 40 or 50 windows open and my assistant just started, clunking and clunking and clunking and clunking. My friend’s mind’s, like hey man, you do realize that uh that old chrome is a sucking up resources and i was like i went and looked and i was like holy crap.

It really is so that’s another really easy thing that you can do is just whatever you know, whatever search engine that you’re using whether it’s a bing or whatever, whatever search engine, you just make sure that you occasionally go in there and make sure you clean all Of the cash that way, you’re good to go and your system doesn’t have those resources being occupied now the third thing and wow honestly, this is probably the worst one honestly a lot of people. They tend to put their computers on the floor. I don’t. I don’t recommend that you do either if you have a choice.

5 Tips To Keep Your PC FAST!

Why? Because your computer sitting on the floor picks up all that crap and dust and dirt and everything else and guess what it sucks: that right into your system right inside your system. So many people’s computers they bring to me, i look at it. I’M like have you ever cleaned out your fracking computer bud and they’ll be like what do you mean? I’M like? Well, your fans are covered in three feet of dust: they’re, barely moving, you’ve got fan and dust all over your cpu cooler. I mean all this stuff.

You really need to at least at least every couple of months, maybe more. If you have your pc on the ground, is take your computer outside your backyard or somewhere and clean that sucker out. If you can get somebody who has actually a compressed air gun at a shop that works amazingly well, some of the air can stuff. It will work it’ll just take a little while longer having somebody who has a compressed air, little canister or something that can blow that out really hard, though that could be a really good friend.

It is something you should definitely do, and you might say what does it even matter? Well, when all of your fans have caked up dust, your cpu cooler’s got kicked up dust. The airflow in your system isn’t going to be going as well as it should, and let’s just face it, the cooler that your system runs the more stable it’s going to run and the longer it’s going to run. So why not? Just take that simple time to clean out your computer and make sure that it’s running good, because it’s a really simple, simple thing to do to clean it out blow all those fans off you’ll notice. All of a sudden, your cpu temperature is dropping your video card temperatures dropping you’ll, be like oh man wow.

I should have done this a long time ago and yeah you probably should okay now. The next thing is our drivers. A lot of people will just install everything on their computer and they’ll, keep playing and they’ll keep going, and they won’t think about driver updates. Now this isn’t going to like be like a total.

You know miracle cure for everything, but you’ll find out sometimes when you’re running your computer, that you’ll come across some random thing, where a game won’t play or something won’t load, you’re going. What the hell is going on here. Why won’t this load, and sometimes the dll libraries just get whacked in the windows, environment and all of a sudden? Something can’t you know, grab itself from its dll library, which is a direct link library over some weird driver issue somewhere that just isn’t up to date – and you know, works with the current hardware you’re using so make sure you go through and check your system every. So often and check all your drivers make sure you have. The latest audio driver make sure you have.

The latest video driver make sure that you have all of the latest stuff for everything on your system. If you’re running an intel based system make sure you do all the upgrades for an intel based system everything, you know, i’m serious, update everything you can hard drive information, speed, transfer anything that you can upgrade to the latest drivers and the same thing if you’re using An amd motherboard make sure that you have all of the latest and greatest drivers that you can get into your hot little hands on your system. Now, with video card drivers you’re going to notice that a lot of the stuff that you’re doing is not going to really improve older games, i know right you’re going why the hell is this done.

This is this: when video card companies really update their drivers, it’s usually to accommodate the latest games that are coming out and to make sure those are running perfectly. You know they’re not probably too worried about the original, far cry at this point. You know one put far cry 5 or 6 now way up there, so you know they’re looking to make the latest game run better, so upgrading the other drivers on your video card may not make older games run better. In fact, in fact this happens.

Sometimes you may notice that for some game that you really love all of a sudden, you update it and you’re like wow, i was getting so much better performance on my last driver. Well, luckily, you can go in and change that driver back to the previous one, but that’s really the only driver that’s going to have that kind of effect on your system and what you’re doing any other drivers that you guys are using out there. You want to make sure they’re up to date so that they work with all of the hardware and software that you’re trying to run on your computer at that time. Now, the last but not least, thing that you guys can do on your computer and this isn’t really anything to do with like software type stuff.

But honestly, i feel that pretty much the best upgrade that anybody can do to their system is upgrading the memory. Okay, that’s it windows 10 will work on eight gigabytes of memory, but it’s going to do it just barely 16. Does it a little better but 32 gigabytes of ram right now, if you’re a person who does a lot more than just gaming seems to be a really sweet spot yeah, there are some motherboards out there that take 64 128. They have all these big, huge, workstation motherboards, but most people who are just like editing, videos and – and you know, working in light programs and stuff on their computer 32 gigabytes of ram – will really be the sweet spot.

And what you’re going to notice with this is that? No, it’s not really going to make your system. You know super duper faster. It’S not going to really make it boot, any faster you’re not going to get more frames per second in your games. What you’re going to see, however, is that all of these tasks just start to run better because the more memory you have that means there’s more things you can store in virtual memory as well.

So when you’re accessing a lot of programs, you’re doing a lot of things, the more memory that you have in your system, the better. Now, if you’re somebody who doesn’t play games whatsoever, you just surf the internet and that’s really all you do and do some email and stuff, hey, you’re, eight gigabytes of ram will probably be okay for you, but still upgrading would be better, but for those people out There, who multitask, which is me and probably a lot of you out there doing a simple memory upgrade, will make your system run a lot better. Also, i know there’s plenty of people out there who have lots of tips and tricks. I invite you guys to leave comments down in the comment section. Let us know your secrets, there’s always more room to learn for everybody, i’m always constantly learning. I learned something every day. I hope you guys are too it’s part of growing and, being you know in life is learning i mean learning stuff to me is fun. You figure something out, you’re, all dumb man, i didn’t know.

It was like that i feel, like you just had a major head: fart you’re like oh, my god that was i didn’t know. It was like that you know so. Education is great for us all and i’m always willing to learn from you guys as well. I am not the you know know all be all of all things: computer, i’m not the mcp, the master control program, either.

Oh who’s, the master control program. Anybody like tron, this guy does but anyways. That’S today’s video folks. Those few things that i’ve told you guys, though, are really really simple things, though, to help keep mainly your computer running good at all times, and if you want to just do something simple, that’s going to make your computer run better upgrading the memory is always the Simplest easiest thing to do: people have said that memory prices are going up, but honestly, i’ve seen so many deals on memory out there lately that you can get good memory for a good price now sure, if you want the very fastest stuff that there is, you Want 4 000 megahertz.

You want rgb, you want this, you want that. You know you’re gon na see the memory prices go up, ecc high speed, rgb. All these things are going to increase the cost of your memory, but i will say this when you’re out buying memory. I really would, if you’re a gamer, especially look for memory that has an xmp profile, because xmp profiles guarantee that your memory will run at what it’s supposed to run and all you got to do is go into the bios. Like i told you in the beginning of the video change, a certain thing and boom, you are totally up and running and going again so um. That’S it that’s today’s video! I thank you guys for watching um peace out um. If you like my style, and you like my videos and hey, hit that sub button and turn on that notification, bell and uh, i will see you guys back here for more tech. Videos also um, if you guys want to try amazon, prime for free for 30 days, it helps keep the channel around. I have a link down below just click on it. Try it out, it helps us both keeps me around.

Gets you some free stuff. If you got a single dollar, you can support me on patreon, so peace out, we’ll see you guys back here on tech tomorrow for more tech, .