Will Intel Save PC Gamers With New Cards?

Will Intel Save PC Gamers With New Cards?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Will Intel Save PC Gamers With New Cards?”.
What’S going on tech fans, you guys haven’t seen mr buddy in a while people have asked where he’s been so here is mr buddy, the dog he’s just getting older. He’S got a nice haircut and everything, but uh he’s still my good boy. Yeah he’s still my good boy, yeah he’s a love dog. So for those wondering how mr buddy was doing, he is doing good videos today is not about. Mr buddy, though, he’s not very tech inclined i mean heck, he can’t even he can’t even go on the internet and do stuff. So you know he’s not typing blind, but he here he is he’s a good boy. He’S all nice and clean he’s still got his little superman thing he’s had for almost all his life, so right now he’s like 13 human years old he’s getting old on us, but he’s still my best buddy.

My best friend he’s a great dog. So let me let him down: let’s talk about today’s video, so let me get all nice and comfortable here for you guys, i’m bad and chill today. Okay, so intel intel right now is in kind of a weird position and that’s what today’s video is going to be about. I want to talk to you guys about how i think that intel could really turn the tables on stuff in a lot of areas.

So today, let’s talk tech and let’s talk about how intel could really come back and kick serious ass in many ways, did you just build yourself a brand new pc, or did you just upgrade your old pc but find you’re in need of a windows? 10 key? If that’s the case, your cd key has you covered and buying it’s never been easier. All you do is go to the your cd key website find the windows software that you want to buy. Put it into your cart, enter the code. Tot 20 apply the code, save yourself some extra money and as soon as you complete your purchase, the windows 10 key will be in your inbox.

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You know cpus that were better. There were these athlons in this. Yes, that’s true, but overall intel for the longest time was the dominator for cpus.

It didn’t matter what market it was it didn’t matter whether it was the gaming market, the home market, the supermarket? I’M just kidding, but but you know even the server market everything else intel dominated it, but then amd became very competitive arm came out. There’S all these different cpus. Now nvidia is even making cpus they’re not really for us quite yet, but come on the potential.

Will Intel Save PC Gamers With New Cards?

Is there so intel has a lot of competition, and in that then that factor, it’s kind of you know it slapped intel around a little bit. They chilled on their laurels for many years, just making slight little bumps in their cpus and stuff and really didn’t do all that much to change things until really, you know now amd has got all these cpus in these markets and there’s all these other companies competing With them so they’re really not the same company, but here’s the thing intel has a lot of money, they have their own fabrication plans and they have a lot of these around the world so intel, even though they might not have you know a seven nanometer or You know any future four nanometer, you know places ready to rock and roll right. Now they have the cash to actually do it. Now the video card market really sucks. We all know this scalpers have pretty much killed the market, along with the miners, leaving the gamers. Pretty much you know licking the i don’t know how to really put it. You know just grabbing for the scraps that they can get or paying a fortune. You know to get a hold of a video card which you know there’s a whole subject altogether. You know in some ways it’s a great thing to be a pc, gamer right now and another way, that’s like not so great, but intel can really come back, they’re already developing cpus in the background that are probably going to come out and be very, very competitive And bring them back onto the table now they’re – probably never going to be the same company that they were it’s just impossible. You know nobody stays the king forever, elvis wasn’t the king forever. Just saying you know what i mean: nobody stays the king forever.

It just things change competition comes the market grows and that’s how this market is, but if intel would make video cards and they could be competitive at a lower price and not even have anything to do with mining. That’S what i’m talking about. I’M talking about video cards that intel makes that do not have the features or the functions that allow people out there to mine. Why can’t they make a video card that doesn’t do that they totally could and if they did, they would win the hearts and minds of gamers all around the world, even if it was just at the 5700 xt level. Those were good cards, you know, or you know, you’re the same type of competitive thing on the nvidia side of things, i’m not just trying to say just them, but you know what i’m saying: i’m saying a card: that’s like right in that market that pocket that’ll Play 1080 and 1440 games really really nice.

Will Intel Save PC Gamers With New Cards?

Who really cares about 4k right now i mean yeah, it’s cool to have it, but there are way more gamers that are playing on 1440 right now, then, really mostly other things. 1080 is kind of becoming the past 4k. We’Re still waiting really to jump into so 1440 if they have a card that can do that and it’s price right and it’s available i mean come on. I mean that’s going to be a sure, win for intel and they’re, probably doing something like that, because we all know they’re going to start making video cards and when they start making these video cards.

Obviously there’s going to be a market that is totally like. You know a sponge waiting to suck up water for those video cards and i mean sure amd right now does have probably the best cpus on the market for gaming and desktop and probably workstation type stuff. You know intel’s still really competitive in some markets. I think their laptop cpus are really doing good, but those are like based on different things, but as far as like i don’t know, the whole x86 thing is just really weird right now, a lot of people dump on arm stuff and they say like.

Will Intel Save PC Gamers With New Cards?

Oh, you know arm technology, you know it won’t do this. It won’t do that. You know arm. Technology is not really designed to like. You know, render your videos into it’s not made for that stuff, but it can be used in gaming and other stuff. As long as the software is made to work with it, which is you know what the people over at apple have done with their new, you know their new cpus, that’s what they’ve done if you’ve got one of their new laptops and their new park, you know Computers that have that new m1 in it, then you know what i’m talking about.

They work really good and if intel can make something, even the cpu side of things, that’s like that, but still can play games and do everything else. It may not be a powerhouse in other areas, but can be cheaper. They can really come back in the market.

Big time, you know low power requirements, uh that is becoming something very, very popular. You know. Low power means less heat.

So if you can get a cpu that’ll play all of your games do all of your internet stuff, all your basic cool stuff that you like to do and it doesn’t have to be super duper powerful and hot. It’S going to be a winner on the market and if they have a video card or video cards, maybe a series of cards, maybe they can even get some that are as competitive as the 6700. Who knows it’s going to be their first foray into the market? So you really really don’t know what’s going to happen, but we do know intel is going to be there and i think that’s a great thing. I think intel should really jump back into the market and even if they take like all their money reserves, they have and just rebuild the company they can be competitive and since they have the money to do it, they really need to just do it. I mean there was a time when, like intel was cool, it was like yeah man. I got an intel processor man, i got this thing, you know it was cool.

You know. If you had intel, you were like you know like you were, like the cool guy. You know your amd friends, you kind of looked at them like they were. You know they were like console peasants.

So if you have an amdc appeal, yeah, that’s nice, nice system. Should you stay behind their back to your bridge like got ta he’s got an, but then it changed all of a sudden, amy started, making really good cpus and all those guys when the insides are going ouch that hurts these guys really came back. I have to. I have to give it to amd. They really came back hard man, because i was one of those guys back in the day. Would i just be like? Oh okay yeah? I really didn’t like amd cpus.

I never really used them and then recently, when i built these new systems amd cpu, it’s like oh wow, the change is really, you know completely different and that’s always a good thing for the market, because amd did this now intel has to stop fracking around man And get their crap together, and i want to see them do that and if they do that and they make processors that work really well with low power and they make gpus that can go on the market and be competitive. Even if it’s just in the mid-range and are available and miners can’t take them from the gamers come on, that’s going to be a win-win situation. Let me know what you guys think i love your guys’s comments below um. I usually try to comment back to the to the ones that are you know that are smart or funny or whatever or the people.

I recognize that are there so leave comments down below because, like i said, intel once was the king of the block and they’re. Never going to be that same person, but they can still come back and, i think, be really really competitive because they’ve got the cash to do it. Do you agree, leave your comments down below. Thank you very much for watching now, but hey.

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