REVIEW: OBSBOT Tiny, AI-Powered Auto-Tracking Webcam (Pan & Tilt Camera)

REVIEW: OBSBOT Tiny, AI-Powered Auto-Tracking Webcam (Pan & Tilt Camera)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “REVIEW: OBSBOT Tiny, AI-Powered Auto-Tracking Webcam (Pan & Tilt Camera)”.
What’S up tech fans, sometimes big things do come in small packages.. Today’S video is brought to you and sponsored by the OBSBOT Tiny. That’S this little guy. In my hand., It’s a smart AI enabled webcam shoots at 1080 P at 30. Frames per second works in low light, works off hand, gestures it’s $ 199, but I’m gon na have a coupon code for you guys for 30 % off.

So let’s just jump in and let’s see what the OBSBOT’s all about. ( upbeat, music, ). So, first off, let’s take a look at what comes inside the box. Inside the box.

REVIEW: OBSBOT Tiny, AI-Powered Auto-Tracking Webcam (Pan & Tilt Camera)

You get the camera itself a little mounting magnet and you also get the power cable itself, which is a USB cable and you get the manual. Beyond that. That’S pretty much all you need. Now the OBSBOT is a smart, AI webcam and it’s really kind of interesting the way that it works, because it works in a few different ways.

REVIEW: OBSBOT Tiny, AI-Powered Auto-Tracking Webcam (Pan & Tilt Camera)

If you’re, just installing it all you need to really do is just plug it. It is a plug and play product, but if you want to have more advanced features, I would really advise installing the OBSBOT app, because here you guys can see you can change all kinds of things. You’Ve got three different modes standard head mode and then sport mode., Three different modes right, All kind of cool..

REVIEW: OBSBOT Tiny, AI-Powered Auto-Tracking Webcam (Pan & Tilt Camera)

Now what they really do is this: how the camera is controlled., So using the OBSBOT right out of the box is very easy.. You simply plug it into your USB port.. After that, the camera is controlled by hand gestures.. Now the OBSBOT Tiny it works with simple hand, gestures to control the camera, and it’s really really easy to do.. There are only really two different hand: gestures. The first one is just holding your hand up with all your fingers. The camera will flicker blue three times and then lock into you and then it will follow you around wherever you go like so., It’s kind of slow right now and squeaky, but then it’ll follow me over here. If I go over here. It’ll follow me over here. It’ll, pretty much follow me anywhere.

I go. Now there’s also a zoom feature on the camera and to use the zoom feature you use the L motion.. Then you can zoom in and then you can zoom back out once it locks again.

You can zoom back out very easy to use.. Now there is no adjustment on the camera, but it does lock into the subject and keep them pretty clear. Most of the time. In a low lit room like this. Let me go and turn the light off I’ll. Let you guys see what it looks like with no light bear with me.. So here’s with no light whatsoever – and you can see – there’s not even that big of a difference.. This is with absolutely no light in the room, except for a little bit of ambient light behind me..

So in this type of environment it works pretty good and it’s really easy: two simple hand, gestures and you’re good to go, and you guys can see it actually looks pretty clear. Right now. It’S recording at 30 frames per second at 1080P.

So that’s pretty much. The standard across the internet right now., So there you have it simple hand, gestures, it looks good.. You guys can hear the microphone..

The microphone doesn’t sound bad whatsoever up to two meters. Away.. That’S totally.

I think you know good enough for anybody.. What do you guys think And what’s really cool is that, even if there were multiple people in the room, while you’re using the OBSBOT, it will stay locked onto you.. Now, like I said, there are actually three different modes to choose from inside of their software package.. They have what’s called headroom mode, and what this does is this allows you to stand up or move around, and your head will always stay inside of the shot.. So here now we’re going to be taking at look at the OBSBOT in headroom mode..

As you guys see as soon as it saw me it locked back onto me, I am the only person here and, as I walk up to it, you guys can hear the difference in the microphone and you can see it’s tracking me.. Now, like I said as I move away, the camera follows me: I go over here. The camera continues to follow. Me.

Pretty much just keeps your head in the shot at all times.. Let’S see what happens if I like bend down a little bit. Is it following me down too yeah? It even follows me down. Right now, I’m in my wheelchair, so I really can’t jump around and show you guys a lot of crazy stuff, but in sport mode. If you were teaching a class like gymnastics or something like that, it would stay locked onto you. The entire time., I’m mainly like I said before, going to be using the headshot one because that’s best for me, I’m usually just sitting down, and I want it to lock on to my head.

So that’s what I’m gon na be doing the most, but I really do like the product.. Now not everybody is going to use all of the camera’s features, because actually not only is it your webcam there’s also a microphone that’s built in and from up to two meters. It’Ll totally pick up your voice and everything else, and it’s a pretty decent microphone as you guys can see. It actually works pretty decently., It’s not the greatest microphone in the world, but if you’re just doing web meetings and standard stuff like that or you’re just trying to get online really really quick and do something it’s very easy. Now. One thing I really want to talk about which I thought was really crazy – is I plugged the camera in and then when I was first trying to figure out what the best way to record something whether I wanted to really use you know quick time or could I use logic.

I was looking around doing something as soon as I opened up YouTube soon as it opened up, it was like Hey. Would you like to go live So I was up honestly and running, live on YouTube within seconds of plugging it in. Now this is before I even figured out anything else about the camera..

I mean that to me was pretty impressive.. I could literally put a thing on YouTube: saying: “, Hey, I’m gon na be live in five seconds from now explaining something that just came out ,” and I could be up and live with the OBSBOT within seconds., And that was really pretty cool.. If you’re a professional person who’s doing vlogging and stuff like that and working from home, you guys know that today, everybody’s almost working from home., That’s how it is.. So you know whether you use zoom meetings or something else. This camera will work with all of them.. Now one thing to take note when you probably first hook the camera up to your computer.

If you already have an internally built computer like a Mac or something like that, you’re going to want to turn that camera off and if you’re using quick time, make sure that, in the options that you select, the OBSBOT Tiny. Otherwise, it’s going to be using the default camera that it sees on your computer., But beyond that it is really simple. You plug it in, and you start going. Really I thought was kind of trippy is the way the camera followed me around., Like once I locked It in to the head mode, no matter where I went the camera followed me around. Now it didn’t follow me around like super quick..

If I wanted to do super quick I’d probably have to turn it on and go into the software and put it in sport. Mode., But in the head mode, if I stand up or I move around, the camera follows you around pretty good. And since the microphone works within that distance, pretty much wherever you stand. Unless you’re walking away it’s going to pick you up.

At the end of the day, I think for a product that comes to market at right under $ 200 and, like I said, on their website, this is, I think, right now $ 169, and I’m gon na Have a coupon for 30 % off of it, so you’ll be able to buy it anywhere and get 30 % off with all the features and everything that it has.. I think it’s a pretty nifty cool product.. Like always, I want your guys’ interactions.. What do you guys think? Do you think that the OBSBOT is a pretty solid product? I think it’s pretty cool. And your only limitation is the device that you’re hooking into.. Obviously, if you’re hooking into your Mac or your PC at home, that’s probably not gon na – be able to move around too much with you, so you’ll have to set up in that area.

But if you have a laptop, you can take it wherever you go.. Also, the software works for both Macs and PCs, so it doesn’t matter what kind of computer you have. You can be using the OBSBOT in just a few seconds., So I’m Eric. Thank you guys for watching Tech of Tomorrow. I hope you guys liked this video. I’ll have another link down below for this product, so you can check it out on their website or check out some of their videos about this product out there on the web..

But I think it’s pretty straightforward.. It does 1080P at 30 frames per second.. That’S pretty much. All anybody needs when you’re just doing basic type of stuff in meetings like that..

It detects all different lighting conditions, changes, them. It’ll, follow you around.. It has different modes that you can use a decent microphone. It’Ll mount on a tripod or it’ll mount onto your monitor..

It comes with the USB cable and simple to run.. So we’ll see you guys back here on the channel.. I hope you liked this video.. If you did, please hit that like button and if you like what you see I’d love to, have you subscribe, but if you subscribe make sure you turn on that notification bell or you won’t know, I am making videos..

So, thank you guys for watching Tech of Tomorrow. Peace and we’ll see you guys back here in the tech world, for more tech. .