AMD or Intel In 2021?

AMD or Intel In 2021?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AMD or Intel In 2021?”.
Okay, world. So we’re in the middle of 2021., And here in the United States. The pandemic is getting to the point where people are going to be going back to work and things are going to start happening, which means that well, more, PCs will probably be purchased.. Now a question on probably every person’s mind who hasn’t bought a computer is who do I choose AMD or Intel? I mean that’s a great question right. Let’S talk, tech.

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Now, before I jump into the video, I ask a courtesy of you folks, if you could please like share and subscribe to my channel, if you like what you see.. So, let’s move forward. So for many many years Intel pretty much was the leader in the desktop CPU market for gaming.. It’S just a fact: there’ve been a few times where AMD has been ahead, but you know that was you know more of something different than the rule..

You know what I mean That wasn’t the rule.. That was the difference than the rule.. You know what I’m saying, But now that we’re in the current generations of things things have changed a lot.

Now Intel for years. Pretty much did not do any real innovation with their CPU technology.. It was pretty much a bump, a skip a bump, a skip.

AMD or Intel In 2021?

Same X8088 technology has been going on for, like literally like almost seems like almost 30 years., And until recently, when AMD has really picked up. The ball with Ryzen and RDNA, and all this stuff did Intel even seem to really take notice that you know there was competition., But all of a sudden, it’s like, oh, my God, there’s competition.. Now, if you’re, just talking about features and specs.

AMD or Intel In 2021?

and stuff like that, it’s really hard to pinpoint who is an exactly clear leader right now. As far as the technologies go. Now AMD has caught up really far with their Risen, stuff.

AMD or Intel In 2021?

And the Intel stuff. Even though you know in some cases some people might say, oh you know okay here and there it’s still doing a little bit better.. I don’t know.. For me, it really kind of comes down to a couple of things these days. And before when I first started out being a journalist and talking about tech, I would have always just solely said. Okay, you know what This particular company right here has the better product.. So maybe I might you know, do that., But in the modern day market, where AMD just has so much going for them all around and Intel, even though they’ve got good, motherboards and they’ve got good CPUs it’s hard for me to really go out and say to Somebody hey, you know what You should buy Intel., Because, honestly, I’m not giving my money to Intel anymore.. I stopped. And I’m going to tell you why.

It’s because Intel sat on their laurels, so bad that the probably the most ingenious guy they ever had at their company Francois Piednoel. I hope I’m saying his name right. Francois was the genius.

You know CPU designer guy.. He was the man., Sometimes he can get a bit arrogant, but I still love the guy. And I think there’s been a misunderstanding between us..

So if you talk to him, you might think we’re arguing, but we’re not., But losing him was a big sign to me about how things are going at Intel.. When you have somebody who, basically who lived, died and breathed Intel and he left the company because they’re just stagnant, what does that tell you? That means, like he’s trying to say, hey I’d like to make some new CPUs? Let’S do some new technologies., But you got the company saying oh no. well, why should we I mean everything, we’re doing is still selling..

That to me is a big deal., Plus the very fact that over the years Intel has been caught. Doing some really really shady sheit on the side market stuff, you know trying to get it so that vendors only carry their stuff totally ousting AMD.. You know it’s just not enough to say at this point, even if Intel did have a product that was a little bit better and I’d be really hard pressed to say if right at this point in time, that Intel really has anything.

That’S totally better than AMD. AMD has caught up so much in the market with their new Ryzen CPUs that it’s just insane. And the reason why I would suggest for you to give your money to AMD over Intel is for this fact, and this fact alone. Intel Did really nothing to earn your money over the last 20 years other than the fact that they held patents on all kinds of crazy stuff kept AMD in court? Always you know make them so that they had to be the underdog because they had to fight all these battles in order to do it.

And then all of a sudden, this things changed well AMD is now right, neck and neck with them, and they didn’t have To play as much dirty pool really to get there. So AMD is a company that we see on the innovation. Technological edge. AMD is really trying to change the market and bring great CPU’s to the market.. Intel is only going to be changing their game now that they’re getting their kicked in the market..

I mean it’s just the fact. If Intel still had their way, they’d be blocking AMD and they’d still be giving us these subpar bumps in our CPUs. Honestly, when AMD had the Bulldozer era that was kind of a bad time for them.. Those CPMs were really rotten.

And I still tried to support them by building systems. Even though people beat me up, they were like what the hell are you paid by AMD, It’s like no. I was trying to keep them alive.. You know.

You’Ve always got to have an underdog. When Intel was the top you had to have somebody at the bottom.. I mean that’s just how it is right, Two guys in a wrestling match two guys in a fight two guys in a kung fu fight, One guy walks out the victor. I mean you know and one guy’s a loser.. He may not be a loser, but that person goes on to fight another day. And it’s been the same thing with these CPU wars for years.

AMD might get licked have to sign all these. You know crazy tax documents over the years of losing money, but they’ve been trying to innovate. And really as soon as the gates of Shiram were open. Amd has been doing nothing, but making leaps and bounds in their technology..

Every generation you can see that’s coming out is better technology., Where Intel now is only really going okay. Well, I guess we’ll change some stuff.. So here’s my take., Like I said back when I first became a journalist. I would have strictly went out and talked about the parts and in my mind it would have been all about just performance and nothing else.. But when we see a playing field that at this point I feel is you know it’s getting really really even.. I know there’s going to be some people out there still saying you know Intel does better here., But you know AMD has come so far and it’s still coming so far that it’s even going to be hard press for them to keep. You know trouting the Intel flag, you know if they don’t innovate., I mean so.

If anybody at Intel is watching this video, I hope you guys are going to wake the f*** up and start doing some stuff and making some serious changes. You’ve got the money to do it. And you know I’ll make another one of these videos.

In a couple of years and we’ll see how things are going., But you know for the rest of 2021 and 2022, I would honestly say support AMD just strictly for the fact that you have a company that wants to innovate. That wants to bring better stuff to the market.. I think that’s more important than just somebody. Who’S been sitting on their laurels for years and years and years., And even though, in some little area or two you know, maybe there might be doing a little better. Most people out there these days are gamers And AMD has great stuff for gaming..

It’S totally competitive. Excuse me compatible. It’S totally compatible with Intel.

And I’m just kidding. They’re not compatible, It’s totally competing with Intel., And that says a lot to me.. I mean a few years ago. I would have been the total opposite and said no way. You know you need to buy Intel AMD CPUs. They suck., I didn’t buy any AMD CPUs, except for the Bulldozer. I bought it’cause. Everybody was beating up so bad.

I thought wow man, this company really needs a break like seriously, I’m not even joking.. I was like wow. These guys need some help., So I better, you know, try to help them as much as I can, because they’re getting the crap kicked out of them in the arena this time., So I’ve tried to support AMD as best as possible being the underdog.. But I don’t really feel that right now, they’re totally the underdog..

They are the underdog but they’re an underdog who’s. One like you know what, let’s be fair, nine out of the 12 fights You guys can give me some things down below in the comments. Tell me what you guys think., You know: They’ve won like nine out of 12 spots. They’re competing in every market, every market that there is. Epic, is in the server market.. They have all kinds of stuff in the workstation.

Market. Ryzen is kicking butt in the gaming and desktop arena.. There’S all kinds of good stuff. There. Intel has some products, but there’s still ho-hum compared to what they should be on the market.. So I’m Elric.

Thanks for watching this video., I’m much appreciate. It. You’re gon na saw that little ad placement in the beginning of the video with the Windows, 10 keys and that stuff Hundreds of people have bought those that I know personally., There’s been hundreds of comments throughout the videos of people have bought them. There’s never been A problem. All the codes are guaranteed., It’s a great way to help keep my site around.. Also, if you want to keep the site around, don’t pay any money.. I have a link down below for Amazon Prime.. Try my link. Use it to try Amazon. Prime for 30 days. They gave me financial credit., It helped keeps the site around. And if you don’t need a Windows, key hey for a single dollar, you can support me on Patreon.. So that’s my take folks. In 2021, when it comes to a battle between AMD and Intel, I say choose AMD because I think they’re, the people that are fighting for you more then Intel. Enough said peace out.
