Lumen Vs RTX: The Beginning of The End?

Lumen Vs RTX: The Beginning of The End?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Lumen Vs RTX: The Beginning of The End?”.
What’S up tech fans This week is looking pretty exciting as far as tech stuff goes and last week was a kind of a mixed bag as well, but there were still some crazy things going on. Now the 3080 Ti came out. Mixed reviews, some people liked it. Some people didn’t., I’m mainly just against the price versus performance, but that’s a whole nother bag of wax.. Now, if you guys know me, you know that I was completely blown away by the game. “ Unreal”, when it first came out in the very first Unreal Engine., Seeing that waterfall when I first came out and started playing that game. That to me was almost one of the highlights of my entire existence as a gamer.

And now Epic is doing it. Again. And this time it looks like they’re going to be giving some serious competition to ray tracing in general.. So let’s talk tech., (, gentle music ).

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Lumen Vs RTX: The Beginning of The End?

So check it out.. This is what’s going on. Epic has now officially, I guess released that the “ Unreal Engine 5” is going to be coming out., But something that’s very different about this, and how this could have an impact on the entire market in a very positive way. Is the very fact that they have done something really really strange.? They have deprecated ray tracing on the engine, which means that really the engine, even though it’s geared to work and it’ll be fully functioning for RT cores and all that stuff. Well, it’s also made to work without any of that stuff. Whatsoever., I’m talking about full on everything that you’ve been seeing. As far as lighting goes all the same things, global lighting affects using nature to actually create the environment where the games are being shown.. There have been a lot of problems according to some developers, with using the ray tracing cores on RTX that something’s really not totally accurate, sometimes with the dynamics and everything with the lighting..

Lumen Vs RTX: The Beginning of The End?

Now, I’m not really delving too far into this, but the big news is this: the last card that just came out from Nvidia, even though I know a lot of people say: “, Hey, Elric, it overclocks and it’ll play games like a 3090 ,”. I never really thought a 3090 was really a gaming card. It was a workstation card that could play games. Kind of in between what happened to Quadro and ( indistinct ), But with this new engine, it’s going to be interesting, because what it’s looking like is that it doesn’t require any ray tracing cores.. So that means that anybody out there making a video card or making a game can actually design their game completely around this non requirement of having RT cores. Now.

Lumen Vs RTX: The Beginning of The End?

The reason I say this is really important is because graphics cards are getting just incredibly stupidly priced.. Now I know that there component shortages and all this other stuff, the pandemic. Yeah yeah – I get it. I get it., There’s been a lot of BS, that’s happened, but prices on everything have just started to get gouged more and more and more. And seriously the price Of a 3080 Ti was almost what I paid for my very first complete whole computer., And I’m talking about computer monitor the whole deal everything that I had. It played games. It wasn’t great gaming machine..

It really wasn’t a “ gaming machine” at the time, but we’ve just seen the price of video cards get so crazy. And Nvidia really touted ray racing. And they did kind of bring it into the market.. There’S all kinds of controversy on the backstory of that as well., We don’t even give a crap about any of that.. We want to stay focused on what this is and what it is.

It gives companies and people developing games, and even companies like Intel, who are just developing their video cards, a chance to actually make games and have those games play on their hardware without having to rely with ray tracing cores.. Now I know that we’ll probably put a squeeze on the people over at Nvidia’cause they’ll just be like going “. What the heck ?” And, like I said for now, all of that stuff is still being …, Has full ray tracing support., So any games made on the Unreal Engine 5 then you’ll be able to do it, but it’s not the only option, anymore whatsoever. And I Just think that’s really cool news., I’m sure the audience will agree that that’s just really good news..

I feel like just totally like dedicating a video to that, but there’s just not a whole lot being totally on the market. Yet until we actually see the first games and everything get released., But I think it’s really really exciting, stuff. Plus some other stuff. That’S going to be interesting.

Is that they’re going to have something called Temporal Super Resolution.? Now you guys all know DLSS. You know AMD’s FidelityFX Super Resolution.. This is basically going to be Unreal.

Engine 5’s solution., It’s not exactly the same, but it’s going to be similar. And let’s just face it. If you don’t have to buy a certain video card or look at this, maybe it doesn’t even require all the hardware stuff of your video card.. It can actually work on some of the newer CPUs with all these maximum cores that are in them.. That would just be amazing., Wouldn’t it be Because then you wouldn’t have to go out and spend mass dollars on getting a video card.

Nor do you have to be sacrificed into just playing online games.. You know what I mean. What I mean by online games is going to these places that they have out.

Now, there’s a whole bunch of where you don’t have to have a video card. It’S all gaming in the cloud. You go there. You play your games. And, if you’re not totally just into having the best and “ absolute best” graphics.

Well, then that is honestly pretty cool stuff right. I think it’s really exciting news.. I want to hear what you guys have to think.. Also, it looks like AMD is going to be making some changes to AM5 as well, because no longer will they have pin grid array. Cpu’S. Now pin grid array.

Cpus means that all the pins are on the CPU’s land grid array means they’re all on the motherboard., And lots of people have speculated. And they’ve said this and I’ll agree. It’s a 100 % true.. It is a lot easier to fix a bad pin on your CPU than it is to fix a bad pin on a motherboard.. I’Ve seen it done a few times, but I’m telling you doing it on the motherboard is a chore. Plus it kind of entirely changes.

The entire RMA thing as well, because now you probably won’t be arming very many CPU’s from AMD, but you’ll probably be seeing a hell of a lot more motherboards being RMA because of that., Because when you bend the pins on a motherboard, it’s a piach to fix. Them. I’ve had pins on my AMD, CPU’s get bad before., You get a credit card and look with the magnifying glass or whatever you can get in there., And you can usually fix that, pin and get up and going if you don’t break the pin off as You’Re one unlucky SOB., But with a motherboard, it’s a totally different ball of wax.. So also it looks like there’s not going to be any more DVR4 supported, motherboards., So that’ll be a thing in the past for AMD as well..

It looks like they’re only going to be using DDR5., So that’s going to be very interesting, which means obviously we’re going to be getting DVR5 memory right around the corner as well.. So that’s also pretty interesting stuff.. Also, a while back Steam supposedly was going to come out with these things called a Steam box.

And everybody had the idea it floated around the shows. Everybody’s like “, Oh yeah, the Steam box, blah yada yada yada, yada, yada yada.”. I never actually really saw any hit the market.

I have actually seen one before, but I haven’t actually seen any being sold on the market. And it looks like now that Steam is kind of just giving that up and they’re moving to a new platform where they’re Going to actually be competing with the Switch., So it looks like Steam is going to be trying to develop their own, like handheld gaming platform to compete with that. Now that’ll be pretty interesting for some people. Me personally, my old eyes trying to play those little tiny Games on a little tiny screen, I did that when I was 12 playing old football games where ( indistinct ) was you had this little dot and the dot went across the screen, you had other dots coming at you. And it was a football game. And we Used to play the crap out of it. And we loved it and it was so basic compared to like what the games are. Now. Think about it.. The games are crazy..

Now you go in 3D graphics. Everything’s, (, indistinct, ) Missiles, launch gets like being immersed in the real thing., Almost like being in a movie but you’re playing a game.. So things have come a long, long, way. So to wrap it up Unreal Engine 5 is coming., Ray tracing not seem to be the main focus of these guys right, now. And that’s in the question.

Also, at the end of this video, I want to bring up. In the future, how bad could that actually affect Nvidia altogether, I mean what would really happen if Lumen, which is the game engine Lumen, if lumen becomes so popular across the board with developers and everything Else that people just really stop even using the ray tracing stuff to develop., They might do it as an appeasal to Nvidia. But what comes to the point? Where you don’t really need it? The whole RTX thing will just kind of go: buu paa and destroy like an asteroid hitting the planet.

It’ll just disintegrate as it comes to the atmosphere to when it hits the earth. It. Just … ( Elric snaps fingers ) A little tiny ruck, something to think about..

What do you guys also think about AMD changing from the Pin grid array to Land grid array? Do you think it’s a bad thing? I mean there are some options that are probably better in the manufacturing of the CPU, with using the LGA versus the PGA., And that’s probably why it’s being done.. But I think, like for people who are used to the old school way of things and know how simple it is to be changing and fixing a pin, they’re, probably going to be negative.. What do you guys think And Steam jumping into basically a handheld market to compete with Switch? I don’t know. It’s interesting, but will it actually happen? Who knows? All I know is that the PC industry in general is changing.. It’S changing in big big, big ways.. We’Ve seen like I said, graphics card prices are outrageous.

They’re as much as a whole system used to be., So things really do need to change, because the way things are going I’ll, just close the video., This PC gaming is becoming something it’s going to end up. Turning into an elitist sport where only the rich can get into it. Come on., I know a lot of people. My last video. They really told me off about getting Nvidia’s case about the price. Saying “: Oh well, you know, there’s a card cost this much.”, But come on.. People in the Netherlands other places they’re talking about these cards hitting the shelves at $ 2,500.. What kid do you know And kids are really the people who fuel gaming. They’re, the ones who get into it push it are doing all the e-gaming and all of the sports stuff with it.. That’S you, that’s not older people like me. So come on. Can those guys actually afford to go out and spend the money to get these expensive video cards Hell no.

And that’s why I’m really kind of against this kind of stuff. Didn’t really mean to kick in video.. A lot of people took it that it was really hard.. I just meant it to be truthful., So I’m Elric., Thanks for Watson, Tech of Tomorrow. That wraps up today’s video..

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If you try that for 30 days and use my link, they gave me a little bit of cash.. It help to keep the site around., Plus all those Windows keys in the beginning are all guaranteed.. Lots of people have bought them and all are happy., And if you have a single dollar, you can support me on Patreon., So peace, out.

There’ll be more tech, ,’cause, more exciting stuff’s. Coming this week on Tech of Tomorrow. (, gentle, music, ) .