The Best Portable 4K Monitor Under $300

The Best Portable 4K Monitor Under $300

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Best Portable 4K Monitor Under $300″.
What’S up tech fans, It’s been a minute, but I’m back.. Now what are we gon na be looking at today? Well, today, we’re gon na be looking at a product from Intehill.. Now this is a 15.6-inch 4K monitor. That has a lot of features and in fact I think I’ve finally found my favorite portable monitor of them all.. So, let’s just jump in and let’s see what this bad boy is all about..

Let’S talk: tech. (, intense rock music, ) ( logo, thuds ) (, static, hissing, ), ( logo, thuds ), All right. So before we start today’s video. I would ask that you guys please like and share this video on social media and, if you really like my style to please subscribe and turn on that notifications bell. With that said, though, let’s jump right in. Now you guys can see.

I have the monitor right here in my hand, but before we get into all the specs and everything, let’s real, quick, take a look at what comes in the box.. So, as we open up the box, you guys are gon na see that everything that you need to get up and going is actually inside the box.. You get the manual you actually even get a protective screen for the monitor as well. You get a USB-C cable and you get an HDMI cable and obviously you get the manual and that’s pretty much. What comes in the box and it’s all you need.

Now as far as the monitor goes first off, let’s just take a look at it.. You guys can see this monitor is really thin.. It’S only five millimeters thick., That’s right, five millimeters thick and it actually weighs less than a pound.

So this thing’s, extremely lightweight and what’s really cool, is it actually comes with a carrying case that doubles as a stand.. So not only is it a case that keeps your monitor protected, you can stick it on the back there and it actually becomes the stand for it as well, and that’s pretty interesting because once you pop on the magnetic back the thing flips out and voila, your Monitor’S up and standing. Now a lot of features go into this monitor., Like I said it’s a 15-inch IPS 4K HDR monitor.. It has 10-bit color depth, HDR support a 60-hertz refresh rate 600 nits of brightness 1000:1 contrast ratio, 178-degree viewing angle.. It’S got a .009 dot pitch four-millisecond response time. A 0.178-millisecond input lag, it’s made of aluminum alloy and it even has two-watt internal speakers built inside of it.

So if you don’t have any speakers and you’re on the road, you can listen to your music on the go.. All the controls, for this particular monitor, are on the right-hand side.. You get the menu button which helps you choose between which HDMI connection you’re using.. You get the volume control, the OTG connection and a headphone jack.. Now this particular monitor is not a touch screen, monitor whatsoever, and I need to mention before I get any further that in order to use this with your PS4, your PlayStation or any type of phone, you will need an additional USB power adapter to make sure that It works. Hooking up the monitor, was really simple.. I just hooked it up to the HDMI port on my laptop and then I plugged the USB-C port into my laptop as well, and then the monitor was perfectly up and going and like I said earlier, it completely matched with my 4K monitor on my laptop. So I had two 4K screens and you can set the screens up to do different things.. You can set it up just to be one screen or you can set it up where you can drag stuff and use it as two screens. Now people who do a lot of editing or playing games that require, like two screens for having all your spells on. One side and your character on the other. This can come in very, very handy and I have to say the monitor looks crystal clear..

You guys can see all the colors in this thing just pop and being that it’s 10-bit depth color and it’s HDR. That means that, even if your monitor on your laptop happens to be a crappier monitor, you can just use this one and watch all of your movies in full-blown great 10-bit, HDR color, which is really really cool.. I didn’t use a lot of people’s movies to show you guys stuff, because a lot of times when I do that, all of a sudden, my video gets nabbed by them and they say they own the rights to my video. So I’ve been trying to avoid that. But you guys can see just looking at my “ AMD Fanboy” video, that this thing just looks incredibly clean.. It’S honestly really nice., There’s not too many other monitors out there that are this lightweight this portable and have that good-looking of a screen..

Now the fact that it’s not a touch screen might be a deterrent to some people, but I found it completely irrelevant to what I’m doing.. What I was really doing is surfing the net watching movies and doing a little bit of editing on my laptop. Now movies.

The Best Portable 4K Monitor Under $300

Look great editing, looks great and, as you guys can see, even text scrolling through the internet looks absolutely great. For a monitor that comes into market at about $ 269. I have to say that I think it’s a really good product..

The Best Portable 4K Monitor Under $300

I feel, like I’ve found my personal best portable, monitor that I’ve ever used. I’ve tried a bunch from other companies.. They were always just a 2K monitor 1920×1080..

The Best Portable 4K Monitor Under $300

They weren’t a 4K monitor.. They didn’t have any of the same features.. They were just in my book kind of subpar, so when I got a chance to check out this monitor, I was like “. Oh wow, hey. This sounds like a really good product ,” and they actually sell a couple of different versions of this monitor..

They have a standard version, that’s a little bit less.. This is the premium version, because it has all the bells and whistles that you’re gon na want and there’s even two two-watt speakers built inside of it.. Now there are a lot of other monitors that I’ve reviewed in the past that had two-watt speakers inside of them and they all sounded okay.. These sound, pretty good..

If you have a really nice set of headphones, if you’re listening to music and stuff, unless you absolutely just don’t wan na put headphones on your head, the speakers will get you by even for gaming. They’re, not super-duper, loud and booming, but they’ll get you by, and I mean, I think, that’s all they’re really meant to be. To me. The biggest things about this monitor are its portability..

I mean if you have a PlayStation and you just wan na, go on the road and go play your games this’ll all fit even inside of a laptop bag.. In fact, there are some laptop bags. Mine is one of them where you can fit your Xbox. Your laptop and this monitor all in the same bag., All you need is the cables and away you go..

Now. I also said if you’re using your phone or a PlayStation or any of that stuff, you’re going to have to have a power source, because obviously the USB-C isn’t gon na be powered by your phone.. You can get the video through your phone, but you’re still going to need a separate power adapter to do that.. They sell these all over the place..

You can get them anywhere. They’re about 29 bucks and if you’re a person who does a lot of traveling with your phone or stuff like that and that’s what you wan na use it for. Then it’s probably well worth your while.. I mean, let’s just face it.

You’re on the road. You’re in a motel.. You don’t really feel like dealing with any of the movie rental stuff or anything like that, and you’ve got your Netflix account.. Well, you can plug your phone in plug the power adapter in and boom you’re up and watching movies in full 10-bit HDR color.

On a 15.6-inch monitor and like I said, the speakers are even halfway decent, so they’ll get you by., So that to me is really the best thing about this monitor.. Not only does it have a lot of features built in it’s so portable and light that it can just go anywhere anywhere. I mean I mean that ( chuckles ) and this thing is so super-duper thin and let me just grab it again.. It’S actually really well-made. As well., It’s made out of really high-grade aluminum, so everything on this monitor is actually made really well. Down here at the bottom.

You guys can see. Let’S get it over here, the bezel around the monitor and get it over here. For you guys to see, the bezel is really small as well. It’s not non-existent, but it is really really small.. The screen covers almost the entire monitor and only on the bottom right here, where you can see it’s about as thick as my finger. This is the only place where the bezel is a little thicker and obviously that’s bigger, because well, that’s where those two two-watt speakers.

One on one side, one on the other., So you’ve got stereo speakers built into it. Just like some of the larger-sized monitors.. So I mean that’s really it folks.. This is the Intehill 15.6 premium 4K HDR monitor coming to market at about $ 269.

I’ll have links down below.. You guys should go out and check some other reviews up by other people.. I went out and I watched some and it seems, like everybody really does like this monitor quite a bit.. So if you’re interested in buying one hey I’ll have that link down below where you can check it out., So that’s it folks.! Thanks for watching today’s video..

I really appreciate your guys’ viewership. I’ll, be using this quite a bit, because not only when I’m working on my laptop do I like to do more than one thing: it’s just really really nice to have that extra space, and this sits right next to my laptop.. It’S unobtrusive. It’s easy to plug and play and use.

There’s no setup. Required.. No drivers required no nothing.. It’S really just plug and play.

You plug in the two plugs. As soon as your computer or your laptop or your PlayStation, or your phone as soon as it gets the signal. Your screen is up and going..

So that’s it., I’m Elric.! You guys have been watching “ Tech of Tomorrow.” Peace., Thanks for bearing with me. It’s been like almost 10 days since I’ve made a video.. I’Ve been trying to get moved and it’s been really stressful, but I’m trying to jump back in the game and get as much done this month before I have to move so we’ll see you guys back here for more tech on “ Tech of Tomorrow.”, (, intense Rock music ) .