Glad to be out of the hospital, Elric Returns!

Glad to be out of the hospital, Elric Returns!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Glad to be out of the hospital, Elric Returns!”.
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I get in the camera line, so even now that i’m back to filming videos again, which i’m starting again starting today, i have to be on an iv drip for nine hours out of the day. So that means that twice a day i have to hook up this iv to drip iv and sit there and just wait for it to finish putting all its antibiotics in me, because i had something called mrsa, which was a blood infection. On top of my bone infection on top of my other infection, so basically here was what the deal was for. Like almost two years, i had a cut on my left foot and i took care of myself.

I dieted i did my absolute best to try to take care of things and for two years it didn’t get infected or anything else, which is a really long time in a diabetic’s lifetime, believe it or not, for something not to get infected, and in fact we Had thought that my foot was almost totally healed, i was like all right cool, i’m almost out of the gate here and good to go, and then something just happened. My cast that was on my foot was too tight and when my cast was on my foot too tight it squeezed my foot and with no air in there my foot just immediately became infected. So when i went and checked into the hospital one um, it was like, i think it was like, like a big feel like the first or second of the month. I went to my doctor’s appointment on a friday and right.

I was under my doctor’s appointment, they’re like oh, my god, dude you’re gray. You are terribly cold and hot because, like i was freezing cold, but my temperature was way up. They instantly admitted me in the hospital and they found out that my bone had actually got infected, so they had to go in there. They had to cut off all of the rest of the bone in my left foot.

So there’s pretty much almost nothing left there. Now, but a little tiny, little stub, i’m still able to you, know, walk around okay, it’s not the absolute best, but i’m getting around. But during this time it’s been impossible to make videos for one thing: i’ve been in so much pain and i was on so many pain killers to try to deal with the pain that my life just became. I honestly felt like i just took a like a flat line from from my video career, because it’s just like okay, i don’t want to get out of bed.

I don’t feel good. All i really want to do is sleep and that’s really what i’ve been spending most of my time doing is sleeping sleeping, sleeping sleeping, but i’m finally starting to get better. It felt weird not being in the camera, for you know not being in front of the camera for so long. When i came back in there, i looked at my equipment and for a second i was like what do i do here again? Oh yeah, that’s right! It comes back to you like riding a bicycle, but after not filming for that long, it is. You know a little bit difficult just to jump back in the boat and start paddling across the water. Again, you know just just to let you know it. Isn’T that easy just to hop back in front of the camera? There are some people, obviously, who can’t even hop in front of the camera at all, because you really do have to like kind of pump yourself up mentally to get in front of the camera. Make a video, regardless of what video it is, whether it’s just a video giving you guys an information update um when it comes to there’s buddy the dog shaking when it comes to making you know hardcore hardware reviews those things, take a lot more concentration, and you Know the better you are the cleaner, you are the better they are for me.

Um, mr buddy wants to come in and say hi again, this isn’t here. So let’s bring him in here. Let him say: hi real, quick.

Glad to be out of the hospital, Elric Returns!

This is in here anyways, mr buddy say hi to the audience again, hello audience. This is me buddy, not my dad’s voice. Trust me on this yeah trust me, but here’s, mr bud he’s getting old, but he’s still around ladybug somewhere near the room running around she’s mother peppers. She doesn’t really like to get on film because i pick her up and try to put her in the camera. She kind of gets all weird where buddy’s a total opposite. This guy’s, like an attention he’ll, be like yeah yeah, get me in front of the camera.

Glad to be out of the hospital, Elric Returns!

In fact, most the time whenever i film he’s in here bugging me to be on camera, just that you know, like i said a minute ago, if you’re doing a hardware review and you’ve got to concentrate on all the facts on your script, and everything else makes It hard to pay attention to the dog and all these other side factors all at one time as well. So that’s why a lot of times i don’t have them in the videos, because i just want to make sure i don’t make mistakes, because just trust me! Mistakes can happen very easily. I do is write something down wrong, read something wrong, then, all of a sudden, your video is wrong and you could really do a video, that’s 99.9 right and make one little mistake and the only thing that people are going to pay attention to is that point.

Glad to be out of the hospital, Elric Returns!

One mistake: that’s just how youtube is it’s, basically the negativity cauldron? It’S like you put all these negative things, this big cauldron of mixing pot and you get all these people and then all they want is negativity. It’S become. You know, you see it. I mean people seem to really prefer negative reviews. They, like reviews that are just negative, negative, negative, negative negative and i mean that’s kind of crazy, but that’s just how things have gotten it’s a negative negative place here on youtube. It really is, hopefully you know sometime in the future. This will change where it’ll be more of a positive place, but for now it’s a really negative place, but the bottom line is i’m back. I’M healing i’ve still got a lovely cast on my foot and you guys can barely see us.

I got ta cast them. I forget that so i still got a cast on. My foot still got a boot on my foot, i’m still healing, but i’m back home. I’M with the dogs um, i’m back home like let’s say i’m back home, that’s better than being in the hospital period.

Let me tell you man: the hospital food was terrible, the hospital food at this last hospital – i don’t know what they did, but their food was terrible. I think people in jail actually get better chow. The food was just nasty, i mean i guess they’re like they’re like they don’t want you to eat. I don’t know what it is, and you know i’m supposed to be on a diabetic diet and they kept shoving me mashed, potatoes and gravy and and cereal and milk and all kinds of things.

I normally rice that i just normally would never even eat outside. Of the hospital now truth be told, though i have gained a few pounds, because i’ve been stuck on my butt in my bed – i’m not really walking around all that much so i have gained a few pounds, feels kind of good and then feels kind of bloaty. All at the same time, kind of you know kind of feels good because my belly’s full, but the same time, i’m like uh, i’m not used to eating so doggone much and uh. I finally grew a beard.

That’S why i got lazy and grew a beard. You guys can, let me know what you guys, think of the beard look it’ll be like either yeah leave the beard or shave that sucker off man, but you guys can let me know, but that’s it, i’m back, i’m starting to make videos again so um, like I told you guys before i was injured. I asked you guys to please not unsub. I think it didn’t seem like a lot of people unsub this time.

So i appreciate that. Thank you very much to all those loyal fans out there, but uh i’m here. I’M back, we’ve got lots of text.

Videos coming up this this month got some uh got a couple. Robot vacuum cleaners got. Some controllers got some generic tech stuff coming out. So all in all, it looks like you know, should be an okay month. Plus we’ve got, you know: we’ve got black friday coming up and we’re gon na have cyber monday, so we’ll have all those sales. This month, video cards obviously still no stock, and it even looks like you know, even normal pc parts have now gone up in price. So it’s just like getting pc stuff. These days is getting harder and harder and harder as the months go by which, as a tech reviewer makes me feel like okay. Well, what am i supposed to do? I’M a tech reviewer, but people aren’t really buying tech because it’s too expensive it kind of is a you know.

I feel like i’m between a rock and a hard split hard part space, a rock and a hard place, a heart space yeah rocking a hard space either way it works right, but anyways peace out. I’M back got more videos coming this one’s up today. I’Ll have more coming out, probably i’m trying to shoot as many as i can this month to make up for last month. So let’s see how it goes. I thank you guys for being a great audience. Um, like usual there’ll, be some links down below. If you want to support the channel, you can try out some some of those windows codes that are all guaranteed by me and the company we have a patreon site. You can also try amazon, prime for free for 30 days, my music, it’s all down there below just you know, click on the description button that stuff’s all down below there beyond that peace out um and it’s good to be back, see you guys in the channel For more tech, peace, .