Nvidia Is Going To Destroy In 2022

Nvidia Is Going To Destroy In 2022

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Nvidia Is Going To Destroy In 2022”.
What’S up tech fans, It’s been a minute.. I took a really nice long vacation, I’m feeling good and it’s back to work, and that means more tech. And this year’s CES has already began and there’s been some crazy announcements from AMD and Nvidia so far. And it’s looking like it’s going to be a pretty Interesting year.

Now we all know that there’s been huge amounts of part shortages, video cards shortages, just all around crazy 2021 for the PC industry in general. It just it kind of sucked.. It was cool in some ways, but in other ways it really sucked., But now CES has launched and Nvidia has made some crazy announcements about new video cards, new laptops, just all kinds of killer stuff over on the Nvidia side of things.. You guys all know what RTX is and all that good stuff.. So, let’s jump in.

Let’S talk tech and let’s talk about CES and what Nvidia had to say.. Let’S go ( upbeat, music, ) Right on so real quick before we jump into the video. I would ask that you guys could please like and share my video on social media.. I would greatly appreciate that two thumbs up.

Anything you can do to spread. The word is just absolutely great, and we appreciate it here at Tech of Tomorrow. With that said, though, like I said, Nvidia has just made some crazy announcements at this year’s CES., I’m going to start off by talking about G-Force Now, which I know some people are Just going to go, ah it’s cloud gaming, it kind of sucks, but in a world where you really can’t get a hold of an expensive video card cloud, gaming is becoming something that’s just growing and growing and growing.. I mean check this out. 3 billion gamers almost have started playing games online and over 300 billion in revenue was generated, and there are 10 million dedicated Twitch channels., That’s just crazy., 75 million gaming hours are being gobbled up by the eyes of the world, and that’s Just crazy. And what’s even more crazy, is that it’s growing exponentially and will get even bigger this year. G-Force Now right now, you can game at 1080p at 120 frames per second on pretty much any type of equipment that you have, whether it’s going to be a Mac, a laptop from PC, a PC or anything pretty much any kind of device that you can go out there. G-Force Now will allow you to play it. And there’s 1100 games.

90 new ones have been added, I think in like the last 30 days.. So if you don’t have a great PC – and you still want to have a good gaming experience, G-Force Now is something that’s actually pretty cool.. When cloud gaming first start off, there was a whole bunch of different ones, and people were like.

Oh this really sucks. Well, I mean yeah, I mean if you’re used to playing with your video card and you don’t want to sacrifice anything maybe, but if you just want to game and have fun, that’s crazy. And you can also get 4K 4K with an Nvidia Shield.. So G-Force Now is something that is just growing and growing and growing..

So if you’re a gamer out there – and you want to game – you can’t get ahold of a video card, you should probably try it., It’s only $ 99 for six months subscription and you get all kinds of killer. Stuff.. There’S new games coming out. There’S a game called The Day Before is coming out: there’s just all kinds of killer stuff, that’s going on in the gaming side of stuff and if you don’t have a killer PC and you still wan na game, you should check out G-Force Now for sure.. Now another big thing that they’ve talked about at CES and something that’s growing – is Nvidia’s Omniverse.. Now this is a crazy thing, because it involves connecting artists, engineers, designers and all kinds of people all working together in a 3D world., That’s going to help gamers, develop games, help artists, make better content for games.

Nvidia Is Going To Destroy In 2022

And they’re going to be able to do all of This stuff, in real time in 3D, which is going to be crazy, which means that a bunch of people are going to be able to jump in on a project and do changes and you’ll be able to see all of these changes in real time.. Now all of this stuff is based off of RTX technology, which means Ray Tracing DLSS Reflex AI. All of that stuff all goes in to what’s going on with that stuff. And Omniverse. Honestly.

Nvidia Is Going To Destroy In 2022

That is something that I’ll probably dedicate an entire video to and talk about, because it’s really crazy. It’s more than just a little few words I can say in this article. I want to talk about as much stuff, that’s going on at CES for Nvidia. At one time, so I don’t want to really jump all into that. But let’s just say that Omniverse is something that I think is going to change the gaming and 3D world all the way around, because when people can work together and do stuff, that’s going to change things.. And we talk about the gaming aspect of stuff.

Nvidia Is Going To Destroy In 2022

But just imagine doctors and people like that doing surgery and being able to work right at the same time with another doctor somewhere else across the globe in a surgery type situation where somebody could say: hey, don’t do that. That’S the wrong procedure.! It can honestly save lives beyond the gaming verse, which I think is something that’s really cool., Nvidia’s really heavy into AI and all that stuff all the way around. So I think we’re going to see some really interesting stuff.

This year.. We all know that using a laptop and portability is becoming the biggest seller in the entire PC and Mac universe. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a PC or Mac guy laptops, notebooks they’re selling, like hotcakes. And Nvidia, has just released 160 new RTX laptops.. Now these laptops are going to start out at $ 799 and they’re going to feature all of the latest technology.. These laptops are going to be using the Max Q technology. Max Q. Technology is an AI type thing that actually designs laptops and makes them so that they’re absolutely they’re most efficient in their design, their cooling and everything, else. You’re, basically getting computers that are designed by computers, which is actually a pretty interesting thing.

And with 160 new laptops Hitting the market, that’s just going to be crazy. Three of the biggest technologies that are going to be in these laptops are the CPU optimizer, which is going to make sure that everything is running its absolute best in your system that you’re getting the best performance that You can actually get., Which means, if something’s not being used, it will shut it down and save a lot of power to go to other parts of what you’re doing. They’re, also going to have rapid core scaling which enables better balancing between the CPU and GPU.

And it only uses what it needs, freeing up the GPU for better gaming., And we all know that having longer battery life on a laptop is one of the most important features. And now Nvidia laptops will feature Battery Boost 2.0, which is also AI, controlled., So you’re Getting controlled by computer once again. Ooh beep beep beep beep beep., There will also be Nvidia studio laptops.. Now these are a hundred designs built to make the games you play..

That means that the Nvidia studio laptops are actually made for people who want to make your games. And they’re supposed to be faster than the top of the line Mac Pro laptops for 3D design work.. So that’s just going to be insane. We’re going to see all kinds – and I do mean all kinds of crazy laptops from Nvidia with RTX technology in them right from the first of the year. And last but not least, on the laptop side of things starting February. 4Th you will be able to get a 3070 Ti laptop and these things are going to be completely decked out and they’re, going to start out at about $ 1499.. So you’re going to be able to get a super high end gaming laptop at the $ 1,500 range, not bad right Now. What would any announcement be without new video cards Right Okay.? Now the GTX 1050 was a card that lasted for many many many years..

When it first came out, it was able to play all the top titles at 60 frames per second. And we’ve seen other releases of cards, but now we’re going to see the RTX 3050. That’S right. The RTX 3050..

It should be from what we’re looking on paper going to be the best introductory card that we’re going to see this year. Now the RTX 3050 will feature 60 frames per second at 1080p, 9 shaders of teraflops power, 18 RT teraflops, 73. Tenser teraflops eight gigabytes of GDDR6 and will be available on January 27th.. One thing interesting about these cards is, you won’t see any type of model directly from Nvidia.? What we’re going to see here are going to only be partner cards., So there’ll be all kinds of partner cards coming out, like I said, starting at $ 249.

And with the power that’s behind that that should be the killer. Entry-Level card. And the only problem is like usual was: will we see any stock And that’s always the big problem with things, because there’s so many people out there who want video cards that by the time that Nvidia releases them they get sucked up like a dry Sponge., That’s the only problem with that type of thing.. So let’s check this out.

Now., There’s also rumors. That’S right! Rumors of a new RTX 3090 Ti. Ahh, A 3090 Ti.. We’Ve already got the 3090. That’S like the most powerful card that there is on the gaming side of things, especially for a single card solution.. Now this would probably totally topple the RTX 3090., With 24 gigabytes of GDDR6X memory running at 21 gigabits, a second which it’s 3090 counterpart only runs at 19.5 gigabits, a second..

The card is said to be able to calculate 40 shader teraflops, 78 RT teraflops.. It will feature 320 tensor cores, which is the AI. And when compared to the RTX, 3090’s 35.5 shader teraflops, 69.5 RT teraflops and 285 tensor cores., And this should push the envelope for Nvidia even further ahead in the gaming industry. Before I bounce. I know that Nvidia initially pushed reflex technology for professional gamers as milliseconds do count in e-sports and sometimes to the tunes of millions of dollars.

As seen by many gaming tournaments and most likely, I mean I’m really thinking it’s most likely that all gamers right now are using Nvidia cards in their pro systems due to NVIDIA’s reflex technology, because it can mean the difference between you getting shot or you making that Headshot or making the move that keeps you ahead of your opponents., I’ve tried it it works. And at first it started out. It was only for shooter type games, but now it’s expanding into other type of genres like racing games, which is something that I thought Nvidia should have been doing right from the get-go. Now you’re racing games, which is something that I really like will be more responsive Than ever. You’ll be able to cover more landmass, faster., Just everything is going to be a lot better and you’re no longer going to be limited to just those top 9 out of 10 games that are out there or top 8 out of 10 games that are Out there in the top shooter fields., Now you’re going to get these into other genres, like God of War, the game Gods of War, where you go around trying to kill this giant creatures..

So if there’s a genre out that you like most likely you’re going to see that reflex technology go into those games. Now, a lot of people are like. Oh man, Reflex, yada, yada yada, but check it out. The faster that your interaction with the game is close to reality and, what’s you’re doing is the better your gaming experience. When you click your mouse, you want what you’re doing on screen to happen exactly when you’re Doing it., You don’t want it to wait, you don’t want it to have any type of delay..

So when Reflex saves milliseconds, it makes everything faster in your interaction between you and the computer. Cause. Basically, that’s what Reflex is.

Reflex is the time between you clicking your mouse and the time that it appears on your screen, killing your opponent.. So having Reflex in all kinds of different genres of games beyond the shooters is something that I think is just going to be incredible.. So Nvidia has made their announcement at CES 2022, and it has a lot of stuff.. Like we said, G-Force now is growing 1100 games 90. Just added. You can play at 120 frames per second, that’s just crazy..

If you have a Shield, you can play at 4K all that stuff., You don’t even have to own. The games $ 99 for a six month subscription not bad. If you’re looking for a new laptop 160 new laptops coming that are all based on RTX technology, starting at $ 799., We have the studio laptops that are going to be coming in at $ 1499., We’ve Got new video cards we’ve got the Omniverse. We’Ve got the RTX 3050 at $ 249..

We’Ve got the new RTX 3090 Ti being rumored. All the specs, for that obviously haven’t been released. Yet, nor has there really been any total price. That’S come out for that., But with that said, I’ll have links down below..

I appreciate you guys supporting the channel. It’s great to be back here on YouTube. Happy New Year to everybody out there., I love my audience. Peace out., We’ll see you guys for more tech.

Here in 22, on Tech of Tomorrow. He’s back baby and I’m here to stay. ( upbeat music, ) .