A Day In The Life Of Being Elric

A Day In The Life Of Being Elric

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “A Day In The Life Of Being Elric”.
What’S up my friends out there in the world. Once again, this guy is going through some major changes., So today’s video is not about tech.. So if you came to watch a strictly tech, video and that’s you know the only thing you wan na see, then hey peace out. You don’t have to watch this video, but you should know by the title that this is not a tech video.. This is a personal update which is basically talking about. What’S going on with my health, my life and my future.. So that’s what today’s video is all about.. So, let’s hop in and let’s talk, non-tech. ( rock music ) Chances are that if you are upgrading a computer with major parts or you’re just building a new computer, you are going to need a legitimate Windows. Key and VIP-URcdkey sales. Has you covered. And right now the prices lower than ever. And it’s simple to buy., You simply go over to their website.

A Day In The Life Of Being Elric

Choose the Windows software that you want to put it into your cart. And when you’re going to the checkout you’re gon na, want to enter the code TOT20 and save yourselves an additional 30 %, making your Windows key, not only completely legit, but also really low, price. And after a few minutes, you’ll get an email and all of your keys will be inside of your inbox..

A Day In The Life Of Being Elric

So it’s really simple.. So if you want save money – and you want a key that you know – is guaranteed to work forever – then check out VIP-URcdkey sales. All right so now that the ad’s outta the way, sorry about that guys., Just I got ta put’em out there, so I can pay The bills., So here we go. So healthwise, I’m actually doing better than I’ve ever been doing in my entire life., Mentally spiritually, physically things have been going a lot better for me.. Now I had to take a couple of months off from doing YouTube..

I had like one or two videos: just came out.. I really just needed to take a vacation. And, to be honest with you guys, it’s been very, very hard, revamping and getting the engine going again when I’ve got so much stuff going on. And we’ll get to that in a minute..

But my feet are totally healed.. I’M back to walking normally., I’m actually walking without a cane. For you, people out there who helped me pay my bills. Thank you. So much helping me get rid of that. Fricking debt that I owed to the medical thing really helped me a lot..

It wasn’t a whole lot of money. I just wanted to get the deductions out of the way. So for all you, people who helped me out with that peace, love you.! Thank you very, very much so appreciated.. Now, since I’ve got on the new pills that I’ve been on, you guys know that I started taking different stuff and I started talking to you guys about it.. I got cleaned up. I stopped like partying. I stopped doing all the you know, all the heavy stuff. I was doing the drinking smoking and craziness. I kind of got past that.. You know I’m not saying that I’m perfect.

I’ve smoked a couple. Times. Shh just habit, I’m guilty of it. It’S happened., But you know other than that.

I’M still doing good.. But I’m telling you guys ever since I got on the medication that I got on, I have doing great. And if you guys happened to miss that video – and you guys want to see you know what I got on and how it changed. My life I’ll have a link down below where you guys can check that out., But I tried a lot of different things: a lot of different pills, different chemicals in my body, to help cure the depression that I was suffering for years.

A Day In The Life Of Being Elric

I pretty much suffered throughout My whole life. And didn’t know that I had this complete chemical imbalance and it was all over the place. And I’m doing great. Most of the time I’m happy.

Yeah. Sometimes I get a little bit bummed out or I get worried, or I start talking about my brother Jesus dying. You know and I’ll get that kind of stuff. That’Ll weigh me down., But that’s like what anybody in their life gets.. You know we all suffer from a moment., But the thing I’ve really learned and a friend of mine, Robert Gasland, taught me this is that nothing is really permanent.. It isn’t.

Even think about it, even a great relationship with a woman, the favorite video card, your favorite game, everything seems to have a shelf life and ends and begins anew., And it’s the same thing with you know just with everything in your life. It is that way. And for me, I feel like in a lot of ways. I’Ve had a completely new lease on life with this stuff.

Because for years suffering from this depression, I don’t think I ever really fully was like living my life.. I really don’t. And I feel great. Spiritually wise, like I’m, not a real grand religious person., You know what I mean. I believe that everybody’s you know, personal walk with Jesus is theirs and it’s their business, but I have mine and I’ve never felt stronger in it.. So things are all good there. Now. As far as tech business goes I’ll, be honest with you guys., My videos have not been the greatest lately at all..

Some of them have honestly been crap, and I understand why some of you guys are disappointed in me. I apologize for that., It’s just that I’ve got a lot of stuff going on. And right now, I’m getting ready to make a major. You know change in my life again. And by the way, guys I don’t script any of my videos at all., Not any of them.. Every video that you guys have ever seen is me just talking off the cuff..

So if sometimes I like lose track of you know of something for a second and get back. On. Just bear with me, because I’ve got a lot of things on my mind that I’m trying to tell you guys. But got a house in Indiana. Parents sold their house here in Kentucky, got the money bought a house in Indiana., Be the first time in my Life have a house, that’s my own house.

Yay.. I like Indiana., I’m moving to Evansville.. So if there’s anybody who lives around the Evansville area and sometime you wan na hook up and say hi, hey contact me leave a comment down below., But that’s the next major thing.. So for the next two weeks my videos will be sporadic.. I’M gon na keep this going..

I don’t know I’m just gon na move the camera a little bit guys.. You guys can see I’m starting to pack stuff up.. Like my amp rack, over here. We’ve started moving stuff off of that one..

I’M gon na try to move the camera.. Sorry, you guys, you guys are seeing my light. Now. Try to like just move this stuff all around, so we can go., But you can see my other rack back here.. That rack is now completely totally devoid of my amplifiers..

I’M gon na be moving all of the amplifiers and the camera back here. Again., I’m gon na be moving all the amplifiers a lot of the furniture, a lot of the crazy stuff. I’ll, get that out the shot again. Okay. And just it’s just crazy.

Got a lot of stuff to move. And moving. I hate it.. I hate it. I hate it, I hate it.

And even though it’s only like 88 miles away from here, it’s still it’s a move, and it’s got me a little bit stressed out.. So videos will be a little bit sporadic for the first two weeks as we get the basement done and everything over there, but then I’ll be set up over there. And one of the major drawbacks I’ve had – and this has happened, the entire time I’ve lived here In Kentucky is that I’ve had nowhere to film, but this room., So I’ve had nowhere to do any good B roll., And I can’t bug you know my son John all the time to do my B roll or you know, bug my other friends in LA to Do my B roll all the time., It’s just not right.

A guy’s got ta stay on his own two feet., So my B-roll has been kind of sucky., But now I’m gon na have a lot of area to film and do B-roll. So I’ll be able to Do better B-roll I’ll be able to get back to doing the hardware the testing and the stuff. I’ve had nowhere even to really test. If I wan na test, I got ta set something up and do it. And with the last thing that we did, I had tested the video cards and everything and then packed it all up.. And then it’s like all of a sudden like, oh well, gee whiz. Your card’s clocked wrong., I’m like come on. Like I ain’t, got time to pack all this stuff, unpack it and repack it right now.. I just couldn’t do it.. So that’s just you know, that’s just how the cookie crumbled. But believe me, I’m going to slow down a bit, refocus things and try to bring a lot better videos to you. Guys., I’m probably definitely going to be hiring a person when I move up there to help me out., Because I’ll be honest with you, I don’t like being a one man show.

Being able to work with my friends in LA it helps quite a bit. It just Really does. So like without their support.

I would just be lost., So I need to like kind of bring my support team back. You know where I’m at., So I’m not always like you know, bugging my family and friends back in LA.. It’S working right now, but things need to change., So I’m healthy, I’m happy., You guys are a great audience..

I really appreciate you guys putting up with you know with my BS over the years., And you know you guys who have followed me all the way from the beginning. You know the trauma and tragedies that have happened over the years.. I mean that’s just life. You know the BS of life., But things are moving on., I’m happier, I’m healthier, I’m finally getting my own place., I’m gon na slow down and I’m gon na start bringing things to the table that are a lot better than they’ve been because I know that lately I feel my stuff’s barely been B and C and I can get back into the A game like I used to., I was sick for a long time.. I know a lot of you guys, don’t realize that because I’d still come and bring videos., But I have been pretty much on my deathbed for years and still trying to keep doing this, something that I love and doing it. And I’ve. Just literally just watched myself. Go nrrrm, as my health, you know tatered off., But now my health is back. And you know what they say. Once you hit the fricking bottom, there’s only one way to go, and that is up. And that’s the direction I’m going.. You guys have been a great audience..

I love you all.. You guys have been wonderful over the years. This year. I plan on getting back into doing gaming, giveaways and doing more giveaways., But I’m honest with you.. A lot of people in the last few years have really offended me with the giveaways. Treating me like. I owe them something like telling me I should be paying all their duties, their fees, their shipping.. Some guy would win something in some crazy old country who wouldn’t want to pay. For anything. Wants me to pay for everything.. I don’t have that much cash to do that., I don’t mind giving a product away., I don’t even mind usually paying for shipping. But like when I get people telling me to pay their taxes, pay their duties and all this other stuff.

That, just to me just starts to feel like I’m not appreciated at all. And, like all of a sudden, I had a contest and then all of a sudden. I owe you It’s just nah. It’S not a pretty picture., So I’m gon na be changing the way that goes as well., But I am going to bring giveaways back because I do like to give away stuff, because I know there are some people out there who truly appreciate the things that I Do. And like they say you know, I shouldn’t let one bad apple spoil the whole barrel.. So I’ll see you guys back on here for yes, what you want more tech.

Peace, .