My Last Days In Kentucky

My Last Days In Kentucky

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “My Last Days In Kentucky”.
( rock music ) All right tech fans.. So this is the very last video you guys are going to see from this setup. My lovely setup., You can see all my guitar amps are already gone and all that good stuff and lights. Moving across. ( presenter, trills ) And it’s an alien, But this is the last video that I will be doing from the state of Kentucky.. We’Ve moved up to Evansville.. We’Ve got a nice new house., I’m looking forward to it a lot more area to film and do stuff. The basement’s being completely finished off. So I’ll have multiple areas to be able to film much better B-roll and improve the channel..

My Last Days In Kentucky

You guys really do not understand what it has been like for me in frackin’ Kentucky.. I have not been happy a day here.. I really have not been happy.. There might have been moments here happy, but there’s just nothing for me to do. Here. People here aren’t very nice.

My Last Days In Kentucky

They’re, just I don’t know. They’re, just not very nice.. There are some people that are nice. And you know real quick.

My Last Days In Kentucky

I want to give a shout out to the people over at The Wood Shed.. Thank all of you guys. So much for your kindness and the food and everything else. You guys are all super duper cool over there, and I appreciate all of you very very much so thank you..

They were pretty much like to me. The only thing I really miss about Hoptown because I usually ate there quite a bit., They have country style food and they have barbecue and I love barbecue and since I can eat barbecue till I’m blue in the face, and it doesn’t raise my blood sugar.. So you guys know why I love the old barbecue.. ( eating sounds ). I rub it up.

Now Evansville I’ve tried the barbecue.. It wasn’t as good. Wasn’t as good.

I’ll be missing the Woodshed. That’s for sure., But we’re moving and that’s going to be a good thing cause I’m going to refocus my efforts on the channel. Refocus everything just basically refocusing.. A lot of people have told me just take a month off and just take a month off.

I don’t like even taking a month time off., Like you guys, don’t even know how stressed out, I was not being able to work when I was sick.. It would stress me out., I’d literally, be sitting in my bed running back and forth to the bathroom throwing up sick going. I need to film a video.. I need to film a video, not just for you guys, but for my own personal self-satisfaction., I like making videos and bringing stuff to the table..

The thing is when it got to the point here where, like I lived in such a small house, that I really had nowhere to shoot any B-roll and only this room, I had this room. You know I had a camera, but nowhere else really to shoot, except for a little tiny cheesy table in the living room., And I I just hate being repetitive: bringing the same B-Roll over and over and over and over and over to me is just a bunch Of bull crap., It’s not imaginative, especially when I go and I watch John’s channel on TLD, and I see all the badass filming that those guys do. It just makes me want to eat Crow and just go. ( presenter, screams, ), So it’ll be good.

Plus, I’m Probably gon na upgrade my camera too. Cause I’ve gotten a lot better with using the camera over the last year before it believe it or not.. I never did any of this stuff. Jesus or John always did this stuff.

Jesus or Jonathan from TLD was always behind the camera.. In the beginning, we were at Like a lot of the crazy video ideas and stuff were John’s., He’s very imaginative and he’s much more like into filming stuff than than like. I am like he just is you guys can see it on his channel., But seeing that stuff has made me really want to improve..

So I’ve been learning more about my camera learning about the aperture, the lighting all that stuff, so that you know when we move I’ll, be able to do B-Roll and do it in a better way and bring cause. I really think that good B-Roll, along with good A-Roll, just really makes the video snappy.. Now I’m not gon na, say crispy anymore, because it was already the crispy guys.. We called snappy ( presenter clicks ) my own term, like jazz. ( presenter, clicks ).

My videos would be snazzy like jazz. ( presenter, scats, ) Okay.. Where was I ( presenter laughs ) But anyways like I said you guys, are a cool, audience. You’ve bared with this guy for a long time and promise you guys things are going to get better.. I’M feeling better., I mean you – can see it in my face..

You can see it in my attitude.. My foot is healed.. I’M walking I’m taking care of myself., I’m on the proper medications for for my depression and stuff..

So that’s all working out., Honestly taking the stuff that I’ve been taking, has helped me so much.. I haven’t really suffered any great anger or any great depression or any great anything. And a lot of people complained and said. Oh, you know this medication makes me not feel things.. Well, to be honest with you, I got tired of feeling depressed or being psycho angry. I mean who wants to be on an emotional rollercoaster And that’s what my life was up until just a little while ago. My whole life, a rollercoaster of emotions. Sad want to Kill myself., I feel bad., I’m worthless., I’m the greatest thing in the world., I’m Superman.. I can do anything Fuck that you know what I’m saying.

Just no. I like things better now., I’m right down the middle.. I don’t want to feel these extreme things.. I like where I I am at., I really do.. So if you’re a person out there – and you follow my challenge – you suffer from these same things.. Try out the medication that I recommended in that video.. It works for a lot of people.. They also have now a blood test where they can take a blood test and know about your DNA and give you the proper medication right off the bat..

So you don’t have to suffer any type of side effects or ill effects.. So take care of yourself get a DNA test and find out what’s right for you to be good in here. Cause man, let’s just face. It.

Life is short.. I wasted a lot of my life being angry and suicidal, and trust me at the end of the day.. It’S not worth it. Get mentally healthy. Try to enjoy as much as you can. George Carlin once said that life is about entertainment, and you are here basically to be entertained.

Yeah. You got ta work and make money and all that stuff, but also you’re here, to be entertained., So get yourself to where you can be happy and you can enjoy entertainment along with the rest of the BS that comes along with just living. This life on planet. Earth. So I’ll see you guys up in Evansville, Indiana. Peace out.

I love you guys. You’re, an awesome audience. Here’S a big kiss., ( presenter, kisses screen ), See ya. Up in Evansville that is.

Peace .