Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Using Prezi Templates to Create a Presentation”.
Welcome to this video on how to create a presentation in Prezi using their pre-made templates. Previously, I made a presentation on how to create a Prezi presentation from scratch and I highly recommend that you watch that, because it teaches you, the basics of using Prezi in this particular video, I’m not going to focus on the basics at all. Instead, I’m just going to focus on using their pre-made templates, so here at Prezi comm, I’m going to assume you have an account and that you signed in logged into the account, if you don’t know how to do that, please watch the other video. So here I am in my Prezi account and I’m just going to go down and click new Prezi and, unlike in my other video this time, I’m going to utilize the pre-made templates that Prezi provides. You can see here that these are some of the more popular templates that they have created here at the center.
Are the recent latest templates that they’ve made okay and there’s only like 10 or 15 of them, but you can also click more and there you get pretty much the whole list of pre-made templates that are available right now from Prezi. If you know one by by its name, you could just click here where it says, search for templates and you could type it in and it would identify the one that you want to use okay, so I would like to use one that has a theme of A journey okay, I want to teach my students, a concept that involves traveling and progressing from one step to another from one point to another, and you can see when i typed in journey. It brought up several different options: there’s timelines, there’s kind of two dimensional journeys. This one is a kind of a three-dimensional one, and I like that, a lot.
So I’m going to I’m going to go with that, so I’m going to click the road ahead and then I could click use, template or honestly, it’s best just to just double click. On it and it highlights it, it selects it and it loads it. In now, the nice thing about using pre-made templates in Prezi is it does at least I’d, say 50 percent of the work for you notice here at the left. I already have my zooms for my presentation: I’ve got zoom one zoom, two three and it’s all just laid out for me. It’S really nice, and so all I have to do at this point. Is click and add a title. Okay, I can click to add text. Maybe I could put in my name as the three of the presentation or I could put in a subtitle and then I’m done with that.
First zoom, then I can click on the second zoom. This one is just an overview of the whole process and then I can click on the third zoom click to add text, and this is, in my opinion, a lot more like using PowerPoint. If you choose a premade template in Prezi, it’s pretty much saying that you want to quickly develop your presentation. You don’t have to take the time to think about how you’re going to lay out the content.
You know what shape it’s going to be in where where’s the information going to go. You don’t want to have to deal with that. You just want to use somebody else’s template and then you’re just going to click down this list here at the left. To add the content that you want to share with the students? Okay – and it’s just as simple as clicking to the next soom, adding your information and going from there now, just like I showed in the other video, which I hope, you’ll watch there is this edit path button that you can use to reorder some of these. These items, okay, you can click on it. You can click and drag to to change those.
You can add animations by clicking this star. So I can animate the text. Okay. But if you watch the other presentation, you understand all that and much more when you’re done editing paths, you can click done here at the top and, to be honest with you, there’s not a whole lot more about using the pre-made templates that you need to know.
Other than what I’ve just told you, you would just continue to go through each of these zooms and edit. If you want to add images or videos, you can do that here with the insert option and then, when you’re done editing each of the zooms. Let’S say: let’s say you run out as, and you have even more content that you would like to share. That’S okay, you can zoom in if you want and add another frame, whether it’s an invisible frame or you could switch to another kind of frame or you don’t have to zoom in again. If you don’t want to you, could you know scoot over to the left or the right or above and then add another frame and notice that it just keeps adding these to the end of my presentation? And so then I could click to add another title, and so my point is even though you’re using someone else’s premade template that Prezi provides to you you’re, not stuck just with what they what they have delivered to you. You can add more zooms, more content and really the sky’s the limit of what you can do here.
You can add so much information on to just 1 Prezi. It’S it’s amazing! Ok! So, let’s assume that you have edited each of the slides you’ve added content. Maybe that you wanted to add you maybe inserted some pictures – videos, some other things, you’re ready to present. You can do that.
Just by clicking present. You should go back to the beginning of your presentation. If it doesn’t, you know you can use these arrow keys to go back to the beginning or the arrow keys on your keyboard notice that when you do go to present it’ll often ask this question: do you want to allow full screen with keyboard controls? Yes, I do I allow it and then I can present this just using the arrow keys on the keyboard or spacebar both of those options work, and you can also use presenter remotes. If you have a presenter. Remote should work great, and I really like this particular one, because it has you know kind of a 3d effect where you’re traveling down the road and going to the destination but you’ve created there. So I tapped escape to get out of that, and that’s really all that there is to using someone else’s premade template if you want to learn how to make your own effects that are kind of like this that have almost a 3d effect to them check out.
My other video, I have a video on 3d options in Prezi. That goes over. All of that. So I hope you’ll watch that thanks for watching this video – and I hope that you will subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos on technology for teachers and students.