Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Adobe Spark Video Tutorial”.
In this article, we’re gon na learn how to use adobe spark video to create some really attractive. Looking narrated slide shows online for free, and it’s really easy and, like I said it’s using a product called adobe spark video. Now this used to be called Adobe voice and it was available only for iPad, but recently Adobe decided to make it available online for free for anyone, and you can get it here at spark. Adobe comm now Adobe spark is more than just creating compelling animated videos. There are other things that you can do with it as well and I’ll be making other videos about adobe spark.
Today, though, let’s focus on adobe spark video. I want to get started using it to do that. All I need to do is be on the right website and click. This button start now for free, and I simply login using Facebook or Google, or I can sign up for a free account without using Facebook or Google.
If you already have an Adobe ID notice that there’s just a way to login directly using your pre-established Adobe ID today, I’m just gon na sign in with Google. After signing in, I need to make sure I allow Adobe to work with Google. I have to complete my profile and accept the Terms of Use and that quickly, I’m ready to start using adobe spark and specifically today, we’re gon na focus on adobe spark video. Alright, let’s get started, as i mentioned before, adobe spark is more than just video.
You can see that there’s three different options for me right now to choose from whether I want to make a post a page or a video, I’m gon na go ahead and click on video and it’s gon na load up, basically a wizard that I need to Fill out that will help me make my narrated slideshow all right. Tell us your idea or title. So that’s the first step title of the slideshow and I would like to make my narrated slideshow about my Spanish history.
Basically, how the Spanish language has been a part of my history, so my Spanish history, great that’s the title of my narrated slideshow. Now I just click Next, and this is where Adobe spark video is particularly useful for teachers and students, although it’s open and available for anyone to use what it does is, it gives us some templates to choose or you can start from scratch, but these templates, if You look at them are mostly educational. I can use adobe spark video to promote an idea to tell what happened that would be great, for history, obviously promote an idea would be great, let’s say, to practice persuasion in a language arts class, a hero’s journey that could again be history. Show-And-Tell would be great in a science class or really just about any educational subject, and you can see that there’s a whole bunch more personal growth would be great for an autobiography teach. A lesson of course, would work in any class and there’s some other options, or you can just make one completely from scratch.
I’M gon na go back and choose tell what happened so I just click pick this one and it loads up some instructions. I can X out of those instructions, and it gives me this screen that I can use to make my narrated video or narrated slideshow notice off to the right. We have some themes. Okay.
Now, if you don’t see the themes there, you may need to click to switch from one of these other tabs or options, but I’m gon na stay here right now in themes, and you have the option of choosing a theme now. The theme that you pick will help determine the background of your narrated slideshow, as well as some of the graphics that might show up and the way they look and how they show up on the screen and then also some of the fonts that show up in Your project, so I’m gon na, go with this one here. If I ever change my mind, though I can simply click and it will change and update the theme for all of my slides, okay. So next, what I need to do is add something to this. First slide of my narrated slideshow: now it’s prompting me to describe what my story will be about, and I could jump right to that, but I prefer to click this and add something to the screen, I’ll click that plus sign. I have three options: an icon, a photo or text I’ll go with text and I’ll type in my Spanish story.
Now, as you can see, this is a pretty simple screen that I have here just text. Okay, this is the title of my narrated slideshow. So that’s perfect.
If I really wanted to, though I could click over here on layout now I could say: okay on this first screen. Not only do I want text, but I want to have maybe a picture, and so I could click here where it says. Two things now: I can have text on one side and a photo on the other or an icon, and you can see that there’s some other layouts as well, that might work for now.
I’M just gon na stick with one thing, all right. So now I get to show you how to add the narration and it’s as simple as clicking this record button. Now you have to have a microphone of course. Many laptops come with a built-in microphone that works just fine or you could buy a 10 dollar microphone.
It’S pretty easy to find a ten dollar microphone or, of course, you could invest in a much more expensive microphone. So I’m gon na go ahead and click this button, but it’s important that I click and hold the button for as long as I hold that button. It will be recording my voice now as soon as I clicked it notice what happened. I got a pop-up that said: do you want to allow spark Adobe comm to use your microphone? You have to choose, allow if you see something like this and it may be a pop-up like it is. For me it may be a bar across the top or bottom of your browser. It just depends on the browser you’re using and things like that, but you need to allow in order for this to work so I’ll click allow and I’ll try it again. I’M gon na tell you my Spanish story. Basically, how Spanish has affected my life, then I just let go now that I’ve recorded myself.
I could press play to hear and watch my narrated slideshow okay, so you can see. I get a little preview there and I like the way it looks. I’M ready now to move on to my next slide now notice that it tells me how long that first slide is gon na be on the screen. It’S gon na be ten seconds. I’M ready to move on to the second one. Now I click there and notice what it says when and where. So.
This is where the prompt comes in. If you remember, when I selected this type of video, I chose the option. That said, tell what happened and that’s why it’s saying when and where it’s prompting me to create a narrated slideshow that tells what happened alright, so I’ll talk about when and where. But first, I think I’ll add a photo notice. How easy it is to add a photo in adobe spark video, it’s great, all you have to do, is click the plus sign and then click photo.
You can then upload a photo from your computer or you can tap into the Creative Cloud. If you have a Creative Cloud account Lightroom or if you have a Dropbox account, you can click. This link to your Dropbox account and within seconds you’ll, be able to pull photos from your Dropbox account into your Adobe sparc video projects and then there’s this wonderful option of google photos if you’re not familiar with Google photos. Please watch my video on the topic and it’s just a great option here for pulling in photos that you might have in Google photos.
I do think, though, the very best option in Adobe sparc video for bringing in photos is just this. One here find photos. You click and then you type in what you’re looking for I’d like a picture of Mexico and it brings up photos that are available publicly and usable in your projects. So I’m gon na go ahead and click on that photo. It adds it to my Adobe sparc video slide next I’ll click and record. My Spanish story begins in northern Mexico, where my father was born in the year 1920. So then I let go, and I now have my second slide. So, as you can see, this is just ridiculously easy to use.
It’S just a matter of selecting the kind of story you want to tell using your theme and then putting content on the slides and recording your voice. Let’S create one more slide this time, I’m gon na go here where it says two things I’ll click. Now I can add two different things to the screen on the Left, this time I’ll put in an icon. I just click on icon and you can search for an icon, let’s say a star: it brings up a bunch of different stars. I could do a search for a heart for home and you can see these are all just symbols, they’re icons and it’s just another way to express yourself in your Adobe spark videos. Alright, so I selected the home icon and on the right I’ll. Just click to add text and I’ll type in Santiago, Chile, that’s the next part of my Spanish story and then I can record as a young man. I went to live in Santiago, Chile and learn to speak Spanish fluently.
Okay, I let go so you can see how easy this is to develop your narrated slideshow. I am unaware of anything that is easier than this for creating slideshows. In fact, it’s hard to find a competitor at all to Adobe spark video. This really is in a class of its own when it comes to the easy online and free creation of narrated slideshows. Let’S pretend that I’m finished with this and I’m ready to save it and share it.
Well, one thing I should consider before sharing: this is: what kind of music do I want for my slideshow. If I click on music, you can see, I can add my own music, just be careful of copyright and things like that, but there’s also some built in songs and you can just click to get a preview of those songs. I’M just gon na go with this. One here called whistle away notice up at the top. You can turn the music off completely.
If you would like, you can turn it back on. You can also determine how loud the music will be in your narrated slideshow. I’M gon na stick with that. Okay, so I’m pretty much ready to go.
At least I think I am now before I share it. It’S a good idea to preview it. You can just click here and get a preview of your narrated slideshow, but in this case I’m confident that what I have is good and I want to share it. So I just click. Share you get another chance to change up the title of your slideshow.
You can pick a category for the video and, if you want to put in a subtitle you may you can change the author if you’d like and there’s a few other options as well, when you’re ready, just click create link and it will generate for you a Hyperlink to your online project now notice, it is taking a little bit of time to compile this project. What it’s doing is it’s mixing together my voice and the music and the pictures and the animations it’s putting it all together for me into one movie. Basically, that will be watchable online by anyone that has the link.
It’S almost done. It just finished, and it’s given me that shareable hyperlink, I can just copy that link paste it on my website and anyone that clicks the link will be able to watch. My Adobe spark video and I’m also able to embed this onto my LMS into canvas or blackboard or whatever you might use as a learning management system.
You can email it to a friend or to a colleague or a student, and you can also have Twitter Facebook notice, though one of the better options is just right here, download you can download a copy to your computer and once it’s on your computer. Of course, you could pull it into a video editing program like iMovie, or something like that so Adobe spark video is really one of the best educational tools. That’S out there, it’s for teachers to create narrated slideshows for their students to watch, but think about this.
What about having the students create their own narrated slideshows in Adobe, spark video, and then they share them with you or send them to you. It would be a great way for them to do a report and it would be a fun and educational project that you could do with the students in the computer lab or whatever you want to do notice over here in the upper left corner of Adobe. Spark video, if you click on those three horizontal lines a panel opens up here where you get links to the other two kinds of projects you can do with Adobe spark, there’s also an inspiration gallery where you can see cool projects and slideshows that other people have Done using Adobe spark and I would recommend that you do check that out in the near future, watch for videos from me about Adobe spark, page and Adobe spark post thanks for watching this video and please consider subscribing to my youtube channel for more videos about technology. For teachers and students and watch for a new video, at least every Monday, thanks again for watching .