Enabling Flash in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Browsers

Enabling Flash in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Browsers

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Enabling Flash in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Browsers”.
In this short video tutorial, I’m gon na show you how to enable flash in various browsers. Let’S look at Google Chrome on Windows, so I’m gon na open up, Google Chrome and I’m just gon na go to this address. Chrome, colon, slash, slash settings, / content and in many cases yes, you can just go here to these three dots. You can go down to settings and do it that way, but other times it’s better.

Just to put in this address hit return or enter, and you might even want to bookmark this. If that makes sense to you to do that, and then this takes you to your content settings if, for some reason, you’re not take into the content settings, you might be taken to something that looks like this just browse down to the bottom, and there you’ll see Content settings and then you can select it and that’s where you’ll end up and then just look for flash and there it is right now it says, allow sites to run flash. So that’s how I’ve got it set, but I just clicked on it. I could switch that off. If I wanted to, I don’t, but if I did I could you can also add specific websites to the allow list, just by clicking Add and putting the addresses in. You can also block specific addresses, so that can be pretty useful in some cases, but that’s basically how you make sure that your Google Chrome browser has flash enabled now, let’s take a look at Microsoft edge, I’m gon na go here in the upper right corner and Click, the three dots in Microsoft, edge I’ll, go down to settings.

You should get a panel that appears on the right side and just go down and look for advanced settings, view advanced settings and look for use, Adobe, Flash Player there. It is and for me I have that turned on, but I could turn it off if I wanted to so I’m here in Google Chrome and I’m just gon na go here to the upper left, corner click on Chrome and go to preferences. It’S gon na open up my preferences and I’m going to look down the page and I’m looking for an option to enable flash, and I don’t see it now.

The reason I don’t see that is because it’s one of the advanced features and so down here at the bottom, it says advanced. I can click on that now. It shows privacy and security and there’s an option there for content settings, and I could just click on it. There’S Flash and it says, ask first so I’m gon na click on that and I’m going to change it from ask first to simply allow sites to run flash so now it should just allow me to use flash every time without asking me now. Having said that, it doesn’t work 100 % of the time. There still are a couple of websites that utilize flash.

That, for some reason, give me an error message or things like that relating to flash. So I don’t know why it’s not a hundred percent, but anyway that’s how you turn it on if it is off, for you also notice that you can block certain websites or allow certain websites just by clicking, add typing in the address and then clicking add now You can also get to these settings by using these three dots in the upper right corner. You can go down to settings and find them that way, so that’s another way to get there. Okay. So at this point I’ve shown you how to enable flash in Google Chrome on Windows and edge in Windows, and I’ve also shown you, Google Chrome on the Mac. I don’t ever use Firefox, but I imagine that there are settings that are similar, but hopefully these instructions have helped you out and you’ll be able to enable flash in your browser. Thanks for watching this tutorial – and please consider connecting with me on my social media web sites like Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter, and if this video has been useful, please click the like button and definitely do subscribe to this YouTube channel for more videos about technology for teachers And students – and you can look forward to another video, at least every Monday – .