Flipgrid Tutorial – Creating Video Assignments

Flipgrid Tutorial - Creating Video Assignments

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Flipgrid Tutorial – Creating Video Assignments”.
In this tutorial, I’m gon na show you flipgrid and what it can do for teachers and students. Now flipgrid has been a great tool for quite a while now, but several months ago it was purchased by Microsoft and Microsoft decided to unlock the pro features. So any teacher that wants to use flipgrid doesn’t have to pay to get those formerly pro only features. So let’s take a look at this, I’m gon na click here where it says sign up today, and it takes me to a page asking for some basic information. The easiest way to sign up is to link it to your Google account or your Microsoft account I’ll click sign up with Google and it connects my account puts in some of my information for me and then I can just select the country I’m from and the Rest of this information so that I can get started once I’ve done that I click let’s go, and it takes me to my flipgrid home page and here on the home page. The first thing you’re gon na, want to do when you use this with your students, for the first time is you’re gon na want to create a new grid, so I’m gon na click this button to add a new grid.

To my account, this is the grid launch pad and it says a grid is your community: let’s start by selecting a community type, and so when I click here, I can select one of three different options. I can choose to make this a flip grid with a school email domain option, or I can choose this option here for a student ID list where I would create a student list with identifier, x’ and QR codes or the third option, a PLC and public grids And I’m gon na go with the default here: school email domain and then I’m just gon na jump down here and name my flip grid community and so think of this. As like, a group of people that will be using my flip grid account, and so for that reason, I’m gon na call this Spanish one. Let’S say it’s for my Spanish one student now you’ll notice, underneath that it says, create a flip code.

Your community will use this unique code to access your grid and it’s also a URL for you, flipgrid, comm, slash and then some numbers and letters here that make up a code. Now, if I want to, I can try to delete those numbers and letters and if I do notice, it says, leave blank for a random code. It’Ll just randomly generate a code, but I can also try replacing that suffix with something of my own. For example, Spanish. 1, 2. 3. It looks like that’s not available, so I can just keep adding numbers until I find one that is available and there it is, and so, if you want to, you, can customize the URL just like I did here next I can personalize my grid in a few Different ways I can give it a banner that gives it a little bit of personality just by selecting one of these options here or if I prefer, I can click here to upload a picture of my own.

Now these are just the featured images. You can click there to get some nature images, people and textures. I’M actually pretty happy with this image, and so I’m gon na click on that click. Next now it wants me to specify the school email domain.

If you remember that was the option I picked. I chose to have my account associated with a school email domain. This makes flipgrid a little bit safer and a little bit more user friendly for students and so to enter the domain notice. What you have to do you put in everything after the @ symbol in your school email, so give me a minute to do so and then I’ll resume the video alright.

Now I can click launch my grid and it worked here’s. What my grid cover will look like. It’S got the name, it’s got the flip code and it’s ready to be used now. If I want to customize my grid change some things I can do so. I can also share the grid. Just by clicking this button.

It gives me some options for sharing the grid and these are great options: URL embed code or QR code, but for now I’m just gon na click all set and you’ll see on my flip grid, home page. It’S now taking me inside my Spanish 1 grid. At any point, though, I can click here to go back to my grids and see the list in my case there’s just two and then I can click to get back into a particular grid. Ok, wonderful! I’Ve got my grid, but now how do I get students into this grid? Well, basically, if they sign up on flipgrid, comm and use this code, they’ll be added to the class, and so hopefully, at this point, you’ve shared the with your students, they’ve activated their accounts. They’Ve logged in and at this point now we can add a new topic to this grid, just by clicking new topic and think of a topic as being kind of like an assignment.

Flipgrid Tutorial - Creating Video Assignments

It’S an audio or video assignment that the students will have to do so topic. Title I’m gon na call this Spanish autobiography. I want the students to tell us a little bit about themselves in Spanish. If I want to, I can give some tips here, maybe think about what makes you interesting or different.

So there’s my tip. I can ingest the topic date if I want to and how much time do I want to give my students to answer this question. I can click to add or subtract minutes.

Do I really want to listen to five minutes of Spanish autobiography, maybe or maybe not? I could also go as low as 15 seconds, so those are some nice options that you have, as the teacher I’m gon na, set it to be two minutes underneath that there’s an option for a description. So here I can say tell me about yourself using at least five complete Spanish sentences. Help me get to know you better now. I can also use some formatting. You can see there’s some tools here, including links. I can highlight text click the hyperlink button put in the URL and then that would become a link browsing down the page ways I’ll get to some other settings. I could turn on video moderation and I’m sure you can figure out why that might be important. So you, as the teacher, would have to moderate the responses that are given next my topic status. I can make this an active topic or I can freeze it or turn it off completely by making it inactive.

There’S also options for launch and freeze dates, which is pretty cool. You can turn it on and off. If you’d like. Next, I can provide some resources for this topic. I could record a video of myself, maybe explaining what they’re supposed to do, giving them an example of what they’re supposed to do, and this is what most teachers provide as a topic resource. But you could also upload a video. You could add a video that already exists, you could upload a picture, add an emoji, etc. Also, you can add attachments, but these have to be cloud-based attachments, Dropbox, Google, Drive, etc, and then, finally, there are some video features. You can let the students use stickers and drawings or just stickers, just drawings or none.

You can allow students to react to posts and to do student to student replies. So these are all features you should consider and then finally, you can provide some feedback either. Just basic feedback, or you can customize feedback that the students will receive based on a rubric that you make to give some feedback to those students. For now, I’m just gon na leave it as the default feedback basic feedback all right before I create this topic and move on. I’M gon na go ahead and record a video, giving my students instructions for this flipgrid topic. All I have to do is click record.

A video and it opens up a box for the camera on my computer. Now it’s asking permission it wants to know if it can use the microphone and the camera on my computer, so I’ll click allow – and it’s warning me that I may have to click, allow a few more times and so I’m gon na click retry and I’m just Gon na click this record button, I get a countdown hi students for this assignment create a video that uses at least five Spanish sentences. To tell me about yourself, here’s an example and I’ll stop there at this point, I’ll click the next button. This is my chance to review how I did in the video. If I want to, I can trim out the beginning or trim out the end of the video and notice it’s giving me options to add more recording. If I want to just by clicking this button and by trimming I’ve recuperated some of the time that I’ve already used, I’m gon na restore this back to the full video and then click Next. At this point, I can snap a selfie to go with this recording. I can also add some stickers and other things to that selfie if I’d like to, but I’ll just click. Next, it’s now uploading my video and it looks like it worked.

I can click complete and there is my topic resource at this point: I’m ready for students to use this flipgrid and to reply to the flipgrid, so I’ll click in the bottom right corner on create topic success. It says it worked and it gives me a code and a link to my flipgrid, but also to this exact topic to this specific activity that I want my students to do so. If you need to link directly to this activity, that’s what you would copy and post this particular link, I’m gon na click got it and then I’ll go back to my Spanish one flipgrid and now, when students click the link or go to my flipgrid. However, they get there they’re gon na, be able to watch and listen to my video and then they’re going to be able to click a record button to record their responses to my video and I’ll be able to watch each of their recordings. I think flipgrid is a great way to get students talking about the curriculum out loud and to share their ideas and their responses with each other.

Flipgrid Tutorial - Creating Video Assignments

It’S perfect for world language, but it’s also useful in most school subjects, thanks for watching. I hope that you found this video to be helpful if you did. Please click the like button below and consider connecting with me on my social media websites like Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter, and definitely do subscribe to my youtube channel for more videos about technology for teachers and students and watch for another video from me at least every Monday. If you’d like to support my youtube channel, please consider becoming a patron of mine through my patreon account and you’ll find links to that in the description below .