How to Insert Hyperlinks into Microsoft Word

How to Insert Hyperlinks into Microsoft Word

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How to Insert Hyperlinks into Microsoft Word”.
In this article, i will show you how to insert hyperlinks into word documents, we’ll look at the basics and beyond. Here i have a word document and this document will primarily be shared online and i want the viewers of this document to be able to click on links to take them to more information about the topics. How would i go about doing that? Well, for me, step. One is to go to the internet and find the website that i want to link to, in this case, i’d like to link to this webpage i’ll. Just click once on the url here at the top and the entire web address is selected. I’M going to copy that either by right, clicking and choosing copy or the faster way is just to hold ctrl and tap c on a mac. It’S command c.

Now i’ll go back to microsoft, word and i’ll find the piece of text that i want to convert into a hyperlink to the web page in this case. Here’S the text that i want to convert into a hyperlink. So i just click and drag to select that text and then i’ll go to the insert tab and here on the insert ribbon, you should see links now. If my computer screen were wider, this would look a little different. You would see, link bookmark and cross reference. All visible next to each other here at the top, but that’s okay, i can just click here on links and see.

All three of them, in this case link, is exactly what i want i’ll just click now this opens a dialog box that has lots of different settings and options that are important to know about. Let’S take a look step by step at many of them. First and foremost, it’s important that you look here at the left, where it says link to you want to make sure that it’s linking to the right type of item. In my case, i want to link to a web page. So this is the correct option to have selected, but there are times when you might want to link to a place in the document or create a new document or link to an email address. Like i said in this case, webpage is perfect, so i’ll make sure that’s selected and then down here in the address bar i’ll click and then hold ctrl and tap v on the keyboard that pastes in the link that i’m sure you remember that i copied from This webpage that i want to link to so here’s the link, i’ll click. Ok and now i have a hyperlink when viewers read this document, they’ll be able to put their mouse over this text and notice that a little message – pops up control, plus click to follow the link they’ll be able to just hold the control key on the keyboard. Left click and it takes them to the internet to the web page that i linked to now. It’S important to know that you can do this, create a link not just from text but also from images. So i want to link from this image here to this webpage here with some more information about online video in microsoft. Word once again, i’ll go to the webpage that i want to link to click on the address bar to select the address or url hold ctrl and tap c to copy the link and then back in word. I’Ll select the text or in this case the image that i want to turn into a link now that it’s selected i’ll go to the insert tab.

How to Insert Hyperlinks into Microsoft Word

Go to the links button here. I’Ll select link make sure that this is selected and then in the address bar i’ll click and then hold ctrl and tap v to paste in the address. I’Ll click.

Ok, let’s see if it worked i’ve clicked away from the image. Now, if i put my mouse on the image, i get a message saying: control plus click to follow link, so let’s hold ctrl and then click, and it should take us to the correct web page. Now.

How to Insert Hyperlinks into Microsoft Word

What if, instead of linking to an external thing like a web page like i just showed or to a document, that’s external of this word document? What if, instead of that, i want to link to something internal inside this document? How would i do that? Well, let’s look at a couple of examples, so here i have in my first paragraph a mention of some of the technologies that i’ll talk about in this document, for example, word processors. I would like to turn that into a link so that the reader can click the button to jump to that part of the document. The first thing i should do, if i want to create some internal links to parts of this document is, i should set up some bookmarks, so i’m going to take a closer look at some of the topics in this document. First, we have microsoft word, so i click right there at the beginning of the information about microsoft, word and then i’ll go up here to links, but this time instead of clicking link, i want to insert a bookmark i’ll give the bookmark a name. Microsoft word now notice because i put a space between microsoft and word.

How to Insert Hyperlinks into Microsoft Word

It’S not letting me add the bookmark. So it’s important that you not have spaces in the bookmark name. Now i can click add. It looks like nothing happened, but if i go back into links and bookmark there’s the name of my bookmark microsoft word, if i wanted to, i could click go to, and it would take me to that specific bookmark. While i’m at it, i’m going to browse down the page a ways and put another bookmark for video, so i click next to video i’ll go up to links.

Bookmark create a new bookmark called videos. Click add now there should be a bookmark here now. Let’S pretend that i’ve added in bookmarks to all of the other topics in this word document and i’m just going to go back up to the top of the screen here in the first paragraph, i’ll click and drag to highlight the words word. Processors insert links.

I’Ve already put the bookmarks in so i’m not going to go there, i’m just going to go back to link, but this time i’m not linking to an existing file outside of this word document, i’m not linking to a web page. It’S a place in this document. So i’ll select that and notice the options that i’m given. I could link to the very top of this document.

I could link to headings right now, though i only have the one heading technology tips for teachers, but notice that i also now have bookmarks that i can link to the microsoft word bookmark and the videos bookmark. So i’ll, stick with microsoft. Word i’ll click! Ok! Now i have a hyperlink that works internally from within this document and it links to somewhere in this document. I could also put one in for video just by clicking and dragging to highlight the text links link place in this document.

The videos bookmark. I click. Ok, let’s try it out. Let’S pretend i’m a student, i’m reading this digitally.

I want to jump right to instructional video, so i hold ctrl and then click on that link, and it takes me perfectly to the paragraph that i want to read i’ll: go back up to the top same thing with word: processors, control click and it jumps down Perfectly to where it needs to be so i can read about microsoft word. Let’S look at the two other examples of links that you can create. Next we have new document, so i could link this existing document to a new document i’ll browse down to the bottom of this document. You can see there’s a statement there at the end.

If you liked this document write me a thank you note, i’ll just click and drag to highlight that last phrase go up to insert links link, but this time i’ll select create new document. So next, i need to make sure that i put in a name for this new document. I’Ll just call this. Thank you.

I should also notice the path of where this new document will be created. The full path, if i need to i, can change what that document’s path will be next look below where it says when to edit. Do i want to edit that document right now or later? How about later? I click. Ok, let’s try it out.

Let’S say a student is reading this document they get to the bottom. They want to write a thank you note. Control click opens up a brand new document notice that it’s named, thank you and then they can begin to compose the. Thank you note i’ll x.

Out of it, in this case, let’s look at the last type of hyperlink that you can create using this links button. What, if i want my students to be able to write an email to someone, you could just highlight text, go up to insert links, link and choose email address and then here at the top email address i’ll, just type in an email address. If i want to, i can even fill in the subject for the students and then click, ok and let’s try it out.

The student holds control clicks on microsoft, different options come up for email programs, i’m going to select outlook. It’S logging me into outlook and there’s my email. The email subject is already filled in and i can begin composing the message. So in this article we’ve looked at four different types of links that you can add into your microsoft word documents and four different reasons to do so. First, we looked at how to insert links to existing web pages or websites.

Then we looked at how to link to different places within the same document to a certain paragraph to a certain heading to the top of the document. And if you remember the key to doing that is to first insert bookmarks. We also looked at creating hyperlinks to new documents, even ones that haven’t been created yet and then. Finally, we looked at how to insert hyperlinks to email addresses so that the reader can easily and quickly begin an email message.

If there’s a lot of interest in this topic, i’d love to show you how to use the links button to also add cross references to your documents. If you’d like to see that add a comment below this video and i’ll consider making that additional video. Thank you. So much for watching. I hope you found this tutorial to be helpful. If you did please like follow and subscribe, and when you do click the bell so you’ll be notified. When i post another video, if you’d like to support my channel, you can do that by clicking the thanks button below the video or supporting me through my patreon account, or by buying channel merch and you’ll, see information about those options in the description below the video .