

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Thankful”.
Interviewer Hi I’m Jenny Li Fowler and I work here at MIT.. It is a beautiful day in Cambridge Massachusetts. And in the spirit of the season, we’re going to step into that gratitude, space and ask MITers. What are you thankful for? Let’S go., SUBJECT: 1: I’m thankful for being on campus this semester meeting new peers as well as just connecting with friends that I had made during COVID and virtual semesters.. Subject: 2.

I’M also really thankful for the opportunity to be here and be able to talk to new people and meet new people make new connections., But I’m also grateful for a lot of my support system at home. Like my friends and family., SUBJECT, 3 I’d say: I’m thankful for the opportunity to wake up every day and to really push things to the limit and go make my dreams a reality.. Subject: 4: I’m thankful for family for friends and for being able to have three dimensional students again on campus.. Subject: 5, I’m thankful for my professors., Specifically my 8033 professor Scotty Hughes..

I just feel like he really cares about his students.. He puts so much effort into making sure the lecture notes are good. The problem sets are clear., It’s just — he’s an amazing teacher and he always responds fast., So Scottie Hughes you’re, the GOAT. SUBJECT: 6.

I’M grateful for and thankful for the ice rink here at MIT. INTERVIEWER. Can you tell me why SUBJECT 6 Because I take skating classes.? Subject: 7: I’m thankful for this beautiful day, –, it’s awesome. And I’m thankful for my family and I’m thankful that I have a job.

SUBJECT: 8. I’M thankful to be here with my friends, seeing all of them, which I haven’t seen in many months.. I’M thankful for my family back home that we all stayed healthy. And I’m thankful for anyone that has helped out with the pandemic and helping people and working so that we can be back together with everyone again..

Subject: 9. I’M really thankful for my family –. For my parents and my sister. And I’m looking forward to seeing them during the winter. SUBJECT, 10, I’m thankful for pressure.

I would say.. We were just talking about how the work here is a lot. It’S a lot.

It takes a lot of work., It’s very involved. It requires your whole effort., But there’s something about mastering it — or there’s something about learning more in spite of how much work you put in and seeing that payoff., That’s nice, so it’s –, I’m thankful for the ability that the school provides to test yourself continuously And to improve., SUBJECT: 11 Right now, I’m kind of thankful just to be closer to the rest of my family. They’re, all in the US and it’s nice to be in the same country as them. INTERVIEWER, That’s amazing. And that wasn’t always the case. Subject: 11! Oh, no, I’ve been living overseas for the past 16 years.. Subject.


12, So I’m thankful for my friends and the amount of support that they give. Having a group of friends to lean on and to call them if I need emotional support or any support and them always being there, 24/7 is amazing.. So this place made me realize how much I appreciate my friends. SUBJECT: 13. Well, first and foremost, I’m thankful for my family –, my mom, my dad my brother, my 17-year-old dog, my aunts, my grandparents, everyone in my family that has made my history and my culture.


The way it is today. I am very thankful for my privilege to be able to go to an institution like this. And I’m just happy for the good weather honestly., I’m not used to 60s in November.. Subject. 14. I am very thankful for this amazing weather. And also for all of my friends and my family, and also for electronics, because I can communicate with my family across — over seas all the way in Spain. INTERVIEWER.


And what are you thankful for this season? Subject: 15 For life for health for friends to be able to reunite with friends and colleagues, that’s it. INTERVIEWER! Well, I don’t know about you, but after hearing those responses, my heart is full.. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go, enjoy this beautiful day. .