7 EXTREME MACHINES – You Can Buy and Ride Today

7 EXTREME MACHINES - You Can Buy and Ride Today

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “7 EXTREME MACHINES – You Can Buy and Ride Today”.
What’S up you two today we have quads go-karts and a bike without handlebars all along today’s episode, mind’s eye design explore discover, create number seven, the joystick here at mind’s eye. We feature a lot of bikes, anything from electric bikes that fold up and fit in your bag. To your super high-end racing, your mountain bikes, joystick, is something completely different. This bike completely loses the idea of handlebars and just adds a joystick. Hence the name. Joystick fight by doing so, this bike gives you exact precision almost like playing a video game. Only thing is in a video game. You actually can restart when you crash the joystick has two joysticks one on the right for steering and the other on the left for shifting the joystick is completely electric assist recumbent with a rear-mounted 400 watt electric drive in 72 volt battery pack. This makes it capable of speeds up to 37 miles per hour and given an electric range of 25 miles, I don’t know about you, but the guys in this article look like they’re having a lot of fun.

I wonder if my boss would let me drive one of these around my office number six, the loo trike. This awesome machine reminds me of one of those little carts. You would sit in and gym class. You know the ones that you couldn’t control and if you were going too fast, would crash into a wall or break your friends ankle wait. Maybe that was just me anyways. This incredible machine was featured on shark tank and has already started selling well above expected.

Almost too much above expected, it took them five months to get their first orders out tyler. The inventor started the trike as a science project in sixth grade. Unfortunately, the teacher was not such a fan of the idea, because it wasn’t scientific enough. Even so, Tyler ended up winning first place in the San Diego Science, Fair, which was sufficient to prove her wrong. He later came back to the idea and what the help of his father created the loot right. He is currently working on his updated model and wants to grow his newly founded business.

7 EXTREME MACHINES - You Can Buy and Ride Today

If you want to try out one of these awesome machines, you can find them either on Amazon or on his website number five. The swing car swing car is a four-wheel ATV that can basically tackle just about anything thrown at it. This is due to each wheel being connected to its own electric hub motor further attached to independently suspended spider-like legs swing. Car delivers, complete hydraulically, actuated four-wheel, steering.

7 EXTREME MACHINES - You Can Buy and Ride Today

Meanwhile, the driver’s seat is suspended. Much like a hammock. This was done.

I assumed to be the center of gravity to counter any type of rollovers in the vehicle. Such a setup allows the driver to shift to the inside when cornering much like when riding a motorcycle. Only the driver is always kept horizontal.

This means tackling as much as 70 degree gradient up or down or smaller gradients that splay the limbs to a vast degree. The quiet all-electric Machine currently supports up to six kilowatts depending on specifications. This isn’t as powerful as a lot of ATVs out there, but offers enough power and drive time to get the point across. This machine really has heads turning in its new evolving market. Hey guys, I just wanted to take a minute and say thank you. In the last few months we have added over 60,000 subscribers to our channel.

We appreciate all of you new and old, but we need your help. We are really close to that 150,000 mark and not too far from 200,000. If you haven’t subscribed yet please take a couple seconds and do so. We upload five plus videos a week and we try to bring you guys the latest in anything, from bikes to planes to awesome technology.

If you are already subscribed make sure you get the bail notifications, so you can at least be the first ones to see. Our newest videos also make sure to leave a comment and tell us what you like about the channel or our videos, and if you have any ideas you would like to see in the future, we’re always open to suggestions. We couldn’t have made it this far without you. Thank you from all of us at Minds. I design number four, the Wessel quad there have been a few manufacturers that have tinkered with variations of three-wheeled motorcycle applications over the years. Can-Am and even harley-davidson have produced unique trikes with ranging levels of success. The Wessel corporation is attempting to do one better, literally as it develops a four wheeled mechanism that could be applied to many different kinds of bikes. But getting the system to the road will prove to be a challenge likely, even more so than any three wheeler concepts.

7 EXTREME MACHINES - You Can Buy and Ride Today

The owner Tom Wessel says he isn’t interested in making the system available as a kid, but wants to work directly with OEM in hopes that they will adopt this system number three, the flat-pack go-cart. When you were a kid, did you ever want to build your own? Go kart but didn’t have a father around to help you yeah me too. Apparently all you had to do is make one out of wood or you can just order a premade kit from the flat works calm. The kit comes complete with all of the wooden parts.

Hardware and a gas engine no need to buy anything else. All of the carts come with rack and pinion steering disc brakes, because you know if you’re going 25 miles per hour, that would be a great thing to have foam tires and an adjustable seat. Also, a smartphone mount in case you get lost in need, GPS or a need to make. That conference call but decided to skip work to play with your awesome. Go-Kart, oh and an awesome safety flag for increased visibility. When you are driving down a busy street, the outrider horizon electric adventure vehicle did, you know out of all the roads man has created, there is still one point for two million miles of unpaved, gravel or dirt. Roads want to ride them all. Well, the horizon is here to explore the rugged backcountry we’re getting out.

There has never been more fun. The horizon has an independent front and rear air shock suspension and paired it with an industry-leading electric drive system. The base model comes standard with one battery pack totaling. One kilowatt an hour with a range of 1550 35 miles per charge and the option of adding up to three more modular battery packs for an astounding 60 to 140 miles of range.

Taking it one step further outrider developed a set of key adaptive components offering a wider range of physical abilities, a new way to ride the trails or quite possibly, the opportunity to ride again. The horizon was designed from the ground up to be modular. That means he can pick which adaptive components work for you and Lee the others to create the perfect ride for yourself number one: the Eevee for offroad, the new Eevee for off-road quad is no pedal-assist machine. The riders feet are placed firmly on pegs at each side of the aluminum frame, and a twist grip throttle is used for acceleration. The vehicle has an exposed mechanical tilting mechanism with bicycle shocks and aluminum swing arms. The mechanism rides higher, though, to allow the electric quad to tackle all kinds of obstacles on the trail or wherever you decide to take it.

With the help of its aggressive tires, we don’t think you’ll be getting stuck anywhere with the combination of two one kilowatt DC motors. The rider can take this machine up to top speeds of about 25 miles per hour. An onboard trip computer also helps the rider, keep an eye on speed and range. So it’s like a smart, expensive quad.

The Eevee for off-road quad is currently available for pre-order for the US in other parts of the world for a little over four thousand dollars. If I had a lot of land and a lot of money, I’d probably buy one of these hey guys. This is Amber and Alex from mines. I design, I hope you guys enjoyed this video – tell us in the comments below what you found to be the most interesting, and why also, if you haven’t done so yet make sure to hit the bell notification next to the subscribe button to stay up to date.

With all of our latest tech, thank you for watching I’ll, see you guys next time you .