15 Cool Vehicles and Personal Transport Machines

15 Cool Vehicles and Personal Transport Machines

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “15 Cool Vehicles and Personal Transport Machines”.
[ Glen ] There have been some unusual vehicles that were produced, including some that were dangerous, unconventional, impractical and even fun.. This is Glen and today and we are bringing you a mix of 15 unusual and personal transportation. Vehicles. ( upbeat music, ), [ Announcer ] Number 15. [ Glen ] Paul Moller has been trying to bring the M200 flying. Saucer shaped hover cars to market since around 1974 and progress has been excruciatingly, slow, since.. Three models have been produced to this date.

The M200 X prototype the M200G Volantor and the M200G Neuera. Demonstrated to fly outside of ground effect. The Neuera is the closest Moller came to producing a flying vehicle that he could sell. And like the M200G, the Neuera features eight rotor power engines for lift and propulsion.. The craft offers side by side, seating 350, pound payload and provides a cruising speed of 75 miles an hour with a claimed top speed of 100 miles per hour.. The Neuera is said to provide a range of 100 miles between refueling spots and can be configured to run on ethanol, gasoline or blended.

Fuels. Moller had predicted that they would have the M200G ready for sale by early 2008 with a cost under $ 100,000.. But this did not occur.

15 Cool Vehicles and Personal Transport Machines

( jaunty, music, ) [ Announcer, ] Number 14. ( jaunty music, ), [, Glen, ], Designed and built by SwissCopter based out of Arizona USA. The Dragonfly DF-1 uses a pair of hydrogen peroxide fueled rockets attached to the tips of the rotors.

For power, instead of a more conventional gas turbine engine, found in most contemporary helicopters., The Dragonfly DF-1 weighs 234 pounds or 106 kilograms and can carry up to 500 pounds or 227 kilograms, including pilot fuel and cargo.. Top speed of the aircraft is 115 miles per hour or 185 kilometers per hour.. Cruise speed is around 40 miles per hour or 65 kilometers per hour., And the flight time is up to 50 minutes. Control of the Dragonfly DF-1 also differs from a more normal helicopter. As the Dragonfly DF-1 gets a much simpler handlebar mechanism which hangs down from the rotor head and allows the pilot to control the angle of the blades.. A throttle lever provides for power, adjustment.

15 Cool Vehicles and Personal Transport Machines

(, jaunty, music, ) [ Announcer, ] Number 13. ( jaunty, music, ) [, Glen ], The Lockheed XFV 1, nicknamed the Tail Sitter is a research aircraft from the 1950s, which were the first to experiment with vertical take off and Landing., The XFV-1 was first flown in March of 1954 and piloted by Herman “ Fish” Salmon, who was to be the sole test pilot during the XFV-1 project.. This plane had a length of 37 feet or 11.25 meters, a wingspan of 27 and a half feet or 8.35 meters, with a weight of 22,596 pounds or 5,260 kilograms and a speed of 581 miles per hour or 935 kilometers per hour.. The XFV-1 used an Allison XT40-A-14 turbo prop engine that put out 7,000 horsepower, making it capable of climbing 10,820 feet per minute or 3,298 meters per minute., And it had a ceiling of 8.14 miles or 13.1 kilometers.. The US Navy realized the aircraft was entirely impractical for operating in anything other than perfect conditions, and the project was canceled only one year after the Lockheed XFV-1 first flew. ( jaunty music, ) [, Announcer, ], Number 12.

15 Cool Vehicles and Personal Transport Machines

[ Glen ], Built by Universal Hovercraft. The UH-19XRW Hoverwing Ground Effect hovercraft is designed from Kevlar and carbon fiber over a foam core.. This is impact resistant and will hold up in the harshest operating conditions, including extreme cold and heat..

This four season, high performance hovercraft, is unique because of the ability to add wings for flight in ground effect, enabling you to clear obstacles and fly over rough water at speeds of 75 miles per hour.. Removing the wings from the Hoverwing converts it into sports mode. A sleek high performance hovercraft able to carry four to six passengers and takes just 10 minutes. The price on these from 179,000 to $ 190,000 and the craft is registered as a boat. So no pilot license is required.. (, jaunty, music, ), [, Announcer, ], Number 11.. ( jaunty music, ) [ Glen ], A one of a kind propeller driver car with a top speed of 75 miles per hour.

The Helicron 1 was a car which was revealed in 1932.. Essentially, the Helicron was a car which used a propeller located right between the front wheels for propulsion. And the rear wheel. Steering gave the car unpredictable handling.

Back when safety laws were a lot more relaxed. This would have been a dangerous automobile to drive on the roads where a collision could result in a piece of propeller flying off at a high rate of speed.. In 2000, the Helicrohn was discovered in a barn in France transported to Nashville Tennessee and fully restored at the Lane Motor Museum. ( jaunty music, ) [ Announcer, ] Number 10.

( jaunty, music, ) [, Glen ]. The initial example of the Deep Flight Merlin Open, Cockpit, Wet Subs, the Necker Nymph, is manufactured by Hawkes Ocean Technologies.. The three person Necker Nymph aerosub, uses the same underwater diving principle as the Merlin and unlike conventional subs, uses downward lift on the wings to fly down to a depth of 130 feet or about 40 meters.. The Necker Nymph is 15 feet or 4.5 meters long and weighs around 1,650 pounds or 750 kilograms, and dives can last up to two hours..

The Necker Nymph submersible costs $ 690,000 was built in 2010 and is available to rent at Necker Island, Sir Richard Branson’s exclusive island paradise located in the British Virgin Islands. ( jaunty music, ) [ Announcer ] Number nine., (, jaunty, music, ), [, Glen, ], Rick Dobbertin. The creator behind the Surface Orbiter built this one off vehicle, with a lightweight aluminum frame, known as the HydroCar.

The HydroCar took 10 years to build and can drive on land or water with ease thanks to its ingenious pontoon system.. Three hydraulic levers, control the up and down movement of the sponsons axles and wheel, well, doors for transitioning in and out of the water.. The HydroCar has a Quadzilla 4L80E four speed transmission and comes with a 762 horsepower speed, boat and hot rod; hybrid engine., With a top speed of 125 miles per hour or 201 kilometers per hour on land and 60 miles per hour or 97 kilometers per hour. In the water. Costing one million dollars to build the HydroCar recently sold at auction for the low price of $ 60,500.

( jaunty music, ) [, Announcer, ] Number eight., (, jaunty, music, ), [, Glen ] Airscooter Corporation was founded in early 2000 by Elwood Norris and Based in Henderson Nevada. In 2005, they developed they single seat, AirScooter II, which was intended to be classified as a ultralight aircraft, with a coaxial rotor configuration. Capable of carrying a load of 350 pounds. This was expected to weigh 254 pounds and be powered by a single 65 horsepower four stroke engine., Although its operating ceiling was supposed to be around 10,000 feet or 2700 meters. The AirScooter was not capable of an emergency decent and was only used for below 50 feet or 15 meters above ground level for recreational flying.. The AirScooter Corporation went out of business by 2013.

( jaunty music, ) [ Announcer ] Number seven. ( jaunty, music, ) [ Glen ]. The Nord 500 Cadet was a ducted fan, powered single seat, experimental aircraft developed by the French company Nord to help in the development of vertical take off and landing aircraft. In the late 1960s.

Featuring two 317 horse power, Allison T63 turbines driving the large diameter propellers within the shrouds, the ducts could be turned to the horizontal position for vertical lift during take off and landing and then rotated to the upright position for forward flight.. Directional control of the Nord 500 during vertical flight was done by small winglets attached to the bottom of each duct.. During forward flight, the aircraft was controlled using a conventional rudder or elevator tail set up. Later Nord merged with the Aerospatiale Corporation and was renamed the Aerospatiale N500..

A more powerful advanced version of the aircraft was planned, however, it never materialized. And by 1971 the project was canceled. ( jaunty, music, ) [ Announcer ] Number six., (, jaunty, music, ), [, Glen ] Built to operate in all marine environments. C-Enduro uses energy harvesting technology combined with an efficient self riding hull and is a long endurance autonomous surface vehicle used to safely and cost effectively collect data at sea..

This has a solar panel system with 10 high efficiency panels, generating a peak electrical power of 1100 watts and a wind turbine system that has a lightweight three blade system, generating a peak output of 500 watts.. This lightweight 910 kilogram ship has two DC brushless motors, giving this a top speed of 6.5 knots for a period of up to 30 days, depending on the power configuration.. Unprecedented payload capacity and power enables the use of a combination of payloads during any one mission and can dramatically reduce the cost of data collection by removing the need for traditional survey. Vessels. ( jaunty music, ), [, Announcer, ] Number five., (, jaunty, music, ), [, Glen ], Built from the late 50s until 1973. The Inflatoplane was an inflatable easily transportable light airplane designed for observation use..

There were two types: one: a single seater, while the other had room for two occupants.. These were hooked up to an air compressor once the Inflatoplane had been delivered to its operational area and the crew waited for it to inflate., Then after starting up the 60 horsepower. Mcculloch engine they said their prayers and took to the skies.. Sadly, Lieutenant “ Pug” Wallace was killed during one of the test flights. And in the end the project was abandoned after Army generals realized how vulnerable the aircraft and its pilot were to any kind of enemy. Fire.

( jaunty music, ), [, Announcer, ] Number four., (, jaunty, music, ), [, Glen ], An ultralight concept vehicle the 2004 Rinspeed Splash makes it possible to travel on the road in the water and in the air.. The sports car transforms into an amphibious vehicle at the touch of a button thanks to a special hydraulic mechanism., But that alone wasn’t enough for Frank, M. Rinderknecht, the founder of Rinspeed.. A complex, integrated hydrofoil system enables the Splash to fly at an altitude of about two feet or .6 meters above the water.. The Splash accelerates in about 5.9 seconds to 62 miles an hour or 100 kilometers per hour and reaches a top speed of 124 miles per hour or 200 kilometers per hour as a sports car. When operating normally in the water. This gets a top speed of 31 miles per hour or 50 kilometers per hour and 50 miles per hour or 80 kilometers per hour when functioning as a hydrofoil. ( jaunty music, ), [, Announcer, ] Number three., (, jaunty, music, ), [, Glen ], The Surface Orbiter Came from humble beginnings, a 1959 Hile stainless steel, milk tanker to be precise., But thanks to the demanding work over four and half year by Rick Dobbertin of Syracuse New York, the Surface Orbiter became a reality. Equipment for the Dobbertin Surface. Orbiter includes a GPS system with 24 mile range radar, multiple radio systems, auto-inflating life raft, dual steering wheels, marine cruise control and bunch of other essential equipment., The first amphibious vehicle to travel, the length of the Panama Canal, the Orbiter logged over 33,000 miles on land, and It went over 3,000 miles by water, including open seas, with waves up to 18 feet or 5.4 meters high..

The Surface Orbiter was designed to be a genuinely all terrain, amphibious vehicle that could go around the world without the need for support vehicles.. This classic vehicle never got to accomplish this feat due to lack of funding. ( jaunty, music, ) [ Announcer, ] Number two., (, jaunty, music, ) [ Glen ]. In 1960, the American company Filper Research managed by William Orr, built an unusual helicopter, the Filper Beta.. It was equipped with a gyroflex system of rotors a novelty using special sinkers for rotors, with trimming support at the base of the blades..

This concept was first tested on a Filper helicopter that had two pylons with rotors connected by a bar with the pilot sitting. On top where the engine was located., Beta helicopters were equipped with different engines.. Some had Continental IO360E with 155 kilowatt capacity.

Others had Allison 250S18 or a Continental IO520 with 185 kilowatt capacity. Engines. The registration records say that 32 Beta helicopters were built, but it is doubtful all of them were completed since in 1969, the Filper company closed. ( jaunty music, ) [ Announcer ] Number one., (, jaunty, music, ), [, Glen, ], Designed and built circa 1979 by German designer Luigi Colani, the Sea Ranger, is part off road utility vehicle part camper and part amphibious watercraft.. The Sea Ranger was based on a Mercedes, Unimog chassis and running gear. Then, wrapped in a water, tight, amphibious, shell., The Sea Ranger also included an open interior which had fantastic 360 degree.

Views thanks to large angled windows, a side ladder to allow the occupants to climb up onto the roof, a powerful radio antenna and, of course, that single rear swiveling fishing seat, which was styled a bit like the iconic 70s egg seats. Making its world debut at the 1980 Hanover, Fair, the prototype of the Sea Ranger couldn’t draw enough interest to have it manufactured commercially and is now housed at the Colani Design. Museum., Hey guys. This is Cassie.. I hope you guys enjoyed this video.. Tell us in the comments below what you found to be the most interesting and why..

Also, if you haven’t done so yet make sure to hit the bell notification next to the Subscribe button to stay up to date with all of our latest videos.. Thank you for watching I’ll, see you guys next time. (, mellow, music, ) .