Galaxy Pixel 5

Galaxy Pixel 5

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Galaxy Pixel 5”.
Every other flagship, Samsung phone in the past few years comes down to the dis good hold on one. Second, I got ta take this. This John yeah hold on one sec. It’S Google! I don’t want to send us a pixel five early, [ Applause ]. So this obviously isn’t the pixel five, but it should be so this exercise wasn’t to say hey. This is the pixel five, but as an example of what Google needs to do to get the pixel five right, the direction that they should be heading with now their fifth generation of their own hardware, to make it a success that I want it to be, and I think it really could be so we are still like seven or eight months away from the pixel five becoming a real thing, and since I switched to Android, I keep thinking about all the phones that are coming because there’s so many new things that are always Around the corner and the phone that’s been in, my pocket recently has been the Samsung Galaxy S 20 ultra, and I kind of got me thinking. Could this be the framework for what Google’s going to use for the next generation pixel? Could a phone like this be the benchmark for success for the pixels going to be from cameras to cutouts two screens, two processors and RAM? Could this finally be the ultimate Google pixel? So I kind of wanted to see what the s20 ultra would look like if it got pixeled up and I essentially made it a pixel clone all free, no routing required took about ten minutes of my time and I got a device that looks absolutely amazing and Really close to stock Android and if you’ve got your heart set on a pixel fly over one of the samsung galaxy s 20s be sure to subscribe, because we hit 1.7 million subscribers, we’re going to be doing a dream phone giveaway. So if we use the s20 ultra as the basis for the pixel 5 could be there’s a lot of things that you could potentially be excited about, a giant beautiful, high refresh screen. No more, not your chin. We’Ve got a little hole punch of top incredible camera selections when it comes to focal lengths what they can do. Zoom onboard the latest snapdragon 865 processor 8k video you’ve got 5g support for pretty much any carrier in the US.

Galaxy Pixel 5

There’S a lot of awesomeness in that package, so the pixel line is kind of evolved into the phone that most people love to hate and hate to love. The camera and thews iasts swear by it because images you get from the pixel line are really second to none in the mobile world, but for every amazing thing that the pixel can do. There’S a flip side to that coin, where somehow it’s deficient, whether its design or battery life or memory issues or video quality, there’s always something. That’S held the pixel back from being the amazing device that it can be none. This is pixel hate. This is going from place of love. Somebody who used a pixel for excel use the three use the two and use the one and is excited about what the pixel 5 can be, and hopefully it can be my next phone and perhaps your stupid, there’s a lot of fundamental things that Google needs to Fix the next generation of pixel to finally get this right in their fifth try. So ever since Google announced the first pixel, it’s kind of been going at an uphill battle for them before that there was a nexus line and different manufacturers had a chance to make their version of a stock Android phone, the cooling, but the Nexus line was, if You didn’t like one year’s phone the next year, a new manufacturer, have a crack addict, be something totally different from LG to Motorola. Even Samsung’s. Take on Google’s hardware was awesome, you didn’t know what you’re gon na be getting year-over-year and that was kind of fun.

Since the pixel launch, though, you’ve kind of had a sense of what you’re going to be getting an amazing camera experience, stock, Android, frequent updates, but aside from that, you’re gon na get generally considered an uninspired but very utilitarian design, and some people tend to enjoy. Not the best display out there, not the best, video quality out there. There are some things about the pixel line since a very beginning that have been head. Scratchers features that pretty much every flash of Android phone has had at some point in time.

Things like expandable storage, ip68, waterproofing wireless charging, and some of these features have been added over time, but it’s still seems strange at the flagship Google phone, their device will be missing, really key features that competition has always had, and none of this is to say that The pixel is a bad phone, it’s an amazing device, but when Google’s competing at this high of a price point – and the price point seems to keep going up and up each generation, you could get a checklist of all these flagship features from other manufacturers that you’re Just not getting with the pixel, the value for the dollar is so far off. So it’s obvious that the pixel line is Google’s passion projects. Yes, they’ve bought hardware companies, they do make their own hardware, but they are primarily the bread and butter is a software company and they tinker in hardware. So the pixel 5, though I think that needs to be flipped hardware – needs to be the priority here.

Galaxy Pixel 5

Five generations in they’ve had time to learn, evolve and change to make the pixel 5 the home run that I think it needs to be so in my switch to Android, the pixel for excel was a second Android device that I went to after the Galaxy Note. 10.1 inch back of it the way it felt in the hand squeezed for Google now there’s a lot of things to like about the pixel. Obviously, the camera has been amazing, but every amazing thing that pixel has there’s a flip side to that coin. So, luckily, for Google, by the time the pixel 5 comes out, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 fixes a lot of these problems. Past histories, any indication we might even have a 65 plus that’ll bring things like pretty awesome.

Galaxy Pixel 5

8K video and 5g support at the X 55 modem. A lot of things that pixels going to have to have especially is gon na compete in that thousand dollars price point. So all that is kind of my thoughts.

My wishes for the pixel 5 is somebody who’s. A fan of the line but October again is still 7 ish months away. So despite these leaks and rumors coming out, we’re not quite at the pixel point where we get these gray market Russian unboxings that we saw with the pixel 4. So maybe there’s still time.

Maybe there’s still hope, maybe there’s another prototype floating around the Google labs that is going to bring this ultimate pixel experience at perfect combo of hardware and software to the masses. So the things we do know about the pixel 5 or think we know come from my friend and friend of the channel John Prosser from front page tech. We’Ve got a really reliable track record of leaking pixel devices. So here’s what he thinks and what his sources tell him the pixel 5 could look like.

Supposedly this is one of three designs. That’S been floating around Google and I got one thought on this. Look so for the pixel 5 in my mind, to be success. It needs a few things.

First, they have to fix the battery issues. This phone has to easily get through a day. We’Ve got flagged your phones now with 4,000 plus and way up hours, I’d like to see at least a 43 to 45 hundred million power battery odyssey 5g support Universal 5g support, 4 millimeter wave and sub 6 unlock, so it’ll work on any carrier in the u.s. Is 5g like to see that refresh rate go up to 120 Hertz, although the 90 on the pixel for excel, I did think, was very good and if they keep it at 90, I wouldn’t be too disappointed and some of what I’m saying here I recognized contradictory. I started off by comparing this to the galaxy s 20, ultra, depending on what price you’re paying a 14 $ 1500 phone crazy amount of money, then in the same breath say I think the pixel is too expensive. There has to be some variance there.

Google made an amazing line of phones with the pixel three a and three XL. I think, there’s a very strong case to be made that perhaps that should be the level they are competing at. You get really good value for the dollar. With those lines think if Google does want to compete in that, like thousand dollar ish price point, they have to give you a thousand dollars of value beyond just really good camera and software updates.

So all this criticism of the pixel 5 is coming from a genuine place of love. I think there’s so much potential in what Google has and can do that. I want it to be great and I think, with a little bit more love. The pixel 5 could be not only the perfect Android phone, but be the perfect phone for anyone, regardless of what OS you prefer, and I think we may get there with the pixel 5. We’Ve got plenty of time before we finally see it. Maybe Google will see the reaction to John processors leaks and make those changes or use one of the other two concepts they have floating around. We might get, even if it not by name. Finally, the ultra pixel .