iOS 14: iPhone FINALLY copies Android

iOS 14: iPhone FINALLY copies Android

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iOS 14: iPhone FINALLY copies Android”.
Thank you to motion VFX for sponsoring this video. So next up is the SDK. Some amazing products have been announced at WWDC, stop if you’ve already seen this and some questionable ones. [ Applause ] this year, though there’s one feature that I’ve been waiting for double W DC is just wrapping up. They announced a bunch of new things, but perhaps what I’m most excited about this year is software and what’s coming to your phone? Also, if you want to know how he created that awesome, intro using motion, VFX stay tuned to the end of the video mark, it down in your calendar today June, twenty second, twenty twenty – something good actually happened this year, something we’ve wanted for many years. I was fourteen was announced and it brought with it widgets for the home screen.

iOS 14: iPhone FINALLY copies Android

I never thought I’d see the day. I forgot to be the crazy person outside, say it’s gon na come this year and never happened. We finally have widgets for the homescreen, not weird widgets, slide it off to the side but actual widgets on your home screen.

iOS 14: iPhone FINALLY copies Android

You could resize them. You could put them where they want they’re smart they’re adaptable you can get them from the today view. You can get them from the icon, you have them now anywhere you want, and a ton of options will be available. When iOS comes out, you can do calendar, you can do battery and do weather third-party widgets, all of it full-featured now.

iOS 14: iPhone FINALLY copies Android

Finally, with iOS 14 stop opposing something’s new, they created their own widget, called smart sack and I’ll dynamically change. What you’re going to show throughout the day so the morning be able to show you news, then it’ll evolve and show your calendar. Maybe it notices that you’re active and I’ll start showing you all of your activity.

Center it’ll evolve with you throughout the day really nice to have, but finally widgets on iOS. So another big, the missing feature, that’s certainly been on. Other os’s picture-in-picture makes its way to iOS 14 works as you’d. Imagine you watch a video swipe up to go home and that video will come down to the right side of your screen. It doesn’t have to be the dough.

You can move it around. We could pinch to zoom to resize it when you’re on the home screen. Again, you can, if you swipe it off to the side and the audio will keep playing and you can swipe it back home nice to have I’m not a big picture and picture guy. I’D very rarely use it on Android, but if that’s something that you like at least Apple is now giving you options.

This was a surprisingly like self-aware presentation from Apple. They talked about some of the shortcomings with the iOS design, namely the screens and and screens of apps, and I think they sort of touched on a point that you forget what you have on screen. Three and four you kind of get muscle memory, for maybe your homescreen and one over. We tend to forget what else is there? So we create something new called app library and we kind of expect it to see something like an app view or sort of a full list like we saw in previous Windows Phone devices. This is more of a AI way to show all of your apps and they’ll curate them by category into folders. They didn’t talk about if you can serve rename the folders reorganize app, but it will show everything right there I think.

Most importantly, it’s got a search bar at the top, so you can search for all those apps. So if you tend to forget, what’s on page three or four of your homescreen actually hide those pages. Now, when you go to Apple, I breaking the search and those apps will show up there.

An app library will show up as the last page two that you have set up. So if you just keep swiping over eventually you’ll get this so series getting smarter and also getting a makeover now, instead of taking up the entire screen, when you ask it to like launch Safari, you now get a little icon that pops up in the bottom. It doesn’t take over what you’re doing, which is awesome and also when you ask a questions.

It’Ll show you the answers without taking it for whole screens, you’re asked if the weather they’ll just pull the weather up at the top for you doing on device dictation. Now it’s also doing on device translation, so they showed some cool examples of how this can really be a device to speak with people in your in a foreign country or you don’t speak. The language during the phone landscape actually have a conversation with somebody, a different language and they’ll translate. It almost live as you’re going and eye shadow smartly detect.

What language you speak, the language, the other person, speaks and translate that for you as you go and even outside of Siri, that’s actually its own app now called Translate built into iOS 14 right. So messages is clearly coming for, like slack and telegram messages getting way. Smarter this time around, so let’s start with pin messages. You can now pin messages to the top.

So if you message somebody all the time, there’s a thread you like to keep track of that can always be at the top and again Apple being kind of sofa. Where they’re saying sometimes you can’t find thread you want, so they just made it easier to do that so now also we have inline responses. So if you have a group thread – and somebody has a question and then so it follows up something else. You can actually reply to that exact question.

You can actually pull out those inline replies and view them as most their own messages, which is super nice to have as well. Probably when I favorite features of another app that I use telegram is mentions. So if somebody writes your name is considered a mention I’ll get notified that I’m the one that some of these asking questions too. So that is now come any messages as well. So if you’re on a group thread where you get notifications, every 14 seconds from somebody who replies you could have status get notify. Whatever your name is mentioned, I did a bunch of other cool stuff too, with how the groups are displayed and pictures that are shown.

You can now set a default picture for groups and the person who replies. Let’S rope is a little icon up there. That’S stuff aside, momochi got way smarter as well, is now support for mast and face covering different ages.

Are there as well and just more customization options to make emoji look more like Yule facie, so Maps is getting smarter as well, and if you haven’t given an Apple map to shot it’s it’s gotten way better. Since probably the last time you used it it’s now. I think really good and their privacy policy is probably amongst the best in the navigation business.

But there’s now there’s new ways there so they’re cycling options. If you want to write a buy a for there’s evey options if you’re on a route with Evie charging they’re. Just sort of added little things sort of make it more full-featured. I think now more of a direct competitor, almost feature for feature with Google Maps, so carplay also got some predictable updates.

There’S now wallpapers on there to sort of customize it for your car, but other also new, app categories in there for like Evie charging and a few others. But the big one, though, was car key, and this was the one that been rumored for a while. Essentially it uses least initially NFC in your phone, it’s great a key for new cars and it’s launching with the 2021 BMW 5-series. But the thought is more cars will come.

You set a key tap it to the handle using NFC and you can unlock it. Put it in a wireless charger, for example, that authorizes it that you’re good to drive, push the start button and you can go. You can share those keys as well. You can set restricted keys for like teen drivers if you want and then revoke those keys whenever you like, and they show up actually in the wallet as looked like kind of credit cards, so that is not necessarily on iOS 14 features. It’S actually coming to iOS. 13 people can use that right away and they did say down. The roads are probably next year, start taking advantage of the you chip, so you don’t have to actually physically tap the phone to the car, it’ll sort of know that you’re close to the car and authorize it.

We sort of see that already with the current generation Tesla’s Model 3 in the model Y so coming to more cars, it’s pretty awesome. Apps tur also got some updates. Something called app clip. Essentially, that’s a under 10 megabyte sort of snippet of what an app can do. So if you want to you’re in a restaurant, you want to order from them. They don’t have their app installed. You can check out an app clip, it’ll launch really quickly and those clips will show up in the app library and you can download the full app pretty easily it’s just a smaller app snippet to do what you want to do.

Ivenn download the full. You know giant app to do certain things, so you want to rent the scooter, for example, use an app clip. You can do that not having to download the full application and you can choose a download that full app if you want to so that is. I was 14 there’s a bunch of other updates that came today on the software front, TV OS iPad OS watch OS, but I thought iOS was really the big one.

I think that impacts those people. So what is your favorite feature? Something missing that you wanted to be there early on widgets on my home screen. That’S the one I’m most excited about, but again let me know down below there’s a feature that added that you wanted, or one that was missed, just want to know how we created that intro. We use a template from this video sponsor motion of the effects they have hundreds of templates and plugins up to create really awesome.

Visuals super fast and easy make. You look like professional editor, so for this one we downloaded a template called photo exhibition out of the media we needed. Then we just change some colors buns it all together and that’s it that’s all it took. So I don’t learn more about motion of the effects. We’Ll link to them down below .