Apple wants FULL CONTROL

Apple wants FULL CONTROL

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple wants FULL CONTROL”.
This video is sponsored by CleanMyMac ex, so there have been a few Apple moments over the years that have been truly historic, hello. I am Macintosh. The truth is to get out of that bed. Some moments have changed the world for the better and some arguably for the worse courage: the courage to move on do something new that betters all of us.

There are moments we’ll, never forget and some that we practically wish. We could can’t innovate anymore light, but there’s no doubt that when Apple makes a big move, it changes everything and everything is about to change all over again. But to really understand why this is such a big deal, we got to turn back the clock.

Apple wants FULL CONTROL

Mac os10 has been leading a secret double life for the past five years, 15 years ago, Apple made a decision that would change the Mac forever. We are going to begin the transition from the PowerPC to Intel processors. Steve said, the transition to Intel and OS 10 would set Apple up for the next 20 years.

He was right until this happened, we’re announcing that the Mac is transitioning to our own Apple silica, so after years of rumor speculation and will they or won’t they Apple. Finally, announced they’re, beginning of the transition away from Intel to their own custom-made silicon and the implications that decision are pretty far-reaching from developers, consumers, business professionals, hardware, manufacturers. This is going to hit sort of every aspect of that.

This is one of the biggest changes that Apple could have made to their entire business model, so there are obviously benefits or Apple, wouldn’t take this big of a calculated risk, but they’re also some potential drawbacks and problems that could arise for making this transition. So I wanted to dive a little bit into each. Let you guys know kind of what you can expect when Apple finally makes the switch Apple’s a4 chip. This is a chip designed by our own team. They are really good and this is wonderful to have in an iPhone so before we get into the transition and kind of what that’s going to mean for the future of Apple I’ve kind of looked back a little bit on how we got here. This is not a move that was made overnight or planning that happened a few weeks ago is something that’s been planned for the better part of ten years. It’S a get Apple to this point, so I think really, the origin for this transition goes back 13 years ago, and it’s a lot of Apple in modern history tends to go. Goes back to that launch of the original iPhone in 2007.

It was a new device to do new things. Apple always exerted a lot of control over their hardware, but with the first few generations of iPhone. So at the og 2g phone 3G 3GS Apple was giving more control to outside manufacturers, especially when it came to the brains of that device. We got to the iPhone for the sewer apples started to really flex their muscles and announce to the public that they were involved in the creation of this new, a series of chips which is going to be powering their future high devices moving forward each year. The chips got better and more powerful, as you’d expect: a4. A5. All the way up to a 13, where we are right now and Apple sort of took that a series of chips out of the iPhones and them into other products. So they’re now in iPads, they’re in Apple TV’s, a version of them are even in air pods. Every generation, like every manufacturer Apple, learned more what they could do with their own silicon. We also started to see Apple, develop these coprocessors.

Apple wants FULL CONTROL

This t line of chips that made its way into the Macs in 2016, so the L B’s comparison has been the a series of chips versus whatever Qualcomm is winter Snapdragon. It’S the iOS versus Android debate, but it’s been kind of widely known that in recent years the iPad pros were more powerful, at least theoretically than a lot of you know, MacBook Pros that were priced two and three times as high, and that was her a hard Thing to wrap his head around. How could something this small without fans be more powerful and one of the most powerful laptops in the market so now, in 2020, we finally got the answer to that Apple has been planning for years to move their silicon. Essentially, out of the iPhone out of the iPads and tradition it over to their Mac line, so we obviously know now that this is happening. But it begs the questions to why. Why is Apple suffering a 15 year relationship with Intel to move their own processors into their max? It’S been a good deal with Intel. They’Ve sold a lot of Mac’s over the years and the answer isn’t just one answer: it’s a bit more complicated. So, let’s start with the consumer side, you and me who might look to buy these new Macs. There are three big benefits that we can look for, so its power, its battery efficiency and its apps. So look at a gaming laptop right.

You’Ve got a huge beefy processor. You got a really big GPU. Maybe you’ve got a really high resolution. High refresh screen crazy, powerful, but you know buying that you’ll be making a sacrifice on battery life when you want to go portable. That’S just been the reality of these powerful computers.

Apple is looking to change that paradigm. To give you those benefits of a traditional gaming computer while also having the power efficiency of an iPad. So battery life is one area where I’m most excited about this transition.

So take a look at the current generation, MacBook Air really good and now a powerful computer and get a theoretical max of about 11 hours of battery life with this arm transition. I don’t think it’s far-fetched to even expect perhaps double the battery life that we currently have, while also adding more power, so you’re, looking at a laptop that could last up to 24 hours. It’S obviously the lot of questions. We don’t know what the SKUs are going to be.

Apple wants FULL CONTROL

What the different version computers are going to come out is the MacBook gon na come back, but what’s exciting is that we could see everything. Take a big step forward in power could see the MacBook Air Line. Be as powerful as the 13-inch MacBook Pro and see the 13-inch MacBook Pro achieve the power of the 15 or 16 inch MacBook Pro, and then that’s 16 into tooth power that we haven’t seen before from Macs everything taking a step forward from theoretically what it can Do is awesome. We look no farther than what the iPad pro can do start to get a sense of what Apple is going to be able to do once they regain full control over the hardware. What’S also exciting is a unified architecture now between the iPad and iPhone and what’s going to be the Mac hardware, so we saw with Big Sur, we’ll have iOS apps and iPad apps being able to run on the desktop. That’S awesome, but it also goes the other way. Apple first party, apps and other third party apps to get written for the ARM architecture can work on the iPad. So pro apps we’re talking motion Final Cut Pro all those awesome things could theoretically come to the iPad.

Very easily – and that also begs a next logical question – is like what’s preventing Apple from just letting the iPad run. The current version of Mac OS mac, OS xi, big sur now, would seem it’s probably a RAM issue, but the big ones – probably Apple, just wants to have two separate, very distinct product lines. But theoretically the iPad pro can, I think, probably should be able to run Mac OS. So let me take a quick break here and whatever Apple does on the hardware side, we know the operating system on their computers is going to be OS 11 fixer and while it is nice and new new release, especially this large tend to have a lot of Vulnerabilities in them, something like CleanMyMac X, is a utility that fixes those holes and takes that vulnerability in the risk that you have is a consumer and a user kind of out of the equation.

So if you don’t know CleanMyMac X is an all-in-one optimizing and cleaning software for your well, obviously, for your Mac, probably the most popular feature will clean. My Mac X, perhaps best known for, is called smart scan. It examines your system for system, log files and user cache that’s no longer necessary. The smart scan also does a quick malware check to make sure things are optimizing and running. It also makes things really easy for deleting apps. You can actually delete the app and it’ll. Also delete the files associated with it, so I’ve been talking about CleanMyMac X for a while. It’S a really good piece of software.

You want to check it out, link to it down below for shares of Apple the stock getting yet another all-time high today on news that could be a major game. Changer in the chip world, so listen Apple is a public company means they are beholden to their shareholders. I see the comments all the time of Apple’s greedy they’re trying to steal money, but that is literally.

The job of a public company is to make as much money as they can and if there are two things, Apple loves its money and control, and this transition gives them more of both. So as Apple’s brought more and more of their components, in-house for mobile and for desktop and the laptops ID the processor, the brain is was a really big checkbox. It had yet to be addressed, and this is sort of the natural transition to that and with Apple now, buying panels from Samsung and buying displays from LG and buying RAM from Samsung and other manufacturers. I would imagine that the days of buying those things from third parties and then tweaking them are going to be over soon. I wouldn’t be surprised.

The Apple either make an acquisition or start hearing rumors of Apple made displays and Apple made SSDs. I imagine that’s going to come a lot sooner and a lot of people think so. This transition means apples are no longer beholden to Intel, so no longer beholden to their launch windows. Their time for means, when you processors come out the availability of these new process, whether or not they be compatible with IMAX or MacBook Pros or if the supply chain has constraint on it. All of those things are completely taken out. Those variables that are out of apples control they now have their hands firmly around, but a less cynical approach.

This now lets Apple make products they couldn’t make before so think back to transition away from PowerPC to Intel a few years after that transition, we saw the MacBook Air make its debut. That was a computer that would not have been possible with the PowerPC architecture, but they could, with what Intel is doing, will see the MacBook Air of this transition, probably in a few years, maybe will be the form of a redesigned, rethought, MacBook or maybe a brand New product altogether, but Apple now has the ability to create something new that they just didn’t have before. For the general consumer, your end user experience shouldn’t be really any different. What you’ve got right now Apple is working really hard to make sure that all the Intel apps that you’re using will work.

They introduced Rosetta, for example, which was an emulation that they used back to the PowerPC to Intel days. Sort of make the same thing happen here, so any Intel, apps and kind of be emulated to work on the new ARM. Architecture and Apple is giving developers. Now year heads up, sir I’ve get their apps ready to make that switch.

Now, it’s not to say it’s going to be a perfect transition. Chances are things will still not work. So if there’s a plug-in, perhaps for a third party, applications may be a bit older hasn’t been updated in a while. You might want to check it when you make that switch to see if things are going to actually function, but if you rely on mostly Apple first party apps or regularly updated third party app to big developers, genetic problem so I’d. Imagine it’s not gon na be smooth sailing ahead, as Apple makes this transition, but apples at their best when they have the freedom to innovate and try new things and they’re, not always successful for every iPad. Pro we’ve got a trashcan Mac, but Apple now, controlling processor inside of their computers gives them that freedom again to try something new and whatever comes next, I’m here for it.
