Your next camera! – Insta360 ONE R

Your next camera! - Insta360 ONE R

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Your next camera! – Insta360 ONE R”.
Thanks to insta 360 for sponsoring this video, there are a ton of different types of action cameras. We probably all use them used a 360 one or maybe you’ve got one on your helmet, but there’s been a catch. If you wanted a 360 action camera, you just bought a camera that all it did was 360 action. You bought a fixed lens one. All it did was that, but that was all that camera was ever going to be until now.

This is the insta 360. One are the six advantage of one of the cool promises. I think of really the past couple years and that’s modularity you’ve seen modularity promised, but never come to fruition and phones, for example, but this is an actual product that you can buy, that use a totally modular design, and by that I mean modular battery modular camera. All that kind of stuff can be easily swapped out so 360 mod.

You can add that, on you want a 5.3 K like a mod. If you got that on, you want a 4k mod. You can add that to you can flip the screen around to suit your needs bigger battery, while all still retaining 5 meters of waterproofing. Just as is everything expect from action. Camera is here, but with flexibility that we’ve never seen in this space, it’s usually reserved for things like red cameras, but now you’ve got it it’s something that can fit in the palm of your hands. So the name of the companies in statistics you figure 360 – is is in their DNA and it is so. The 1r is a follow-up to the 1x.

That was a pretty widely popular camera and they sort of took all of that knowledge and improved on it. But weird, I think the 360 option is really cool with the dual lens 360 mod is that you have infinite shots that you can get. So we were filming some car videos, for example, and I could just hold this thing out the window and I could always, after the fact pick the perfect shot at something.

That’S really helpful to have as a tool for a creator. I don’t have to worry about. Framing I really just hold this thing out.

Your next camera! - Insta360 ONE R

I know that after the fact that can go back and find that perfect shot yeah, you can do 360 if you want to upload 360 videos, but the flexibility of the dual lens 460 mod is really awesome. When 360 came out, the quality was really bad. It was a little res image.

I got kind of stretched spherically, nothing looked good at all with it, but that’s been improved on so you’ve got a really high quality sensor playing high quality image. So other night you decide to use the full sphere of image or just sort of pick a particular frame and roll with that anything you’re gon na pick from this is going to look good. It also has instant 360’s flow state stabilization, which is really good. I mean it almost looks for a lot of things like you’ve got a gimbal and another cool trick that the dual lens 360 mod has is actually it’ll, make a selfie stick kind of invisible if you’re holding it out.

So it looks like you have a drone following you: it’s really cool to actually see in practice and just sort of another really awesome thing that you get with the camera. So there’s a lot of cool things I think about shooting in 360, but as a creator, one of the most awesome things that I get is the flexibility. So if I go out on a shoot and I have a shot framed out – that’s the only shot. I’M gon na get and I can grade it and make it look as awesome as that shot can be.

Your next camera! - Insta360 ONE R

But if I realize later that I missed something, there was an angle that I wanted to get. I can’t go back and sort of make that footage show up with 360. You sort of have the option to do that. You can go back and pick something from a different angle. You could change shots. You have more motion options. You just have more flexibility with the data that you just don’t have on a regular sort of fix lens setup, and the insta 360 gives you, I think, the most control over the end image. So you can adjust each video setting totally manually if you want to get into granular settings, you’ve even shoot up to a hundred frames per second in 360.

So that’s something that you normally can’t do 360 cameras, but here you can so as versatile as 360. Is there are times, though, when you want a higher quality sensor for those fixed image, shots and you’ve got that option here. So the 4k wide-angle sensor is cool for a lot of things. I think vlogging setup, it’s probably the first one that is really useful so because it’s modular, you can flip the display around and actually see yourself. Also, the mics that are built into this thing are actually pretty high quality and they have noise reduction technology, but you can also use like an external mic or even wireless record through your ear pods using that mic, which is really awesome.

That’S flexibility that you really don’t get with any other action camera. You could scale down the frames per second to. If you don’t want 60, he can go to 30 or 24. If you got a lot of versatility with what it can do and because it’s wide-angle you’re getting a lot of things in your shop, but perhaps one of the coolest things is the flow state stabilization now I know a lot of people use action, cameras or portable Cameras with gimbals sort of get that sort of really stable shot, as maybe you move around this flow state stabilization in the camera, looks like gimble level quality. So here’s me just walking around moving it around and it looks like it is on a gimbal. So here is it on and here’s what turned off and you can see the difference, and this all happens on the camera. The 4k wide-angle is nice, but there are times if you want to go up even more and you’ve got a one inch like Ahmad, using a one-inch sensor, sort of step up the quality to 5.3 K – and this looks absolutely amazing, so use cases. If you want to shoot in low light, it’s a bigger sensor, the fact that you’re getting a one-inch sensor on an action cam is crazy, and this also has all the features of the 4k ultra wide like the flow state. Stabilization can still flip the display around either way, but it becomes a lot more versatile if those times – and you want the extra high quality images you have that option, that’s something that’s really unparalleled in the action camera space.

Getting all the footage is one thing I think another area where insta 360 really excels is in the app, but you know to manipulate that footage after the fact to make sure you got the shot or to frame up that shot that you want, it’s really cool. It’S also just gives you a peace of mind to know that, no matter what you’re, always gon na be able to get the shot that you need now you can do it all from your phone. Is extra awesome, so you’ve got the insta 360 one or app that can sort of do the heavy lifting for you.

Your next camera! - Insta360 ONE R

It’Ll work on your phone, so iOS or Android there’s a desktop plug-in even for Premiere Pro and there’s even an app for your Apple watch. So whatever platform you’re on you can use this, where a lot of the heavy lifting comes into play, the app does a lot of cool things, but I think probably the neatest and most useful thing – that’s in there is a bit of tech called shot lab. So it takes all the potential trouble you have with kind of manually, framing your shots and just straight up.

Does it for you there’s a list of complex shots that are completely automated for you and give you some really awesome. End results Auto time shift to automatically time shift your clips and give you kind of a really cool time-lapse effect. There’S a dolly zoom that can give you the vertigo effect, which is super fun and stop-motion makes it look like you’re, floating or moonwalking along a path and perhaps coolest bullet-time mix. You can get kind of a selfie stick attachment! That’S got a right angle on it.

You can spin the thing around and it creates kind of that matrix style bullet time effect, which is really fun, and it’s all happening right on the app unless you’re working with the Wachowskis things like bullet time are only available with 360 cameras shot web can even Teach you how to shoot the footage yourself if you want to get the best result, so you can look like you’ve, got a crew without needing to have a crew. There’S a lot of really powerful features built inside of the app that kind of makes the camera even better. So the apps got some pretty cool AI things in it as well. It’S got a feature called deep track, which was been immensely useful, so you’re out in the field shooting a bunch of stuff. You can just select and it’ll pull all of those shots out and do all the tracking for you so not serve manually, move it around, which you can do if you want, but I’ll. Let AI do it for you being able to sort of actually see that on your phone and move around and make sure you got those shots that you want is incredibly helpful and previously, with 360 cameras, you had to just hope that you got what you needed And then you took it home now, you can actually see it when you’re out in the field actually make sure that what you’ve got is exactly what you need. The whole action camera genre got really good, really fast and then kind of just stagnated and went flat. We haven’t seen heard that next step in innovation really until the insta 361 R. So if you’re interested in picking up the insta 361 or are you can get the twin edition? So that’s a 360 and 4k 479 bucks, which is a really good deal considering you’re. Essentially, getting two cameras in one also we’ll link to it down below insta 360 is going to give you a free, invisible selfie, stick with your purchase and if you want to compare this to sort of the big behemoth GoPro to get even close to this functionality. So, to get the 360 in the 4k, you got ta, buy two separate cameras and even then you can’t flip the display around, but that’s gon na run you about nine hundred dollars. So for you know essentially half of the price.

You are getting a camera system. That’S infinitely more versatile and for a camera and action camera it supposed to give you ultimate versatility and portability. It’S awesome to have camera setup and sort of tools that sort of live up to that promise. Whatever I want to do, however, I want to shoot. There’S a mod that’s going to work for me and I love that the cameras working for me instead of me changing what I have to do to work for the camera. .