iPhone 12 Pro Max 1 Year Later Review

iPhone 12 Pro Max 1 Year Later Review

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone 12 Pro Max 1 Year Later Review”.
Thanks it keeps sponsoring a portion of this video. It seems absolutely crazy to say even out loud that phones that cost over a thousand dollars have like a manufacturer shelf life of a year, despite being very, very, very good for many years, but the phone that’s been in my pocket more than anything else. The past 12 months, the iphone 12 pro max, is about to become outdated, as we are at this point, probably like a month say six weeks away from the iphone 13’s release and sort of bring the iphone 12 pro max coverage to an end. I have to kind of reflect on the past year, so for the first half of this phone’s life um, i wasn’t going out anywhere. My butt was on the couch and instead of taking pictures of football games, i was taking pictures of my backyard and my kids running around um. I was just at home all the time on wi-fi, but lately my butt’s been going to places a little bit more and gradually so using the phone has kind of gotten slightly more back to normal, so i’ve used the 12 pro max differently than i have used. Any other phone in my phone history and during that time i’ve noticed good and bad with it. So one of the only things that differentiates between like this iphone 12 pro max and the smaller pro. Obviously besides the size is a camera system and we’ve seen apple. Go this route in the past with the mac, slash plus phones, getting slightly different camera setups uh, iphone 7 plus, for example, got telephoto, while the regular did not uh, but this year 12.

Pro max has some few tricks up its sleeves, a very different camera system. Compared to the regular 12 pro, so the main camera sensor is bigger and it has sensor shift tech. The telephoto now sit down, for this is an amazing 2.5 times space zoom compared to the regular two time zoom.

iPhone 12 Pro Max 1 Year Later Review

That was on the iphone 12 pro um. You’Ve got lidar, which uh maybe is working great, but maybe it’s not. I don’t know i never really used it.

iPhone 12 Pro Max 1 Year Later Review

I never had a need to map my dining room uh. If i needed to it. Was there but kind of jokes and sarcasm aside the phone and the camera system? Uh are packing a lot, so that would probably lead you to believe that this camera is leaps and bounds better than what you’re getting in the 12 pro. And while the camera is great and not a stretch, say it’s, the best camera apple has ever made because duh it’s the most new camera system, apple’s ever made. The quality is hard to quantify and the difference is hard to quantify, especially in a day-to-day use.

iPhone 12 Pro Max 1 Year Later Review

If you remember way back to the end of 2020 uh, when we first got all the iphone 12s, i did a headset comparison and the differences between the 12 pro and 12 pro max were subtle. Low light on the max was slightly better stabilization with the new sensor shift. Tech was arguably better, but you take it away from like that head to head looking at both the exact same time and just start using it like every other phone. Those differences really faded into the background.

What you are left with on a daily basis is a really consistent experience, so one area that is appreciated, at least for me, and maybe for you, if you care about sort of editing photos, is the pro raw feature. Now i can’t see a reason: this wouldn’t be included on every iphone 12 model, because clearly the hardware and the software is there, but the very least it kind of is differentiating. It makes it a a pro feature and if you really care about editing photos a lot, you can use it. So with this feature, you can really push the photos that you take.

We also get a really great photo like starting out. So if you don’t want to edit them and sort of get really granular, you don’t have to the rock capability has been on phones for years. Obviously, but the smarts of this, i think, has made it a lot used more useful, it’s more useful for me. Uh video on the iphone – this is sit down.

It’S crazy. I mean it’s still really good. Uh now supports hdr recording and while i never needed it at all, uh it’s nice that it’s here, it’s nice to have those on the off chance that maybe i want to do some hardcore hdr stuff, but for me mainly iphone. Video has really come in handy for creating these videos.

It’S been a ton of times when i’ve actually interlaced clips from the iphone 12 pro with our studio camera, and it’s done very, very well. People don’t even notice, but early on in the iphone 12 pros life. When we were pandemicy, i used this as my regular camera for a lot, and it performed very, very well, but again really well was sort of the theme of overall camera experience and much like the rest of this phone. This is exactly what you’d expect from an iphone it performed exceptionally well over the year, but then again so do all the other iphone models.

Yeah it’s the best bunch, but in like the back of my mind, i was still hoping for more of a difference from the big daddy pro max so before i keep going with the iphone 12 pro max. Let me take a minute to thank this. Video’S sponsor keeps two out of three men: will experience some form of hair loss by the time they are 35. So it’s something that a lot of men need and a lot of men can use, but aren’t sort of something they always want to talk about and keeps is one of the most easy, affordable solutions to help prevent it and sort of minimize your hair loss.

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I did have some reservations about durability. You know hard corners tend to lead sort of more stress points, but that hasn’t really been an issue. Uh stainless steel band on mine is scratched, but kind of on my phone tend to get scratch on the bands. So i don’t know if i would have cracked my screen had it not been the ceramic shield.

Maybe you, cracked, your phone in ceramic shoes, you dropped it differently, but i’ve been shocked. My phone should have cracked many many times and i should have put a case on it, but again, like you’re, pretty look, i’m just gon na it’s good! There’S no snow! You can’t see you can see it got ta according to zoom. In on this. Look at that you can see, as i turn it, there are no scratches slight stuff on the sides and a little bit of wear and tear, but no scratches at all on the the cameras on the back and overall.

If i get this phone, like a 100 being a brand new and one being like it is a busted cracked mess, i got run over by a truck and then a spaceship landing on it. I think i’m at like a solid like 87, like really good for using this phone for pretty much a year, so from my experience, pretty durable, so underneath that sort of that ceramic coating is a display. You probably know what i’m gon na say here before i get there um.

There is no doubt this oled panel is a really good. Looking display, it’s allegedly made by samsung. They make great displays apple. Does an awesome job, they’re, color science you’d expect it to be good. It gets really bright, supports hdr content, really good oled contrast. All that stuff is like the barrier for entry for a phone that costs this much, but the top-end iphone in 2021, i’m gon na say it again. There is no reason this should not have a high refresh rate display if any of the iphones should have it. It should be the big daddy at the very least, the 12 pro max, so the lack of high refresh rate or pro motion on the flip side of that the phone does have some really nice new features. Uh 5g came around this year, but a huge buzzword right: every phone’s 5g.

This is the 5g version of that phone, but the fact that apple included this early, what’s surprising, can say anything about apple. They generally wait, things out, see a new tech shakes up and then eventually uh jump in so the fact that they got into the 5g game this early, i think for a lot of people was a big surprise. 5G has been awesome when i do see the ultra wide band logo show up, but i can do screenshots to show how fast the download is, because it is very fast, but for the most part, 5g has been a novelty for me. Speeds are nominally faster than i had with lte, sometimes not even faster um. I get that, theoretically, the speeds can get improved. They can have much there’s much more headroom than with lte. I know all of it. Networks can get better in a few years.

It’S going to be even faster. I know that i can appreciate it. I get there has to be a first gen 5g phone. I just know, there’s no difference. I would have been totally fine having a really good lte phone with a solid lte modem and having a high refresh rate. Maybe your experience with 5g is different.

Maybe it’s blazing fast. You couldn’t imagine not having it uh, but from my standpoint here in southern california. It’S been like um, i mean it’s cool to see a 5g logo there, but it hasn’t done anything for me or made my phone experience better than anything else. So another thing that 5g kind of got me thinking about a lot uh, as i used this phone. A lot uh was battery life. That was really the main reason that i went for the 12 pro max, and the max phone in general is just the most milliamp hours this year, though the milliamp hour is actually smaller than the previous version, and the inclusion of 5g has made battery life, not As impressive as i would have hoped – and i know i can tweak things – i can turn off 5g and i can change different display settings but just using the phone. I want the battery life to be awesome. Um, it’s not to say it’s not a full day phone generally.

Take the phone off the charger. Let’S say, like 6 30 puts it on at like 10 p.m. I used to get like 20 now, i’m at like 10 to 15., not horrible, still a one day, phone uh, but not a day and a half the two-day phone like i had had hoped that it would be. Maybe that’s why they released sort of the magsafe case and speaking um of that magdev case. I just released magsafe in general was new for the iphone 12 line and i found it way more useful than i thought i was going to mostly for the wallet cases. Uh that has been awesome. I’Ve used apple first party, i’ve used third-party wallet cases, i don’t use them every day, but when i want to have them, it’s very cool to have it stuck to the back of my phone. If something doesn’t fall off, magnets are not strong enough.

Uh, in my opinion, on the iphone 12 line looks to be improved with the 13, but it is really handy to have. You can start to see the future of what magsafe is going to be. The iphone 12 pro max is clearly the best iphone apple has ever made. Obviously i don’t recommend going out and buying it now, the 13s. You know like a month away, but i would say wait say: there’s a discount on the iphone 12 pro, if maybe the 13 doesn’t get that killer feature that you want what you’ll get from the 12 pro max is a really good phone, maybe not the greatest Phone in the history of phones, you’re going to get a really good phone. It’S going to perform well.

Take really good pictures, have a solid display and do everything that you wanted to do. Assuming what you want does involve a higher refresh rate and amazing battery .