Fix Your Bad Passwords with 1Password

Fix Your Bad Passwords with 1Password

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Fix Your Bad Passwords with 1Password”.
This video is sponsored by one password, so everything we do online has like a little barrier in front of it, something that you always have to remember. It’S either a password, an address, a login payment info, whatever at some point, you’re gon na have to input something that you don’t have at the top of your mind. On the other hand, there are always pretty nefarious bad people trying to access that information. It’S a constant like cat and mouse game.

So what are you gon na do about it and before i tell you what i think you should do about at least what i do about it. We’Ve been doing this now for about a month we’re gon na, keep it going it’s the season of giving, where we kind of give back to you guys to thank you for watching the channel for support over the years for generally being awesome uh. This time we are giving away one 500 american express gift card to anybody in the world.

Leave a comment down below about what you would do with one password be sure to leave your social handle, though in the comments, so we can pick a winner. All the description information stuff will be uh down below this time, though one password is joining us as well. I’M gon na give away two 500 american express gift cards to two separate people. I probably talked about one password for years, so this first is generally the one app i install on any phone any device before i start doing anything else.

Fix Your Bad Passwords with 1Password

One password is really the first thing that i always go to install. It’S also one of the apps that i happily pay for every month: kind of rank it up there with amazon, prime of things that i don’t mind paying for something that i put my own money behind and i have been doing it uh for years, because i Trust it and it’s reliable, so it’s kind of the one-stop shop to make everything you are doing online safer and easier, and you should probably be using it too. So chances are you’ve, probably already heard of one password before most people know them because they’re the best at what they do at its core. It’S a way to save all of your sensitive information, not just passwords, so that’s easy to access and secure whenever you need it and the main thing it helps with password management, but it does way more, which is why i’ve kind of always gravitated towards it um. So the password side makes sense it’s in the name after all, and it’s really been kind of the bread and butter of the service. It’S a place where you can save all your passwords for all the websites that you use, so you’ve got them in one place. I think, pretty importantly, it’s also encrypted, so it is all completely safe. Now the real reason to do that uh is for security and you’re, probably asking yourself like i do often, if all my passwords are in one place, ain’t that less secure um.

Fix Your Bad Passwords with 1Password

The answer is actually no, since you don’t have to remember all those passwords you can make them crazy, complicated or like i do have one password just generate them for you, i’m talking really long numbers letters, symbols, phrases. That is how you make a secure password. So you pretty much need a quantum computer to hack those things i think. Best of all, you only have to remember one password, one really really really good password that you set to access the library of passwords and documents that you have created the other things it can do.

Fix Your Bad Passwords with 1Password

Um. It’S called one password watchtower, it’s gon na alert you with any security issues that might pop up like password leaks and data breaches. Uh, and these things happen pretty regularly. We just saw it happen with like robinhood, for example, you’d be given a heads up, but hey data leak happened here.

You may want to consider changing your passwords. You can get ahead of a lot of those issues that could happen down the road and just ultimately save you headache, there’s report for built in. So if i want to shop online and keep it a bit safer, i could auto generate a credit card for exactly what i’m doing. It’S an extra layer of security and it’s awesome.

I honestly use one password, probably 10, to 15 times a day for anything that i’m logging in to doing that’s my go-to app it’s in the middle of my dock on my macbook pro it’s on my home screen on my iphone. It’S on my home screen my android devices. That’S how often i’m using it uh something new to one password too, is called fast mail integration.

That’S gon na actually mask your personal email, we’ve seen sort of apple do something similar like this built into ios 15. This is now inside of one password, so it works really well across any operating system. So you don’t have to be just on ios gains access to your phone who all you’re abroad or wherever you are, they won’t get access to all of your information.

I had a chance to actually talk with one password themselves and they wanted me to share the sort of their desire to educate and push forward security, knowledge and all those things which i think really generally show in their products. So from supporting open source projects. To launching one pastor university, which teaches about security for sort of anyone who is interested one password they’ve got a clear mission and the app is one part of that solution. It works perfectly, it does what it says it’s going to do, and it does it really really. Well, if you want to learn more about one password pricing, all that kind of stuff will link to it all down below .